code cleaning

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2013-11-21 23:31:47 +01:00
parent 1076958f14
commit 956a3a4ec4

View file

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ data Project = Project {
, synopsis :: String
, year :: String } deriving (Data, Typeable)
-- | Error message
holyError :: String -> IO ()
holyError str = do
r <- randomIO
@ -63,10 +64,15 @@ holyError str = do
you "Auuuuuuuuuuuugh"
error ('\n':str)
-- | Assert something true. In any other case show the holy error
ioassert :: Bool -> String -> IO ()
ioassert True _ = return ()
ioassert False str = holyError str
-- | return the content of ~/.gitconfig if it exists
-- if the HOME environment variable is not set
-- or the file doesn't exists
-- We return an empty string
safeReadGitConfig :: IO LZ.ByteString
safeReadGitConfig = do
e <- tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError)
@ -95,6 +101,7 @@ main = do
in_ghaccount in_synopsis current_year
-- | Simply return the current year as String
getCurrentYear :: IO String
getCurrentYear = do
(current_year,_,_) <- getCurrentTime >>= return . toGregorian . utctDay
@ -142,14 +149,19 @@ end = do
you "Well, you have to know these things when you're a king, you know."
-- | Ask for some info and returns it
ask :: String -> Maybe String -> IO String
ask :: String -- ^ What? "name" for example
-> Maybe String -- ^ Default value
-> IO String
ask info hint = do
bk $ "What is your " ++ info ++ "?" ++ (maybe "" (\h -> " ("++h++")") hint)
bk $ "What is your " ++ info ++ "?" ++
(maybe "" (\h -> " ("++h++")") hint)
putStr "> "
hFlush stdout
answer <- getLine
putStrLn ""
return $ if (answer == "") && (hint /= Nothing) then fromJust hint else answer
return $ if (answer == "") && (hint /= Nothing)
then fromJust hint
else answer
-- | verify if project is conform
checkProjectName :: String -> Bool
@ -168,35 +180,73 @@ capitalize str = concat (map capitalizeWord (splitOneOf " -" str))
capitalizeWord (x:xs) = (toUpper x):map toLower xs
capitalizeWord _ = []
genFile :: MuContext IO -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
-- | This function use a Data file mustache template
-- and a hastache context to write a destination file
genFile :: MuContext IO -- ^ hastache context
-> String -- ^ Data file name (without 'scaffold/' see in .cabal)
-> FilePath -- ^ The destination file path
-> IO ()
genFile context filename outputFileName = do
putStrLn $ '\t':outputFileName
pkgfileName <- getDataFileName ("scaffold/" ++ filename)
template <- BS.readFile pkgfileName
putStrLn $ '\t':outputFileName -- show the file name
template <- BS.readFile =<< getDataFileName ("scaffold/" ++ filename)
transformedFile <- hastacheStr defaultConfig template context
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory outputFileName)
LZ.writeFile outputFileName transformedFile
-- | This function is where we create the project once the
-- question are answered
createProject :: Project -> IO ()
createProject p = do
-- create the hastache context object from the Project data type
let context = mkGenericContext p
-- Check if the directory doesn't already exists
dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist (projectName p)
ioassert (not dirExists) ((projectName p) ++ " directory already exists")
-- Create the directory and go into it
createDirectory (projectName p)
setCurrentDirectory (projectName p)
genFile context "gitignore" $ ".gitignore"
genFile context "auto-update" $ "auto-update"
genFile context "LICENSE" $ "LICENSE"
genFile context "Setup.hs" $ "Setup.hs"
genFile context "project.cabal" $ (projectName p) ++ ".cabal"
genFile context "src/Main.hs" $ "src" </> "Main.hs"
genFile context "src/ModuleName.hs" $ "src" </> ((moduleName p)++".hs")
genFile context "src/ModuleName/Coconut.hs" $ "src" </> (moduleName p) </> "Coconut.hs"
genFile context "src/ModuleName/Swallow.hs" $ "src" </> (moduleName p) </> "Swallow.hs"
genFile context "test/ModuleName/Coconut/Test.hs" $ "test" </> (moduleName p) </> "Coconut" </> "Test.hs"
genFile context "test/ModuleName/Swallow/Test.hs" $ "test" </> (moduleName p) </> "Swallow" </> "Test.hs"
genFile context "test/Test.hs" $ "test" </> "Test.hs"
-- Generate all files using data files
mapM_ (uncurry (genFile context))
[ ( "gitignore"
, ".gitignore"
, ( "auto-update"
, "auto-update"
, ( "Setup.hs"
, "Setup.hs"
, ( "project.cabal"
, (projectName p) ++ ".cabal"
, ( "src/Main.hs"
, "src" </> "Main.hs"
, ( "src/ModuleName.hs"
, "src" </> ((moduleName p)++".hs")
, ( "src/ModuleName/Coconut.hs"
, "src" </> (moduleName p) </> "Coconut.hs"
, ( "src/ModuleName/Swallow.hs"
, "src" </> (moduleName p) </> "Swallow.hs"
, ( "test/ModuleName/Coconut/Test.hs"
, "test" </> (moduleName p) </> "Coconut" </> "Test.hs"
, ( "test/ModuleName/Swallow/Test.hs"
, "test" </> (moduleName p) </> "Swallow" </> "Test.hs"
, ( "test/Test.hs"
, "test" </> "Test.hs"
-- Execute some commands
-- We don't really need them to be succesful
-- So we try them anyway
_ <- system "git init ."
_ <- system "cabal sandbox init"
_ <- system "cabal install"
@ -204,12 +254,17 @@ createProject p = do
_ <- system $ "./.cabal-sandbox/bin/test-" ++ (projectName p)
return ()
-- | Returns the name and email from the content of a .gitconfig file
getNameAndMail :: LZ.ByteString -> (Maybe String,Maybe String)
getNameAndMail gitConfigContent = (selectElem "name",selectElem "email")
-- make lines of words
conflines :: [[LZ.ByteString]]
conflines = map LZ.words (LZ.lines gitConfigContent)
-- Get the first line which start with
-- 'elem =' and return the third field (value)
selectElem :: String -> Maybe String
selectElem elm = msafeHead $
filter (/= Nothing)
@ -219,6 +274,8 @@ getNameAndMail gitConfigContent = (selectElem "name",selectElem "email")
msafeHead [] = Nothing
msafeHead (x:_) = x
-- Return the first field of a line starting by
-- 'elem =' or Nothing otherwise
getElem :: String -> [LZ.ByteString] -> Maybe String
getElem el (n:e:xs) = if (n == (LZ.pack el)) && (e == (LZ.pack "="))
then Just (LZ.unpack (LZ.unwords xs))