Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 7784f02483
2019-12-25 16:35:56 +01:00

35 lines
1.4 KiB

import Data.Tree (Tree,Forest(..))
import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
data BinTree a = Empty
| Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
treeFromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinTree a
treeFromList [] = Empty
treeFromList (x:xs) = Node x (treeFromList (filter (<x) xs))
(treeFromList (filter (>x) xs))
-- | Function to transform our internal BinTree type to the
-- type of Tree declared in Data.Tree (from containers package)
-- so that the function Tree.drawForest can use
binTreeToForestString :: (Show a) => BinTree a -> Forest String
binTreeToForestString Empty = []
binTreeToForestString (Node x left right) =
[Tree.Node (show x) ((binTreeToForestString left) ++ (binTreeToForestString right))]
-- | Function that given a BinTree print a representation of it in the console
prettyPrintTree :: (Show a) => BinTree a -> IO ()
prettyPrintTree = putStrLn . Tree.drawForest . binTreeToForestString
main = do
putStrLn "Int binary tree:"
prettyPrintTree $ treeFromList [7,2,4,8,1,3,6,21,12,23]
putStrLn "\nNote we could also use another type\n"
putStrLn "String binary tree:"
prettyPrintTree $
treeFromList ["foo","bar","baz","gor","yog"]
putStrLn "\nAs we can test equality and order trees, we can make tree of trees!\n"
putStrLn "\nBinary tree of Char binary trees:"
prettyPrintTree (treeFromList
(map treeFromList ["foo","bar","zara","baz","foo"]))