Better organization

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2012-05-30 12:02:48 +02:00
parent 1c5c844ae2
commit b107d761d0
2 changed files with 56 additions and 37 deletions

View file

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ We simply have to provide the definition of some functions.
> camPos = position w,
> camDir = angle w,
> camZoom = scale w }
> objects w = [XYSymFunc ((shape w) res) defbox]
> objects w = [XYFunc ((shape w) res) defbox]
> where
> res = resolution $ box w
> defbox = box w
@ -193,7 +193,14 @@ Because we consider partial functions
> if and [ findMaxOrdFor (ymandel (x+xeps) (y+yeps)) 0 1 20 < 0.000001 |
> val <- [res], xeps <- [-val,val], yeps<-[-val,val]]
> then Nothing
> else Just z
> else Just (z,colorFromValue (ymandel x y z))
> colorFromValue n =
> let
> t :: Point -> Scalar
> t i = 0.7 + 0.3*cos( i / 10 )
> in
> makeColor (t n) (t (n+5)) (t (n+10))
The rest is similar to the preceding sections.

View file

@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ module YGL (
, YObject (..)
, Box3D (..)
, makeBox
, hexColor
, makeColor
-- Datas related to user Input
, InputMap
, UserInput (Press,Ctrl,Alt,CtrlAlt)
@ -35,8 +37,8 @@ module YGL (
, yMainLoop) where
import Numeric (readHex)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
import Graphics.UI.GLUT
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL hiding (Color)
import Graphics.UI.GLUT hiding (Color)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (when)
@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ type Scalar = GLfloat
type Time = Int
-- | A 3D Point mainly '(x,y,z)'
data Point3D = P (Point,Point,Point) deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
type Color = Color3 Scalar
xpoint :: Point3D -> Point
xpoint (P (x,_,_)) = x
@ -105,17 +108,17 @@ makeBox mini maxi res = Box3D {
, maxPoint = makePoint3D maxi
, resolution = res }
type Function3D = Point -> Point -> Maybe Point
type Triangle3D = (Point3D,Point3D,Point3D,Color)
-- For a general purpose library we should add many other different atoms
-- corresponding to Quads for example.
data Atom = ColoredTriangle Triangle3D
type Function3D = Point -> Point -> Maybe (Point,Color)
data YObject = XYFunc Function3D Box3D
| XYSymFunc Function3D Box3D
| Tri [Point3D]
| Atoms [Atom]
triangles :: YObject -> [Point3D]
triangles (XYFunc f b) = getObject3DFromShapeFunction f b
triangles (XYSymFunc f b) = tris ++
( reverse $ map (\(P(x,y,z)) -> P (x,y,-z)) tris )
where tris = getObject3DFromShapeFunction f b
triangles (Tri tri) = tri
atoms :: YObject -> [Atom]
atoms (XYFunc f b) = getObject3DFromShapeFunction f b
atoms (Atoms atomList) = atomList
-- | We decalre the input map type we need here
-- | It is our API
@ -150,18 +153,17 @@ defaultCamera = Camera {
-- Given a shape function and a delimited Box3D
-- return a list of Triangles to be displayed
getObject3DFromShapeFunction :: Function3D -> Box3D -> [Point3D]
getObject3DFromShapeFunction :: Function3D -> Box3D -> [Atom]
getObject3DFromShapeFunction shape box = do
x <- [xmin,xmin+res..xmax]
y <- [ymin,ymin+res..ymax]
neighbors = [(x,y),(x+res,y),(x+res,y+res),(x,y+res)]
-- zs are 3D points with found depth
-- zs are 3D points with found depth and color
-- zs :: [ (Point,Point,Point,Maybe (Point,Color) ]
zs = map (\(u,v) -> (u,v,shape u v)) neighbors
-- ps are 3D opengl points + color value
removeMaybe (u,v,Just w) = (u,v,w)
removeMaybe (_,_,Nothing) = (0,0,0)
ps = map removeMaybe zs
ps = zs
-- If the point diverged too fast, don't display it
if any (\(_,_,z) -> isNothing z) zs
then []
@ -170,8 +172,17 @@ getObject3DFromShapeFunction shape box = do
-- | / |
-- 0 - 1
-- The order is important
else map makePoint3D [ps!!0,ps!!2,ps!!1,ps!!0,ps!!3,ps!!2]
[ makeAtom (ps!!0) (ps!!2) (ps!!1)
, makeAtom (ps!!0) (ps!!3) (ps!!2) ]
makeAtom (p0x,p0y,Just (p0z,c0)) (p1x,p1y,Just (p1z,_)) (p2x,p2y,Just (p2z,_)) =
ColoredTriangle (makePoint3D (p0x,p0y,p0z)
,makePoint3D (p1x,p1y,p1z)
,makePoint3D (p2x,p2y,p2z)
makeAtom _ _ _ = error "Somethings wrong here"
-- some naming to make it
-- easier to read
xmin = xpoint $ minPoint box
@ -296,34 +307,35 @@ display worldRef = do
scalarFromHex :: String -> Scalar
scalarFromHex = (/256) . fst . head . readHex
hexColor :: [Char] -> Color3 Scalar
hexColor :: [Char] -> Color
hexColor ('#':rd:ru:gd:gu:bd:bu:[]) = Color3 (scalarFromHex (rd:ru:[]))
(scalarFromHex (gd:gu:[]))
(scalarFromHex (bd:bu:[]))
hexColor ('#':r:g:b:[]) = hexColor ('#':r:r:g:g:b:b:[])
hexColor _ = error "Bad color!!!!"
makeColor :: Scalar -> Scalar -> Scalar -> Color
makeColor x y z = Color3 x y z
-- drawObject :: (YObject obj) => obj -> IO()
drawObject :: YObject -> IO()
drawObject shape = do
-- We will print Points (not triangles for example)
-- We will print only Triangles
renderPrimitive Triangles $ do
-- solarized base3 color
-- color $ Color3 (0.988::Point) (0.96::Point) (0.886::Point)
color $ hexColor "#fdf6e3"
drawTriangles (triangles shape)
drawTriangles tri@(p0:p1:p2:points) = do
normal $ toGLNormal3 trinorm
color $ hexColor "#fdf603"
mapM_ drawAtom (atoms shape)
-- simply draw an Atom
drawAtom :: Atom -> IO ()
drawAtom atom@(ColoredTriangle (p0,p1,p2,c)) = do
color c
normal $ toGLNormal3 (getNormal atom)
vertex $ toGLVertex3 p0
vertex $ toGLVertex3 p1
vertex $ toGLVertex3 p2
drawTriangles points
trinorm = (getNormal tri)
drawTriangles _ = return ()
getNormal :: [Point3D] -> Point3D
getNormal (p0:p1:p2:_) = (p1 - p0) * (p2 - p0)
getNormal _ = makePoint3D (0,0,1)
-- get the normal vector of an Atom
getNormal :: Atom -> Point3D
getNormal (ColoredTriangle (p0,p1,p2,_)) = (p1 - p0) * (p2 - p0)