Heroku buildpack: Hello ======================= This is an example [Heroku buildpack](http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/buildpacks). Usage ----- Example usage: $ ls hello.txt $ heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack http://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-hello.git $ git push heroku master ... -----> Heroku receiving push -----> Fetching custom buildpack -----> HelloFramework app detected -----> Found a hello.txt The buildpack will detect that your app has a `hello.txt` in the root. If this file has contents, it will be copied to `goodbye.txt` with instances of the world `hello` changed to `goodbye`. Hacking ------- To use this buildpack, fork it on Github. Push up changes to your fork, then create a test app with `--buildpack ` and push to it. For example, you can change the displayed name of the buildpack to `GoodbyeFramework`. Open `bin/detect` in your editor, and change `HelloFramework` to `GoodbyeFramework`. Commit and push the changes to your buildpack to your Github fork, then push your sample app to Heroku to test. You should see: -----> GoodbyeFramework app detected