made a stack version for hglmandel

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2015-07-20 00:45:04 +02:00
parent d9259888a4
commit 30b557eeda
9 changed files with 700 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
*.o *.o
*.hi *.hi
*~ *~
Mandelbulb Mandelbulb
hglmandel hglmandel

LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Public Domain. Do what you want with it. Just don't be a dick.
Also, I can't give you what I've done. So you are forced to remember I'm at the source of this repo.

Setup.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

hglmandel.cabal Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
-- Initial hglmandel.cabal generated by cabal init. For further
-- documentation, see
name: hglmandel
synopsis: 3D Fractals
-- description:
license: PublicDomain
license-file: LICENSE
author: Yann Esposito (Yogsototh)
-- copyright:
category: Graphics
build-type: Simple
-- extra-source-files:
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable hglmandel
main-is: Mandelbulb.lhs
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base
, containers
, OpenGL
, OpenGLRaw
hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -Wall -dynamic
default-language: Haskell2010

src/ExtComplex.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
module ExtComplex where
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
-- This time I use unpacked strict data type
-- Far faster when compiled.
data ExtComplex = C {-# UNPACK #-} !GLfloat
{-# UNPACK #-} !GLfloat
{-# UNPACK #-} !GLfloat
deriving (Show,Eq)
instance Num ExtComplex where
-- The shape of the 3D mandelbrot
-- will depend on this formula
(C x y z) * (C x' y' z') = C (x*x' - y*y' - z*z')
(x*y' + y*x' + z*z')
(x*z' + z*x' )
-- The rest is straightforward
fromInteger n = C (fromIntegral n) 0 0
(C x y z) + (C x' y' z') = C (x+x') (y+y') (z+z')
abs (C x y z) = C (sqrt (x*x + y*y + z*z)) 0 0
signum (C x y z) = C (signum x) (signum y) (signum z)
extcomplex :: GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> ExtComplex
extcomplex x y z = C x y z
real :: ExtComplex -> GLfloat
real (C x _ _) = x
im :: ExtComplex -> GLfloat
im (C _ y _) = y
strange :: ExtComplex -> GLfloat
strange (C _ _ z) = z
magnitude :: ExtComplex -> GLfloat
magnitude = real.abs

src/Mandel.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
-- The Mandelbrot function
module Mandel (mandel) where
import ExtComplex
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Types (GLfloat)
mandel :: GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> Int -> Int
mandel r i s nbIterations =
f (extcomplex r i s) 0 nbIterations
f :: ExtComplex -> ExtComplex -> Int -> Int
f _ _ 0 = 0
f c z n = if (magnitude z > 2 )
then n
else f c ((z*z)+c) (n-1)

src/Mandelbulb.lhs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
## Optimization
Our code architecture feel very clean.
All the meaningful code is in our main file and all display details are
If you read the code of `YGL.hs`, you'll see I didn't made everything perfect.
For example, I didn't finished the code of the lights.
But I believe it is a good first step and it will be easy to go further.
Unfortunately the program of the preceding session is extremely slow.
We compute the Mandelbulb for each frame now.
Before our program structure was:
<code class="no-highlight">
Constant Function -> Constant List of Triangles -> Display
Now we have
<code class="no-highlight">
Main loop -> World -> Function -> List of Objects -> Atoms -> Display
The World state could change.
The compiler can no more optimize the computation for us.
We have to manually explain when to redraw the shape.
To optimize we must do some things in a lower level.
Mostly the program remains the same,
but it will provide the list of atoms directly.
<div style="display:none">
> import YGL -- Most the OpenGL Boilerplate
> import Mandel -- The 3D Mandelbrot maths
> -- Centralize all user input interaction
> inputActionMap :: InputMap World
> inputActionMap = inputMapFromList [
> (Press ' ' , switchRotation)
> ,(Press 'k' , rotate xdir 5)
> ,(Press 'i' , rotate xdir (-5))
> ,(Press 'j' , rotate ydir 5)
> ,(Press 'l' , rotate ydir (-5))
> ,(Press 'o' , rotate zdir 5)
> ,(Press 'u' , rotate zdir (-5))
> ,(Press 'f' , translate xdir 0.1)
> ,(Press 's' , translate xdir (-0.1))
> ,(Press 'e' , translate ydir 0.1)
> ,(Press 'd' , translate ydir (-0.1))
> ,(Press 'z' , translate zdir 0.1)
> ,(Press 'r' , translate zdir (-0.1))
> ,(Press '+' , zoom 1.1)
> ,(Press '-' , zoom (1/1.1))
> ,(Press 'h' , resize 2.0)
> ,(Press 'g' , resize (1/2.0))
> ]
> data World = World {
> angle :: Point3D
> , anglePerSec :: Scalar
> , scale :: Scalar
> , position :: Point3D
> , box :: Box3D
> , told :: Time
> -- We replace shape by cache
> , cache :: [YObject]
> }
> instance DisplayableWorld World where
> winTitle _ = "The YGL Mandelbulb"
> camera w = Camera {
> camPos = position w,
> camDir = angle w,
> camZoom = scale w }
> -- We update our objects instanciation
> objects = cache
<div style="display:none">
> xdir :: Point3D
> xdir = makePoint3D (1,0,0)
> ydir :: Point3D
> ydir = makePoint3D (0,1,0)
> zdir :: Point3D
> zdir = makePoint3D (0,0,1)
> rotate :: Point3D -> Scalar -> World -> World
> rotate dir angleValue world =
> world {
> angle = angle world + (angleValue -*< dir) }
> switchRotation :: World -> World
> switchRotation world =
> world {
> anglePerSec = if anglePerSec world > 0 then 0 else 5.0 }
> translate :: Point3D -> Scalar -> World -> World
> translate dir len world =
> world {
> position = position world + (len -*< dir) }
> zoom :: Scalar -> World -> World
> zoom z world = world {
> scale = z * scale world }
> main :: IO ()
> main = yMainLoop inputActionMap idleAction initialWorld
Our initial world state is slightly changed:
> -- We initialize the world state
> -- then angle, position and zoom of the camera
> -- And the shape function
> initialWorld :: World
> initialWorld = World {
> angle = makePoint3D (30,30,0)
> , anglePerSec = 5.0
> , position = makePoint3D (0,0,0)
> , scale = 1.0
> , box = Box3D { minPoint = makePoint3D (0-eps, 0-eps, 0-eps)
> , maxPoint = makePoint3D (0+eps, 0+eps, 0+eps)
> , resolution = 0.02 }
> , told = 0
> -- We declare cache directly this time
> , cache = objectFunctionFromWorld initialWorld
> }
> where eps=2
The use of `eps` is a hint to make a better zoom by computing with the right bounds.
We use the `YGL.getObject3DFromShapeFunction` function directly.
This way instead of providing `XYFunc`, we provide directly a list of Atoms.
> objectFunctionFromWorld :: World -> [YObject]
> objectFunctionFromWorld w = [Atoms atomList]
> where atomListPositive =
> getObject3DFromShapeFunction
> (shapeFunc (resolution (box w))) (box w)
> atomList = atomListPositive ++
> map negativeTriangle atomListPositive
> negativeTriangle (ColoredTriangle (p1,p2,p3,c)) =
> ColoredTriangle (negz p1,negz p3,negz p2,c)
> where negz (P (x,y,z)) = P (x,y,-z)
We know that resize is the only world change that necessitate to
recompute the list of atoms (triangles).
Then we update our world state accordingly.
> resize :: Scalar -> World -> World
> resize r world =
> tmpWorld { cache = objectFunctionFromWorld tmpWorld }
> where
> tmpWorld = world { box = (box world) {
> resolution = sqrt ((resolution (box world))**2 * r) }}
All the rest is exactly the same.
<div style="display:none">
> idleAction :: Time -> World -> World
> idleAction tnew world =
> world {
> angle = angle world + (delta -*< zdir)
> , told = tnew
> }
> where
> delta = anglePerSec world * elapsed / 1000.0
> elapsed = fromIntegral (tnew - (told world))
> shapeFunc :: Scalar -> Function3D
> shapeFunc res x y =
> let
> z = maxZeroIndex (ymandel x y) 0 1 20
> in
> if and [ maxZeroIndex (ymandel (x+xeps) (y+yeps)) 0 1 20 < 0.000001 |
> val <- [res], xeps <- [-val,val], yeps<-[-val,val]]
> then Nothing
> else Just (z,colorFromValue 0)
> colorFromValue :: Point -> Color
> colorFromValue n =
> let
> t :: Point -> Scalar
> t i = 0.0 + 0.5*cos( i /10 )
> in
> makeColor (t n) (t (n+5)) (t (n+10))
> -- given f min max nbtest,
> -- considering
> -- - f is an increasing function
> -- - f(min)=0
> -- - f(max)≠0
> -- then maxZeroIndex f min max nbtest returns x such that
> -- f(x - ε)=0 and f(x + ε)≠0
> -- where ε=(max-min)/2^(nbtest+1)
> maxZeroIndex :: (Fractional a,Num a,Num b,Eq b) =>
> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Int -> a
> maxZeroIndex _ minval maxval 0 = (minval+maxval)/2
> maxZeroIndex func minval maxval n =
> if func medpoint /= 0
> then maxZeroIndex func minval medpoint (n-1)
> else maxZeroIndex func medpoint maxval (n-1)
> where medpoint = (minval+maxval)/2
> ymandel :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Point
> ymandel x y z = fromIntegral (mandel x y z 64) / 64
And you can also consider minor changes in the `YGL.hs` source file.
- [`YGL.hs`](code/06_Mandelbulb/YGL.hs), the 3D rendering framework
- [`Mandel`](code/06_Mandelbulb/Mandel.hs), the mandel function
- [`ExtComplex`](code/06_Mandelbulb/ExtComplex.hs), the extended complexes

src/YGL.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
The module YGL will contains most boilerplate
And display details.
To make things even nicer, we should separate
this file in many different parts.
Typically separate the display function.
module YGL (
-- Here is declared our interface with external files
-- that will include our YGL module
-- Declarations related to data types
Point -- the 1 dimension point type
, Time -- the type for the time
, Scalar -- the type for scalar values
, Color -- the type for color (3 scalars)
, Point3D (..) -- A 3D point type (3 Points)
, makePoint3D -- helper (x,y,z) -> Point3D
, (-*<) -- scalar product on Point3D a -*< (x,y,z) = (ax,ay,az)
, Function3D -- Point -> Point -> Maybe (Point,Color)
, xpoint, ypoint, zpoint
, Atom (..) -- The Atom object (colored triangles for now)
-- Your world state must be an instance
-- of the DisplayableWorld type class
, DisplayableWorld (..)
-- Datas related to DisplayableWorld
, Camera (..)
, YObject (..) -- 3D Objects to display
, Box3D (..) -- Some bounded 3D box
, getObject3DFromShapeFunction
, makeBox -- helper to make a box
, hexColor -- Color from hexadecimal string
, makeColor -- make color from RGB values
-- Interface related to user input
, InputMap
, UserInput (Press,Ctrl,Alt,CtrlAlt)
, inputMapFromList
-- The main loop function to call
, yMainLoop
) where
-- A bunch of imports
import Numeric (readHex) -- to read hexadecimal values
-- Import of OpenGL and GLUT
-- but, I use my own Color type, therefore I hide the definition
-- of Color inside GLUT and OpenGL packages
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL hiding (Color)
import Graphics.UI.GLUT hiding (Color)
import Data.IORef
-- I use Map to deal with user interaction
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- Some standard stuff
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
{-- Things start to be complex here.
- Just take the time to follow me.
-- | A 1D point
type Point = GLfloat
-- | A Scalar value
type Scalar = GLfloat
-- | The time type (currently its Int)
type Time = Int
-- | A 3D Point mainly '(x,y,z)'
data Point3D = P (Point,Point,Point) deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
type Color = Color3 Scalar
-- Get x (resp. y, z) coordinate of a 3D point
xpoint :: Point3D -> Point
xpoint (P (x,_,_)) = x
ypoint :: Point3D -> Point
ypoint (P (_,y,_)) = y
zpoint :: Point3D -> Point
zpoint (P (_,_,z)) = z
-- Create a Point3D element from a triplet
makePoint3D :: (Point,Point,Point) -> Point3D
makePoint3D = P
-- Make Point3D an instance of Num
instance Num Point3D where
(+) (P (ax,ay,az)) (P (bx,by,bz)) = P (ax+bx,ay+by,az+bz)
(-) (P (ax,ay,az)) (P (bx,by,bz)) = P (ax-bx,ay-by,az-bz)
(*) (P (ax,ay,az)) (P (bx,by,bz)) = P ( ay*bz - az*by
, az*bx - ax*bz
, ax*by - ay*bx )
abs (P (x,y,z)) = P (abs x,abs y, abs z)
signum (P (x,y,z)) = P (signum x, signum y, signum z)
fromInteger i = P (fromInteger i, 0, 0)
-- The scalar product
infixr 5 -*<
(-*<) :: Scalar -> Point3D -> Point3D
(-*<) s p = P (s*xpoint p, s*ypoint p, s*zpoint p)
-- Used internally to convert point3D to different types
toGLVector3 :: Point3D -> Vector3 GLfloat
toGLVector3 (P(x,y,z)) = Vector3 x y z
toGLVertex3 :: Point3D -> Vertex3 GLfloat
toGLVertex3 (P(x,y,z)) = Vertex3 x y z
toGLNormal3 :: Point3D -> Normal3 GLfloat
toGLNormal3 (P(x,y,z)) = Normal3 x y z
-- | The Box3D type represent a 3D bounding box
-- | Note if minPoint = (x,y,z) and maxPoint = (x',y',z')
-- | Then to have a non empty box you must have
-- | x<x' & y<y' & z<z'
data Box3D = Box3D {
minPoint :: Point3D
, maxPoint :: Point3D
, resolution :: Scalar }
-- | An helper to make a Box3D
makeBox :: (Point,Point,Point) -> (Point,Point,Point) -> Scalar -> Box3D
makeBox mini maxi res = Box3D {
minPoint = makePoint3D mini
, maxPoint = makePoint3D maxi
, resolution = res }
-- | A Triangle3D is simply 3 points and a color
type Triangle3D = (Point3D,Point3D,Point3D,Color)
-- | The type Atom is the atom for our display here we'll only use triangles.
-- | For a general purpose library we should add many other different atoms
-- | corresponding to Quads for example.
data Atom = ColoredTriangle Triangle3D
-- | A Function3D is simply a function for each x,y associate a z and a color
-- | If undefined at point (x,y), it returns Nothing.
type Function3D = Point -> Point -> Maybe (Point,Color)
-- | Our objects that will be displayed
-- | Wether a function3D delimited by a Box
-- | or a list of Atoms
data YObject = XYFunc Function3D Box3D
| Atoms [Atom]
-- | The function atoms retrieve the list of atoms from an YObject
atoms :: YObject -> [Atom]
atoms (XYFunc f b) = getObject3DFromShapeFunction f b
atoms (Atoms atomList) = atomList
-- | We decalre the input map type we need here
-- | It is our API
-- | I don't use Mouse but it can be easily added
type InputMap worldType = Map.Map UserInput (worldType -> worldType)
data UserInput = Press Char | Ctrl Char | Alt Char | CtrlAlt Char
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)
-- | A displayable world is a type for which
-- | ther exists a function that provide sufficient informations
-- | to provide a camera, lights, objects and a window title.
class DisplayableWorld world where
camera :: world -> Camera
camera _ = defaultCamera
lights :: world -> [Light]
lights _ = []
objects :: world -> [YObject]
objects _ = []
winTitle :: world -> String
winTitle _ = "YGL"
-- | the Camera type to know how to
-- | Transform the scene to see the right view.
data Camera = Camera {
camPos :: Point3D
, camDir :: Point3D
, camZoom :: Scalar }
-- | A default initial camera
defaultCamera :: Camera
defaultCamera = Camera {
camPos = makePoint3D (0,0,0)
, camDir = makePoint3D (0,0,0)
, camZoom = 1 }
-- | Given a shape function and a delimited Box3D
-- | return a list of Atoms (here only colored triangles) to be displayed
getObject3DFromShapeFunction :: Function3D -> Box3D -> [Atom]
getObject3DFromShapeFunction shape box = do
x <- [xmin,xmin+res..xmax]
y <- [ymin,ymin+res..ymax]
neighbors = [(x,y),(x+res,y),(x+res,y+res),(x,y+res)]
-- zs are 3D points with found depth and color
-- zs :: [ (Point,Point,Point,Maybe (Point,Color) ]
zs = map (\(u,v) -> (u,v,shape u v)) neighbors
-- ps are 3D opengl points + color value
ps = zs
-- If the point diverged too fast, don't display it
if any (\(_,_,z) -> isNothing z) zs
then []
-- Draw two triangles
-- 3 - 2
-- | / |
-- 0 - 1
-- The order is important
[ makeAtom (ps!!0) (ps!!2) (ps!!1)
, makeAtom (ps!!0) (ps!!3) (ps!!2) ]
makeAtom (p0x,p0y,Just (p0z,c0)) (p1x,p1y,Just (p1z,_)) (p2x,p2y,Just (p2z,_)) =
ColoredTriangle (makePoint3D (p0x,p0y,p0z)
,makePoint3D (p1x,p1y,p1z)
,makePoint3D (p2x,p2y,p2z)
makeAtom _ _ _ = error "Somethings wrong here"
-- some naming to make it
-- easier to read
xmin = xpoint $ minPoint box
xmax = xpoint $ maxPoint box
ymin = ypoint $ minPoint box
ymax = ypoint $ maxPoint box
res = resolution box
-- | Get the user input map from a list
inputMapFromList :: (DisplayableWorld world) =>
[(UserInput,world -> world)] -> InputMap world
inputMapFromList = Map.fromList
- We set our mainLoop function
- As you can see the code is _not_ pure
- and not even functionnal friendly!
- But when called,
- it will look like a pure functional function.
yMainLoop :: (DisplayableWorld worldType) =>
-- the mapping user input / world
InputMap worldType
-- function that modify the world
-> (Time -> worldType -> worldType)
-- the world state of type worldType
-> worldType
-- into IO () for obvious reason
-> IO ()
yMainLoop inputActionMap
world = do
-- The boilerplate
_ <- getArgsAndInitialize
initialDisplayMode $=
_ <- createWindow $ winTitle world
depthFunc $= Just Less
windowSize $= Size 500 500
-- The state variables for the world (I know it feels BAD)
worldRef <- newIORef world
-- Action to call when waiting
idleCallback $= Just (idle worldTranformer worldRef)
-- the keyboard will update the world
keyboardMouseCallback $=
Just (keyboardMouse inputActionMap worldRef)
-- We generate one frame using the callback
displayCallback $= display worldRef
-- let OpenGL resize normal vectors to unity
normalize $= Enabled
shadeModel $= Smooth
-- Lights (in a better version should be put elsewhere)
lighting $= Enabled
ambient (Light 0) $= Color4 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
diffuse (Light 0) $= Color4 1 1 1 1
light (Light 0) $= Enabled
pointSmooth $= Enabled
colorMaterial $= Just (Front,AmbientAndDiffuse)
materialAmbient Front $= Color4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1
materialDiffuse Front $= Color4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1
materialSpecular Front $= Color4 1 1 1 1
materialEmission Front $= Color4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1
materialShininess Front $= 96
-- We enter the main loop
-- When no user input entered do nothing
idle :: (Time -> worldType -> worldType) -> IORef worldType -> IO ()
idle worldTranformer world = do
w <- get world
t <- get elapsedTime
world $= worldTranformer t w
postRedisplay Nothing
-- | Get User Input
-- | both cleaner, terser and more expendable than the preceeding code
keyboardMouse :: InputMap a -> IORef a
-> Key -> KeyState -> Modifiers -> Position -> IO()
keyboardMouse input world key state _ _ =
when (state == Down) $
charFromKey (Char c) = c
-- To complete if you want to finish it
charFromKey _ = '#'
transformator = Map.lookup (Press (charFromKey key)) input
mayTransform transformator
mayTransform Nothing = return ()
mayTransform (Just transform) = do
w <- get world
world $= transform w
-- | The function that will display datas
display :: (HasGetter t world, DisplayableWorld world) => t -> IO ()
display worldRef = do
w <- get worldRef
-- If someone write a line starting by
-- w $= ... Shoot him immediately in the head
-- and refere to competent authorities
let cam = camera w
-- set the background color (dark solarized theme)
-- Could also be externalized to world state
clearColor $= Color4 0 0.1686 0.2117 1
clear [ColorBuffer,DepthBuffer]
-- Transformation to change the view
loadIdentity -- reset any transformation
-- tranlate
translate $ toGLVector3 (camPos cam)
-- zoom
scale (camZoom cam) (camZoom cam) (camZoom cam)
-- rotate
rotate (xpoint (camDir cam)) $ Vector3 1.0 0.0 (0.0::GLfloat)
rotate (ypoint (camDir cam)) $ Vector3 0.0 1.0 (0.0::GLfloat)
rotate (zpoint (camDir cam)) $ Vector3 0.0 0.0 (1.0::GLfloat)
-- Now that all transformation were made
-- We create the object(s)
_ <- preservingMatrix $ mapM drawObject (objects w)
swapBuffers -- refresh screen
-- Hexa style colors
scalarFromHex :: String -> Scalar
scalarFromHex = (/256) . fst . head . readHex
-- | Color from CSS style color string
hexColor :: String -> Color
hexColor ('#':rd:ru:gd:gu:bd:bu:[]) = Color3 (scalarFromHex [rd,ru])
(scalarFromHex [gd,gu])
(scalarFromHex [bd,bu])
hexColor ('#':r:g:b:[]) = hexColor ['#',r,r,g,g,b,b]
hexColor _ = error "Bad color!!!!"
-- | Helper to make a color from RGB scalar values
makeColor :: Scalar -> Scalar -> Scalar -> Color
makeColor = Color3
-- | Where the drawing occurs
drawObject :: YObject -> IO()
drawObject shape = renderPrimitive Triangles $
mapM_ drawAtom (atoms shape)
-- simply draw an Atom
drawAtom :: Atom -> IO ()
drawAtom atom@(ColoredTriangle (p0,p1,p2,c)) = do
color c
normal $ toGLNormal3 (getNormal atom)
vertex $ toGLVertex3 p0
vertex $ toGLVertex3 p1
vertex $ toGLVertex3 p2
-- | get the normal vector of an Atom
-- I don't normalize it; it is done by OpenGL
-- in main with 'normalize $= Enabled'
getNormal :: Atom -> Point3D
getNormal (ColoredTriangle (p0,p1,p2,_)) = (p1 - p0) * (p2 - p0)

stack.yaml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
flags: {}
- '.'
extra-deps: []
resolver: lts-2.17