Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2a6f814c6d
fix article and script
2021-06-01 18:26:04 +02:00

88 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Turtle
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import qualified Control.Foldl as Fold
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Console.ANSI
import Turtle.Line (unsafeTextToLine)
import Control.Exception (catches,Handler(..))
main = mainProc `catches` [ Handler handleShellFailed
, Handler handleProcFailed
handleShellFailed :: ShellFailed -> IO ()
handleShellFailed (ShellFailed cmdLine _) = do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Red]
echo $ ("[FAILED]: " <> unsafeTextToLine cmdLine)
setSGR [Reset]
handleProcFailed :: ProcFailed -> IO ()
handleProcFailed (ProcFailed procCmd procArgs _) = do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Red]
echo $ unsafeTextToLine ("[FAILED]: " <> procCmd <> (mconcat procArgs))
setSGR [Reset]
mainProc :: IO ()
mainProc = do
-- So we can't have access to $0 in Haskell via stack.
-- Too bad.
-- So instead, I'll check I'm in the right directory.
debug "Checking directory"
pubdir <- checkDir
debug "Retrieving revision number"
rev <- fold (inshell "git rev-parse --short HEAD" empty) Fold.head
debug ("Revision number retrieved: " <> fromMaybe "unknow" rev)
debug $ unsafeTextToLine $ "cd " <> (format fp pubdir)
cd pubdir
pwd >>= echo . unsafeTextToLine . format fp
dshells "rm -rf .git"
dshells "git init ."
dshell ("git remote add upstream " <> mainRepository)
dshells "git fetch --depth 1 upstream gh-pages"
dshells "git reset upstream/gh-pages"
dshells "git add -A ."
echo "Commit and publish"
dshells ("git commit -m \"publishing at rev " <> lineToText (fromMaybe "unknow" rev) <> "\"")
echo "Don't `git push` this time"
dshells "git push -q upstream HEAD:gh-pages"
debug :: Line -> IO ()
debug txt = do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Yellow]
echo txt
setSGR [Reset]
dshells :: Text -> IO ()
dshells x = do
debug $ unsafeTextToLine x
shells x empty
dshell :: Text -> IO ExitCode
dshell x = do
debug $ unsafeTextToLine x
shell x empty
checkDir :: IO FilePath
checkDir = do
toolsExists <- testdir "engine"
if (not toolsExists)
then exit (ExitFailure 1)
else return "_site"
mainRepository :: Text
mainRepository = "git@github.com:yogsototh/yannesposito.com.git"
cloneIfNeeded :: FilePath -> IO ()
cloneIfNeeded pubdir = do
contentExists <- testdir pubdir
when (not contentExists) $
procs "git"
[ "clone"
, "-b", "gh-pages"
, mainRepository
, format fp pubdir]