Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) d9259888a4 created a subdirectory
2015-07-19 16:12:51 +02:00

152 lines
4.6 KiB

## Only the edges
<div style="display:none">
> import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
> import Graphics.UI.GLUT
> import Data.IORef
> -- Use UNPACK data because it is faster
> -- The ! is for strict instead of lazy
> data Complex = C {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
> {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
> deriving (Show,Eq)
> instance Num Complex where
> fromInteger n = C (fromIntegral n) 0.0
> (C x y) * (C z t) = C (z*x - y*t) (y*z + x*t)
> (C x y) + (C z t) = C (x+z) (y+t)
> abs (C x y) = C (sqrt (x*x + y*y)) 0.0
> signum (C x y) = C (signum x) 0.0
> complex :: Float -> Float -> Complex
> complex x y = C x y
> real :: Complex -> Float
> real (C x y) = x
> im :: Complex -> Float
> im (C x y) = y
> magnitude :: Complex -> Float
> magnitude = real.abs
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> -- GLUT need to be initialized
> (progname,_) <- getArgsAndInitialize
> -- We will use the double buffered mode (GL constraint)
> initialDisplayMode $= [DoubleBuffered]
> -- We create a window with some title
> createWindow "Mandelbrot Set with Haskell and OpenGL"
> -- Each time we will need to update the display
> -- we will call the function 'display'
> displayCallback $= display
> -- We enter the main loop
> mainLoop
> display = do
> -- set the background color (dark solarized theme)
> clearColor $= Color4 0 0.1686 0.2117 1
> clear [ColorBuffer] -- make the window black
> loadIdentity -- reset any transformation
> preservingMatrix drawMandelbrot
> swapBuffers -- refresh screen
> width = 320 :: GLfloat
> height = 320 :: GLfloat
This time, instead of drawing all points,
we will simply draw the edges of the Mandelbrot set.
The method I use is a rough approximation.
I consider the Mandelbrot set to be almost convex.
The result will be good enough for the purpose of this tutorial.
We change slightly the `drawMandelbrot` function.
We replace the `Points` by `LineLoop`
> drawMandelbrot =
> -- We will print Points (not triangles for example)
> renderPrimitive LineLoop $ do
> mapM_ drawColoredPoint allPoints
> where
> drawColoredPoint (x,y,c) = do
> color c -- set the current color to c
> -- then draw the point at position (x,y,0)
> -- remember we're in 3D
> vertex $ Vertex3 x y 0
And now, we should change our list of points.
Instead of drawing every point of the visible surface,
we will choose only point on the surface.
> allPoints = positivePoints ++
> map (\(x,y,c) -> (x,-y,c)) (reverse positivePoints)
We only need to compute the positive point.
The Mandelbrot set is symmetric relatively to the abscisse axis.
> positivePoints :: [(GLfloat,GLfloat,Color3 GLfloat)]
> positivePoints = do
> x <- [-width..width]
> let y = maxZeroIndex (mandel x) 0 height (log2 height)
> if y < 1 -- We don't draw point in the absciss
> then []
> else return (x/width,y/height,colorFromValue $ mandel x y)
> where
> log2 n = floor ((log n) / log 2)
This function is interesting.
For those not used to the list monad here is a natural language version of this function:
<code class="no-highlight">
positivePoints =
for all x in the range [-width..width]
let y be smallest number s.t. mandel x y > 0
if y is on 0 then don't return a point
else return the value corresonding to (x,y,color for (x+iy))
In fact using the list monad you write like if you consider only one element at a time and the computation is done non deterministically.
To find the smallest number such that `mandel x y > 0` we use a simple dichotomy:
> -- given f min max nbtest,
> -- considering
> -- - f is an increasing function
> -- - f(min)=0
> -- - f(max)≠0
> -- then maxZeroIndex f min max nbtest returns x such that
> -- f(x - ε)=0 and f(x + ε)≠0
> -- where ε=(max-min)/2^(nbtest+1)
> maxZeroIndex func minval maxval 0 = (minval+maxval)/2
> maxZeroIndex func minval maxval n =
> if (func medpoint) /= 0
> then maxZeroIndex func minval medpoint (n-1)
> else maxZeroIndex func medpoint maxval (n-1)
> where medpoint = (minval+maxval)/2
No rocket science here. See the result now:
blogimage("HGLMandelEdges.png","The edges of the mandelbrot set")
<div style="display:none">
> colorFromValue n =
> let
> t :: Int -> GLfloat
> t i = 0.5 + 0.5*cos( fromIntegral i / 10 )
> in
> Color3 (t n) (t (n+5)) (t (n+10))
> mandel x y =
> let r = 2.0 * x / width
> i = 2.0 * y / height
> in
> f (complex r i) 0 64
> f :: Complex -> Complex -> Int -> Int
> f c z 0 = 0
> f c z n = if (magnitude z > 2 )
> then n
> else f c ((z*z)+c) (n-1)