#+TITLE: Static blog with org-mode #+AUTHOR: Yann Esposito #+EMAIL: yann.esposito@gmail.com #+KEYWORDS: programming, blog, org-mode This is the first article using my new blog system. Each time I try different things. A long time ago, I used PHP for my first website. I used include and took care of XHTML pages validation. Then I used [[http://nanoc.ws][nanoc]], a ruby static website. Then I switched to [[https://jaspervdj.be/hakyll/][hakyll]] because I wanted to switch to a Haskell's written tool. Now I'll try to use emacs [[http://orgmode.org][org-mode]]. So the article is a classical, Why?, How? * Why? Everything started when I was hired in a place where I was given a terrible keyboard. After a few weeks I started to feel a lot of pain in both my wrists. So I started to go from classical IDE to being able to use vim correctly[fn:vim]. Then I started to work in Clojure and I heard that emacs might certainly be a better fit for LISP dialiects. But, I couldn't switch to an editor without vim keybindings support because they are so great once you're used to them. But miracle it was about the time [[http://spacemacs.org][spacemacs]] appeared and I switched. It was really impressive how well the vim keybindings worked so well. Even most of the advanced vim features I used to use worked like a charm. The first benefit of emacs is you can configure emacs with elisp. Which unlike vimscript looks like a correct language to work with. One unexpected benefit of emacs was [[http://orgmode.org][org-mode]]. I always heard good things about it but it took me a while to really get it and to understand why it is so great. If you don't know anything about org-mode, it is many things. First imagine a Markdown but more TODO list oriented. But along with this, emacs has a lot of helper functions to work with those org-mode files. [fn:vim] I wrote this article to help people use vim: [[http://yannesposito.com/Scratch/en/blog/Learn-Vim-Progressively/][learn vim progressively]]