hopefully cleaner code

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2013-11-22 16:36:02 +01:00
parent 956a3a4ec4
commit 957ea7b628

View file

@ -256,6 +256,13 @@ createProject p = do
-- | Returns the name and email from the content of a .gitconfig file
-- almost equivalent to the two zsh lines:
-- > name="$(< ~/.gitconfig awk '$1 == name {shift 2; print}')"
-- > email="$(< ~/.gitconfig awk '$1 == email {shift 2; print}')"
-- But in Haskell it doesn't read the entire file.
-- The script after the first occurence of name and email.
getNameAndMail :: LZ.ByteString -> (Maybe String,Maybe String)
getNameAndMail gitConfigContent = (selectElem "name",selectElem "email")
@ -266,18 +273,21 @@ getNameAndMail gitConfigContent = (selectElem "name",selectElem "email")
-- Get the first line which start with
-- 'elem =' and return the third field (value)
selectElem :: String -> Maybe String
selectElem elm = msafeHead $
filter (/= Nothing)
(map (getElem elm) conflines)
selectElem elm = firstJust (map (getValueForKey elm) conflines)
msafeHead :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
msafeHead [] = Nothing
msafeHead (x:_) = x
-- return the first Just value of a list of Maybe
firstJust :: (Eq a) => [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
firstJust l = case dropWhile (==Nothing) l of
[] -> Nothing
(j:_) -> j
-- Return the first field of a line starting by
-- Given a line of words ("word1":"word2":rest)
-- getValue will return rest if word1 == key
-- 'elem =' or Nothing otherwise
getElem :: String -> [LZ.ByteString] -> Maybe String
getElem el (n:e:xs) = if (n == (LZ.pack el)) && (e == (LZ.pack "="))
getValueForKey :: String -- key
-> [LZ.ByteString] -- line of words
-> Maybe String -- the value if found
getValueForKey el (n:e:xs) = if (n == (LZ.pack el)) && (e == (LZ.pack "="))
then Just (LZ.unpack (LZ.unwords xs))
else Nothing
getElem _ _ = Nothing
getValueForKey _ _ = Nothing