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<h2 class="chapterHead"><span class="titlemark">Chapter&#x00A0;1</span><br /><a
<p class="noindent"> Haskell<a
id="dx6-9001"></a> is a general purpose, purely functional programming language incorporating many recent innovations in
programming language design. Haskell provides higher-order functions, non-strict semantics, static polymorphic
typing, user-defined algebraic datatypes, pattern-matching, list comprehensions, a module system, a monadic I/O
system, and a rich set of primitive datatypes, including lists, arrays, arbitrary and fixed precision integers, and
floating-point numbers. Haskell is both the culmination and solidification of many years of research on non-strict
functional languages.
<p class="noindent"> This report defines the syntax for Haskell programs and an informal abstract semantics for the meaning
of such programs. <a
id="dx6-9002"></a>We leave as implementation dependent the ways in which Haskell programs are to
be manipulated, interpreted, compiled, etc. This includes such issues as the nature of programming
environments and the error messages returned for undefined programs (i.e.&#x00A0;programs that formally evaluate to
<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.1 </span> <a
id="x6-100001.1"></a>Program Structure</h3>
<p class="noindent"> In this section, we describe the abstract syntactic and semantic structure of Haskell, as well as how it relates to the
organization of the rest of the report.
<ol class="enumerate1" >
class="enumerate" id="x6-10003x1">At the topmost level a Haskell program is a set of <span
class="ptmri7t-">modules</span>, described in Chapter&#x00A0;<a
href="haskellch5.html#x11-980005">5<!--tex4ht:ref: modules --></a>. Modules provide
a way to control namespaces and to re-use software in large programs.
class="enumerate" id="x6-10005x2">The top level of a module consists of a collection of <span
class="ptmri7t-">declarations</span>, of which there are several kinds, all
described in Chapter&#x00A0;<a
href="haskellch4.html#x10-620004">4<!--tex4ht:ref: declarations --></a>. Declarations define things such as ordinary values, datatypes, type classes, and
fixity information.
class="enumerate" id="x6-10007x3">At the next lower level are <span
class="ptmri7t-">expressions</span>, described in Chapter&#x00A0;<a
href="haskellch3.html#x8-220003">3<!--tex4ht:ref: expressions --></a>. An expression denotes a <span
class="ptmri7t-">value </span>and has
a <span
class="ptmri7t-">static type</span>; expressions are at the heart of Haskell programming &#8220;in the small.&#8221;
class="enumerate" id="x6-10009x4">At the bottom level is Haskell&#8217;s <span
class="ptmri7t-">lexical structure</span>, defined in Chapter&#x00A0;<a
href="haskellch2.html#x7-140002">2<!--tex4ht:ref: lexical-structure --></a>. The lexical structure captures
the concrete representation of Haskell programs in text files.
<p class="noindent"> This report proceeds bottom-up with respect to Haskell&#8217;s syntactic structure.
<p class="noindent"> The chapters not mentioned above are Chapter&#x00A0;<a
href="haskellch6.html#x13-1160006">6<!--tex4ht:ref: basic-types-and-classes --></a>, which describes the standard built-in datatypes and classes in
Haskell, and Chapter&#x00A0;<a
href="haskellch7.html#x14-1420007">7<!--tex4ht:ref: io --></a>, which discusses the I/O facility in Haskell (i.e.&#x00A0;how Haskell programs communicate
with the outside world). Also, there are several chapters describing the Prelude, the concrete syntax,
literate programming, the specification of derived instances, and pragmas supported by most Haskell
<p class="noindent"> Examples of Haskell program fragments in running text are given in typewriter font:
<div class="quote">
<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-1">
&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;z&#x00A0;=&#x00A0;x+y
&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;&#x00A0;z+1
<p class="noindent"></div>
<p class="noindent"> &#8220;Holes&#8221; in program fragments representing arbitrary pieces of Haskell code are written in italics, as in
class="cmr-7">3</span></sub>. Generally the italicized names are mnemonic, such as <span
class="cmmi-10">e</span> for expressions, <span
class="cmmi-10">d</span> for
declarations, <span
class="cmmi-10">t</span> for types, etc.
<p class="noindent">
<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.2 </span> <a
id="x6-110001.2"></a>The Haskell Kernel</h3>
<p class="noindent"> Haskell has adopted many of the convenient syntactic structures that have become popular in functional
programming. In this Report, the meaning of such syntactic sugar is given by translation into simpler constructs. If
these translations are applied exhaustively, the result is a program written in a small subset of Haskell that we call the
Haskell <span
<p class="noindent"> Although the kernel is not formally specified, it is essentially a slightly sugared variant of the lambda calculus with a
straightforward denotational semantics. The translation of each syntactic structure into the kernel is given as the
syntax is introduced. This modular design facilitates reasoning about Haskell programs and provides useful
guidelines for implementors of the language.
<p class="noindent">
<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.3 </span> <a
id="x6-120001.3"></a>Values and Types</h3>
<p class="noindent"> An expression<a
id="dx6-12004"></a> evaluates to a <span
class="ptmri7t-">value </span>and has a static <span
class="ptmri7t-">type</span>. Values and types are not mixed in Haskell. However, the
type system allows user-defined datatypes of various sorts, and permits not only parametric polymorphism<a
id="dx6-12005"></a> (using a
traditional Hindley-Milner<a
id="dx6-12006"></a> type structure) but also <span
class="ptmri7t-">ad hoc </span>polymorphism, or <span
class="ptmri7t-">overloading </span>(using <span
<p class="noindent"> Errors in Haskell are semantically equivalent to <span
class="cmsy-10">&perp; </span>(&#8220;bottom&#8221;<a
id="dx6-12008"></a>). Technically, they are indistinguishable from
nontermination, so the language includes no mechanism for detecting or acting upon errors. However,
implementations will probably try to provide useful information about errors. See Section&#x00A0;<a
href="haskellch3.html#x8-230003.1">3.1<!--tex4ht:ref: basic-errors --></a>.
<p class="noindent">
<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.4 </span> <a
<p class="noindent"> There are six kinds of names in Haskell: those for <span
class="ptmri7t-">variables </span>and <span
class="ptmri7t-">constructors </span>denote values; those for <span
class="ptmri7t-">type variables</span>,
class="ptmri7t-">type constructors</span>, and <span
class="ptmri7t-">type classes </span>refer to entities related to the type system; and <span
class="ptmri7t-">module names </span>refer to modules.
There are two constraints on naming:
<ol class="enumerate1" >
class="enumerate" id="x6-13003x1">Names for variables and type variables are identifiers beginning with lowercase letters or underscore;
the other four kinds of names are identifiers beginning with uppercase letters.
class="enumerate" id="x6-13005x2">An identifier must not be used as the name of a type constructor and a class in the same scope.</li></ol>
<p class="noindent"> These are the only constraints; for example, <span
class="pcrr7t-">Int</span> may simultaneously be the name of a module, class, and
constructor within a single scope.
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