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Yann Esposito 2012-05-07 15:08:42 +02:00
parent 5ec6cddac5
commit 32969d8782

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@ -16,17 +16,34 @@ But it will be enough for us to create something nice.
> import Graphics.UI.GLUT
> import Data.IORef
> type ColoredPoint = (GLfloat,GLfloat,GLfloat,Color3 GLfloat)
> data ExtComplex = C (GLfloat,GLfloat,GLfloat) deriving (Show,Eq)
As the code start to be more complex, I'll use some aliases:
> type ColoredPoint = (GLfloat,GLfloat,GLfloat,Color3 GLfloat)
Then I declare the new type `ExtComplex` (for exttended complex).
An extension of complex numbers:
> data ExtComplex = C (GLfloat,GLfloat,GLfloat)
> deriving (Show,Eq)
> instance Num ExtComplex where
> fromInteger n = C (fromIntegral n,0.0,0.0)
> C (x,y,u) * C (z,t,v) = C (x*z - y*t - u*v, x*t + y*z + u*v, x*v + z*u )
> -- The shape of the 3D mandelbrot
> -- will depend on this formula
> C (x,y,u) * C (z,t,v) = C (x*z - y*t - u*v,
> x*t + y*z + u*v,
> x*v + z*u )
> -- The rest is straightforward
> C (x,y,u) + C (z,t,v) = C (x+z, y+t, u+v)
> abs (C (x,y,z)) = C (sqrt (x*x + y*y + z*z),0.0,0.0)
> signum (C (x,y,z)) = C (signum x , 0.0, 0.0)
The most important part is the new multiplication instance.
Instead of searching the holy grail of 3D Mandelbrot, I just found a nice one.
Then I list some functions to use this new type:
> extcomplex :: GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> ExtComplex
> extcomplex x y z = C (x,y,z)
@ -41,132 +58,137 @@ But it will be enough for us to create something nice.
> magnitude :: ExtComplex -> GLfloat
> magnitude = real.abs
As we will use some 3D, we add some new directive in the boilerplate.
But mainly, we simply state that will use some depth buffer.
And also we will listen the keyboard.
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> -- GLUT need to be initialized
> (progname,_) <- getArgsAndInitialize
> -- We will use the double buffered mode (GL constraint)
> initialDisplayMode $= [WithDepthBuffer,DoubleBuffered,RGBMode]
> -- We also Add the DepthBuffer (for 3D)
> initialDisplayMode $=
> [WithDepthBuffer,DoubleBuffered,RGBMode]
> -- We create a window with some title
> createWindow "Mandelbrot Set with Haskell and OpenGL"
> depthFunc $= Just Less
> matrixMode $= Projection
> createWindow "3D HOpengGL Mandelbrot"
> -- We add some directives
> depthFunc $= Just Less
> -- matrixMode $= Projection
> windowSize $= Size 500 500
> -- Some state variables
> angle <- newIORef (1.0 :: GLfloat)
> delta <- newIORef (0.15 :: GLfloat)
> zoom <- newIORef (1.00 :: GLfloat)
> campos <- newIORef (0.0::GLfloat,0.0)
> -- Some state variables (I know it feels BAD)
> angle <- newIORef ((1.0 :: GLfloat,0.0))
> zoom <- newIORef (1.0 :: GLfloat)
> campos <- newIORef (0.0 :: GLfloat,0.0)
> -- Action to call when waiting
> idleCallback $= Just (idle angle delta)
> keyboardMouseCallback $= Just (keyboardMouse delta zoom campos)
> idleCallback $= Just idle
> -- We will use the keyboard
> keyboardMouseCallback $=
> Just (keyboardMouse angle zoom campos)
> -- Each time we will need to update the display
> -- we will call the function 'display'
> -- But this time, we add some parameters
> displayCallback $= display angle zoom campos
> -- We put some light
> -- lighting $= Enabled
> -- ambient (Light 0) $= Color4 1 1 1 1
> -- diffuse (Light 0) $= Color4 1 1 1 1
> -- specular (Light 0) $= Color4 1 1 1 1
> -- position (Light 0) $= Vertex4 0 1.0 0.4 1
> -- light (Light 0) $= Enabled
> -- We enter the main loop
> mainLoop
> idle angle delta = do
> a <- get angle
> d <- get delta
> angle $=! (a + d)
We rotate the shape.
> idle = do
> postRedisplay Nothing
We introduce some helper function to manipulate
standard `IORef`.
> crMat (rd,gd,bd) (rs,gs,bs) exp = do
> materialDiffuse Front $= Color4 rd gd bd 1.0
> materialAmbient Front $= Color4 rd gd bd 1.0
> materialSpecular Front $= Color4 rs gs bs 1.0
> materialShininess Front $= exp
> materialDiffuse Back $= Color4 rd gd bd 1.0
> materialSpecular Back $= Color4 rs gs bs 1.0
> materialShininess Back $= exp
> modVar v f = do
> v' <- get v
> v $= (f v')
> mapFst f (x,y) = (f x,y)
> mapSnd f (x,y) = (x,f y)
> mainColor = crMat (0.5,0.5,0.3) (0.2,0.0,0.2) 50.0
And we use them to code the function handling keyboard.
We will use the keys `hjkl` to rotate,
`oi` to zoom and `sedf` to move.
Also, hitting space will reset the view.
> keyboardMouse delta zoom pos key state modifiers position =
> keyboardAct delta zoom pos key state
> keyboardMouse angle zoom pos key state modifiers position =
> kact angle zoom pos key state
> where
> keyboardAct d _ _ (Char ' ') Down = do
> d' <- get d
> d $= 0
> keyboardAct d _ _ (Char 'j') Down = do
> d' <- get d
> d $= (d'+0.01)
> keyboardAct d _ _ (Char 'k') Down = do
> d' <- get d
> d $= (d'-0.01)
> keyboardAct _ s _ (Char 'o') Down = do
> s' <- get s
> s $= (s'*1.1)
> keyboardAct _ s _ (Char 'i') Down = do
> s' <- get s
> s $= (s'*0.9)
> keyboardAct _ _ p (Char 'f') Down = do
> (x,y) <- get p
> p $= (x+0.1,y)
> keyboardAct _ _ p (Char 's') Down = do
> (x,y) <- get p
> p $= (x-0.1,y)
> keyboardAct _ _ p (Char 'e') Down = do
> (x,y) <- get p
> p $= (x,y-0.1)
> keyboardAct _ _ p (Char 'd') Down = do
> (x,y) <- get p
> p $= (x,y+0.1)
> keyboardAct _ _ _ _ _ = return ()
> -- reset view when hitting space
> kact a z p (Char ' ') Down = do
> a $= (0,0)
> z $= 1
> p $= (0,0)
> -- use of hjkl to rotate
> kact a _ _ (Char 'h') Down = modVar a (mapFst (+0.5))
> kact a _ _ (Char 'l') Down = modVar a (mapFst (+(-0.5)))
> kact a _ _ (Char 'j') Down = modVar a (mapSnd (+0.5))
> kact a _ _ (Char 'k') Down = modVar a (mapSnd (+(-0.5)))
> -- use o and i to zoom
> kact _ s _ (Char 'o') Down = modVar s (*1.1)
> kact _ s _ (Char 'i') Down = modVar s (*0.9)
> -- use sdfe to move the camera
> kact _ _ p (Char 's') Down = modVar p (mapFst (+0.1))
> kact _ _ p (Char 'f') Down = modVar p (mapFst (+(-0.1)))
> kact _ _ p (Char 'd') Down = modVar p (mapSnd (+0.1))
> kact _ _ p (Char 'e') Down = modVar p (mapSnd (+(-0.1)))
> -- any other keys does nothing
> kact _ _ _ _ _ = return ()
Now, we will show the object using the display function.
Note, this time, display take some parameters.
Mainly, this function if full of boilerplate:
> display angle zoom position = do
> clear [ColorBuffer,DepthBuffer] -- make the window black
> -- make the window black
> clear [ColorBuffer,DepthBuffer]
> -- Transformation to change the view
> loadIdentity -- reset any transformation
> (x,y) <- get position
> translate $ Vector3 x y 0
> z <- get zoom
> scale z z z
> a <- get angle
> rotate a $ Vector3 1.0 0.0 (0.0::GLfloat)
> (xangle,yangle) <- get angle
> rotate xangle $ Vector3 1.0 0.0 (0.0::GLfloat)
> rotate yangle $ Vector3 0.0 1.0 (0.0::GLfloat)
> -- Now that all transformation were made
> -- We create the object(s)
> preservingMatrix drawMandelbrot
> swapBuffers -- refresh screen
> nbDetails = 500 :: GLfloat
Not much to say about this function.
Mainly there are two parts: apply some transformations, draw the object.
### The 3D Mandelbrot
First, we will set the resolution to 180 pixels.
> nbDetails = 180 :: GLfloat
> width = nbDetails
> height = nbDetails
> deep = nbDetails
This time, instead of drawing all points, I'll simply want to draw the edges of the Mandelbrot set.
We change slightly the drawMandelbrot function.
We replace the `Points` by `LineLoop`
This time, instead of just drawing some line or some group of points,
we will show triangles.
The idea is that we should provide points three by three.
> drawMandelbrot = do
> -- We will print Points (not triangles for example)
> mainColor
> renderPrimitive Triangles $ do
> mapM_ drawColoredPoint allPoints
> where
> drawColoredPoint (x,y,z,c) = do
> color c -- set the current color to c
> -- then draw the point at position (x,y,0)
> -- remember we're in 3D
> color c
> vertex $ Vertex3 x y z
And now, we should change our list of points.
Instead of drawing every point of the visible surface,
we will choose only point on the surface.
Now instead of providing only one point at a time, we will provide six points.
blogimage("triangles.png","Explain triangles")
> allPoints :: [ColoredPoint]
> allPoints = depthPoints ++ map (\(x,y,z,c) -> (x,y,-z+1/deep,c)) depthPoints
> allPoints = depthPoints ++ map inverse depthPoints
> where inverse (x,y,z,c) = (x,y,-z+1/deep,c)
> depthPoints :: [ColoredPoint]
> depthPoints = do
@ -185,7 +207,7 @@ we will choose only point on the surface.
> p2 = ((x+1)/width, y/height, z'/deep,colorFromValue c2)
> p3 = ((x+1)/width,(y+1)/height,z''/deep,colorFromValue c3 )
> p4 = ( x/width,(y+1)/height,z'''/deep,colorFromValue c4 )
> if (and $ map (>=55) [c1,c2,c3,c4])
> if (and $ map (>=57) [c1,c2,c3,c4])
> then []
> else [p1,p2,p3,p1,p3,p4]
@ -220,8 +242,6 @@ The new mandel function
> f (extcomplex r i s) 0 64
<div style="display:none">
> colorFromValue n =
> let
> t :: Int -> GLfloat
@ -234,6 +254,3 @@ The new mandel function
> f c z n = if (magnitude z > 2 )
> then n
> else f c ((z*z)+c) (n-1)