#!/usr/bin/env zsh autoload colors colors for COLOR in RED GREEN YELLOW BLUE MAGENTA CYAN BLACK WHITE; do eval $COLOR='$fg_no_bold[${(L)COLOR}]' eval BOLD_$COLOR='$fg_bold[${(L)COLOR}]' done eval RESET='$reset_color' latestThread=0 relaunchCompilation() { while read line; do if (( $( print -- $line | grep '.cabal-sandbox' | wc -l) == 0 )); then (($latestThread>0)) && \ (( $(ps x | awk "\$1 == $latestThread" | wc -l)>0 )) && { print -- "\n${RED}STOPPED${RESET}" kill $latestThread } print "${BLUE}$line${RESET}" { cabal install && \ ./.cabal-sandbox/bin/test-holy-project } & latestThread=$! fi done } case $(uname) in Darwin) # On mac OS X, use hobbes (cabal install hobbes) # launch a cabal install and cabal test after each # small haskell file modification {hobbes "*.hs" | relaunchCompilation } & hobbes "*.cabal" | relaunchCompilation ;; *) # On other Unixes tmp=$(date +"%s") t=$tmp while true; do tmp=$(( $t - 1 )) t=$(date +"%s") for fic in {src,test}/**/*.hs(.) *.cabal; do # note to use on OS X, use "stat -f %m $checkfile" instead modtime=$(stat --printf %Y $fic) (( $modtime > $tmp )) && print $fic done sleep 1 done | relaunchCompilation ;; esac