hlint pass

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2013-12-04 00:12:39 +01:00
parent d021b69ffc
commit aaebeecce1
6 changed files with 36 additions and 34 deletions

View file

@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ import Control.Concurrent
-- Get external file of package
import Paths_holy_project
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Monad (void)
-- | Record containing all information to initialize a project
data Project = Project {
projectName :: String
@ -73,9 +76,8 @@ holyStarter = do
(name,email) <- getNameAndMailFromGitConfig
earlyhint <- newEmptyMVar
maybe (putMVar earlyhint Nothing) -- if no email found put Nothing
(\hintmail -> do -- in the other case ask the github API
forkIO (putMVar earlyhint =<< searchGHUser hintmail)
>> return ())
(\hintmail -> -- in the other case ask the github API
void (forkIO (putMVar earlyhint =<< searchGHUser hintmail)))
project <- ask "project name" Nothing
ioassert (checkProjectName project)
@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ holyStarter = do
modulename = capitalize project
in_author <- ask "name" name
in_email <- ask "email" email
ghUserHint <- if (maybe "" id email) /= in_email
ghUserHint <- if fromMaybe "" email /= in_email
then searchGHUser in_email
else takeMVar earlyhint
in_ghaccount <- ask "github account" ghUserHint
@ -97,7 +99,8 @@ holyStarter = do
-- | Simply return the current year as String
getCurrentYear :: IO String
getCurrentYear = do
(current_year,_,_) <- getCurrentTime >>= return . toGregorian . utctDay
-- (current_year,_,_) <- getCurrentTime >>= return . toGregorian . utctDay
(current_year,_,_) <- fmap (toGregorian . utctDay) getCurrentTime
return (show current_year)
-- | Show an introduction test
@ -142,7 +145,7 @@ createProject p = do
let context = mkGenericContext p
-- Check if the directory doesn't already exists
dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist (projectName p)
ioassert (not dirExists) ((projectName p) ++ " directory already exists")
ioassert (not dirExists) (projectName p ++ " directory already exists")
-- Create the directory and go into it
createDirectory (projectName p)
setCurrentDirectory (projectName p)
@ -164,25 +167,25 @@ createProject p = do
, "interact"
, ( "project.cabal"
, (projectName p) ++ ".cabal"
, projectName p ++ ".cabal"
, ( "src/Main.hs"
, "src" </> "Main.hs"
, ( "src/ModuleName.hs"
, "src" </> ((moduleName p)++".hs")
, "src" </> (moduleName p++".hs")
, ( "src/ModuleName/Coconut.hs"
, "src" </> (moduleName p) </> "Coconut.hs"
, "src" </> moduleName p </> "Coconut.hs"
, ( "src/ModuleName/Swallow.hs"
, "src" </> (moduleName p) </> "Swallow.hs"
, "src" </> moduleName p </> "Swallow.hs"
, ( "test/ModuleName/Coconut/Test.hs"
, "test" </> (moduleName p) </> "Coconut" </> "Test.hs"
, "test" </> moduleName p </> "Coconut" </> "Test.hs"
, ( "test/ModuleName/Swallow/Test.hs"
, "test" </> (moduleName p) </> "Swallow" </> "Test.hs"
, "test" </> moduleName p </> "Swallow" </> "Test.hs"
, ( "test/Test.hs"
, "test" </> "Test.hs"
@ -195,5 +198,5 @@ createProject p = do
_ <- system "cabal sandbox init"
_ <- system "cabal install"
_ <- system "cabal test"
_ <- system $ "./.cabal-sandbox/bin/test-" ++ (projectName p)
_ <- system $ "./.cabal-sandbox/bin/test-" ++ projectName p
return ()

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ safeReadGitConfig = do
home <- getEnv "HOME"
LZ.readFile $ home ++ "/.gitconfig" )
return $ either (const (LZ.empty)) id e
return $ either (const LZ.empty) id e
-- | Returns the name and email from the content of a .gitconfig file
-- almost equivalent to the two zsh lines:
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ firstJust l = case dropWhile (==Nothing) l of
getValueForKey :: String -- key
-> [LZ.ByteString] -- line of words
-> Maybe String -- the value if found
getValueForKey el (n:e:xs) = if (n == (LZ.pack el)) && (e == (LZ.pack "="))
getValueForKey el (n:e:xs) = if (n == LZ.pack el) && (e == LZ.pack "=")
then Just (LZ.unpack (LZ.unwords xs))
else Nothing
getValueForKey _ _ = Nothing

View file

@ -11,16 +11,14 @@ import Control.Lens.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encode (fromValue)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TLZ
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
-- | make a simple http request but add a user agent to the HTTP header
simpleHTTPWithUserAgent :: String -> IO LZ.ByteString
simpleHTTPWithUserAgent url = do
r <- parseUrl url
let request = r { requestHeaders = [ ("User-Agent","HTTP-Conduit") ] }
body <- withManager $ \manager -> do
response <- httpLbs request manager
return $ responseBody response
return body
withManager $ (return.responseBody) <=< httpLbs request
-- | Ask the github API
-- A strange behaviour you HAVE TO add a User-Agent in your header.
@ -30,7 +28,7 @@ searchGHUser "" = return Nothing
searchGHUser email = do
let url = "https://api.github.com/search/users?q=" ++ email
body <- simpleHTTPWithUserAgent url
login <- return $ body ^? key "items" . nth 0 . key "login"
let login = body ^? key "items" . nth 0 . key "login"
return $ fmap jsonValueToString login
jsonValueToString = TLZ.unpack . TLB.toLazyText . fromValue

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ where
-- Console read write with colors
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust,isJust)
-- | bridgekeeper speak
bk :: String -> IO ()
@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ ask :: String -- ^ What? "name" for example
-> IO String
ask info hint = do
bk $ "What is your " ++ info ++ "?" ++
(maybe "" (\h -> " ("++h++")") hint)
maybe "" (\h -> " ("++h++")") hint
putStr "> "
hFlush stdout
answer <- getLine
putStrLn ""
return $ if (answer == "") && (hint /= Nothing)
return $ if (answer == "") && isJust hint
then fromJust hint
else answer

View file

@ -6,23 +6,23 @@ module HolyProject.StringUtils
-- Project name manipulation
import Data.Char (toUpper,toLower,isLetter,isNumber)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.Split (splitOneOf)
-- | transform a chain like "Holy project" in "holy-project"
projectNameFromString :: String -> String
projectNameFromString str = concat $ intersperse "-" (splitOneOf " -" (map toLower str))
projectNameFromString str = intercalate "-" (splitOneOf " -" (map toLower str))
-- | transform a chain like "Holy project" in "HolyProject"
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize str = concat (map capitalizeWord (splitOneOf " -" str))
capitalize str = concatMap capitalizeWord (splitOneOf " -" str)
capitalizeWord :: String -> String
capitalizeWord (x:xs) = (toUpper x):map toLower xs
capitalizeWord (x:xs) = toUpper x:map toLower xs
capitalizeWord _ = []
-- | verify if a project name is conform
checkProjectName :: String -> Bool
checkProjectName [] = False
checkProjectName str = all (\c -> (isLetter c)||(isNumber c)||(c=='-')||(c==' ')) str
checkProjectName str = all (\c -> isLetter c || isNumber c || c=='-' || c==' ' ) str

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module HolyProject.StringUtils.Test
( stringUtilsSuite
) where
import Data.Char (isControl,isSymbol)
import Data.Char (isPrint,isSymbol)
import Test.Tasty (testGroup, TestTree)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck (forAll)
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.SmallCheck.Series (Serial)
import HolyProject.StringUtils
-- | Test with QuickCheck and SmallCheck
tp name prop = testGroup name
[ QC.testProperty "QC" prop
, SC.testProperty "SC" prop
@ -22,15 +23,15 @@ stringUtilsSuite = testGroup "StringUtils"
, SC.testProperty "capitalize idempotent" $
deeperIdempotent capitalize
, tp "no space in project name" $
\s -> dropWhile (/=' ') (projectNameFromString s) == []
\s -> ' ' `notElem` projectNameFromString s
, tp "no space in capitalized name" $
\s -> dropWhile (/=' ') (capitalize s) == []
\s -> ' ' `notElem` capitalize s
, tp "no dash in capitalized name" $
\s -> dropWhile (/='-') (capitalize s) == []
\s -> '-' `notElem` capitalize s
, tp "no control char" $
\s -> if (s /= "") && (checkProjectName s == True) then (all (not . isControl) s) else True
\s -> not (checkProjectName s) || all isPrint s
, tp "no symbol char" $
\s -> if (s /= "") && (checkProjectName s == True) then (all (not . isSymbol) s) else True
\s -> not (checkProjectName s) || all (not . isSymbol) s
, testCase "doesn't accept empty project name" $
checkProjectName "" @=? False