Compare commits


4 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 389dfa71da
fix port 3000 2021-04-23 16:40:15 +02:00
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) ebe93d293f
fix quoting in script 2021-04-23 16:33:18 +02:00
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 4f9041f463
improvement 2021-04-23 16:30:30 +02:00
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) b522d357d3
first try at docker 2021-04-23 10:38:46 +02:00
415 changed files with 8399 additions and 6606 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
.cache/ _cache/
_site/ _site/
.direnv/ .direnv/
engine/ _shake/

5 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Revision history for her-esy-fun
## -- YYYY-mm-dd
* First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.

Dockerfile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
FROM nixos/nix
RUN nix-channel --add nixpkgs
RUN nix-channel --update
RUN nix-env -i git
RUN nix-env -i niv
RUN mkdir -p /home/
COPY . /home/
RUN cd /home/ && nix-shell

View file

@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
# Generate my website out of org-mode/gemini files
all: site
SRC_DIR ?= src
DST_DIR ?= _site
CACHE_DIR ?= .cache
# we don't want to publish files in drafts
NO_DRAFT := -not -path '$(SRC_DIR)/drafts/*'
# we don't copy source files
NO_SRC_FILE := ! -name '*.org' ! -name '*.css'
# all files are copied from src to dest
define adv_rule
SRC_$(1) := $$(shell find $$(SRC_DIR) -type f $(2))
DST_$(1) := $$(patsubst $$(SRC_DIR)/%,$$(DST_DIR)/%,$$(SRC_$(1)))
$$(DST_DIR)/%$(4): $$(SRC_DIR)/%$(4) $$(ENV_VARS)
@mkdir -p "$$(dir $$@)"
.PHONY: $(1)
$(1): $$(DST_$(1))
ALL += $(1)
define rule
SRC_$(1) := $$(shell find $$(SRC_DIR) -type f $(2))
DST_$(1) := $$(patsubst $$(SRC_DIR)/%,$$(DST_DIR)/%,$$(SRC_$(1)))
$$(DST_DIR)/%.$(1): $$(SRC_DIR)/%.$(1) $$(ENV_VARS)
@mkdir -p "$$(dir $$@)"
.PHONY: $(1)
$(1): $$(DST_$(1))
ALL += $(1)
# Prevent path/nix bugs
ENV_VARS := ./engine/
NIX_FILES := ./shell.nix $(shell find nix -type f)
$(info Build ${ENV_VARS})
@echo "export PATH=\"${PATH}\"" >> ./engine/
.PHONY: envvars
envvars: $(ENV_VARS)
ALL += envvars
$(eval $(call adv_rule,assets,$$(NO_DRAFT) $$(NO_SRC_FILE),cp "$$<" "$$@",))
# $(info $(call rule,css,-name '*.css',minify "$$<" > "$$@"))
$(eval $(call rule,css,-name '*.css',minify "$$<" > "$$@"))
EXT ?= .org
SRC_PANDOC_FILES ?= $(shell find $(SRC_DIR) -type f -name "*$(EXT)" $(NO_DRAFT))
DST_PANDOC_FILES ?= $(patsubst %$(EXT),%.html, \
$(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%,$(DST_DIR)/%, \
PANDOC_TEMPLATE ?= templates/post.html
PANDOC_LUA_FILTER ?= engine/links-to-html.lua
PANDOC_LUA_FILTER_IMG ?= engine/img-to-webp.lua
PANDOC_LUA_METAS ?= engine/metas.lua
MK_HTML := engine/
@mkdir -p "$(dir $@)"
$(PANDOC) "$<" "$@.tmp"
minify --mime text/html "$@.tmp" > "$@"
@rm "$@.tmp"
.PHONY: html
ALL += html
SRC_POSTS_FILES ?= $(shell find $(SRC_POSTS_DIR) -type f -name "*$(EXT)")
DST_XML_FILES ?= $(patsubst,%.xml, \
$(patsubst $(SRC_POSTS_DIR)/%,$(RSS_CACHE_DIR)/%, \
$(RSS_CACHE_DIR)/%.xml: $(DST_POSTS_DIR)/%.html $(ENV_VARS)
@mkdir -p "$(dir $@)"
hxclean "$<" > "$@"
.PHONY: indexcache
indexcache: $(DST_XML_FILES)
ALL += indexcache
DST_INDEX_FILES ?= $(patsubst %.xml,%.index, $(DST_XML_FILES))
MK_INDEX_ENTRY := ./engine/
@mkdir -p $(INDEX_CACHE_DIR)
$(MK_INDEX_ENTRY) "$<" "$@"
HTML_INDEX := $(DST_DIR)/index.html
MKINDEX := engine/
INDEX_TEMPLATE ?= templates/index.html
@mkdir -p $(DST_DIR)
.PHONY: index
index: $(HTML_INDEX)
ALL += index
DST_RSS_FILES ?= $(patsubst %.xml,%.rss, $(DST_XML_FILES)) $(ENV_VARS)
MK_RSS_ENTRY := ./engine/
@mkdir -p $(RSS_CACHE_DIR)
$(MK_RSS_ENTRY) "$<" "$@"
RSS := $(DST_DIR)/rss.xml
MKRSS := engine/
.PHONY: rss
rss: $(RSS)
ALL += rss
EXT := .org
SRC_GMI_FILES ?= $(shell find $(SRC_DIR) -type f -name "*$(EXT)" $(NO_DRAFT))
DST_GMI_FILES ?= $(subst $(EXT),.gmi, \
$(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%,$(DST_DIR)/%, \
GMI := engine/
$(DST_DIR)/%.gmi: $(SRC_DIR)/ $(GMI) engine/
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(GMI) "$<" "$@"
.PHONY: gmi
GMI_INDEX := $(DST_DIR)/index.gmi
MK_GMI_INDEX := engine/
@mkdir -p $(DST_DIR)
.PHONY: gmi-index
gmi-index: $(GMI_INDEX)
GMI_ATOM := $(DST_DIR)/gem-atom.xml
MK_GEMINI_ATOM := engine/
.PHONY: gmi-atom
gmi-atom: $(GMI_ATOM)
.PHONY: gemini
# Images
OPTIM_IMG := engine/
define img
SRC_IMG_$(1) ?= $$(shell find $$(SRC_DIR) -type f -name "*.$(1)")
DST_IMG_$(1) ?= $$(patsubst $$(SRC_DIR)/%,$$(DST_DIR)/%,$$(SRC_IMG_$(1)))
$$(DST_DIR)/%.$(1): $$(SRC_DIR)/%.$(1) $$(OPTIM_IMG)
@mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
$$(OPTIM_IMG) "$$<" "$$@"
.PHONY: $(1)
$(1): $$(DST_IMG_$(1))
ALL += $(1)
$(info $(call img,jpg))
$(eval $(call img,jpg))
$(eval $(call img,jpeg))
$(eval $(call img,gif))
$(eval $(call img,png))
.PHONY: img
img: jpg jpeg gif png
.PHONY: site
site: $(ALL)
.PHONY: deploy
deploy: $(ALL)
engine/ # deploy to
engine/ye-com-fastpublish.hs # deploy to (via github pages)
.PHONY: clean
-[ -f $(ENV_VARS) ] && rm $(ENV_VARS)
-[ ! -z "$(DST_DIR)" ] && rm -rf $(DST_DIR)/*
-[ ! -z "$(CACHE_DIR)" ] && rm -rf $(CACHE_DIR)/*

Shakefile.hs Symbolic link
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

6 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#+TITLE: Project TODO
* DONE Display size of current page (text + images)
CLOSED: [2020-02-23 Sun 00:18]
* TODO Delete classes not present in both CSS and HTML

app/Shakefile.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
import Protolude
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 (iso8601Show)
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Default ( Default(def) )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Mustache
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Class as Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Definition ( Pandoc(..)
, Block(..)
, Inline(..)
, MetaValue(..)
, nullMeta
, docTitle
, docDate
, docAuthors
, lookupMeta
import Text.Pandoc.Options ( ReaderOptions(..)
, WriterOptions(..)
, ObfuscationMethod(..)
, HTMLMathMethod(..)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Readers as Readers
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (Walkable(..))
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Writers as Writers
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Templates as Templates
main :: IO ()
main = shakeArgs shOpts buildRules
shOpts =
{ shakeVerbosity = Chatty
, shakeLintInside = ["\\"]
-- Configuration
-- Should probably go in a Reader Monad
srcDir :: FilePath
srcDir = "src"
siteDir :: FilePath
siteDir = "_site"
optimDir :: FilePath
optimDir = "_optim"
-- BlogPost data structure (a bit of duplication because the metas are in Pandoc)
data BlogPost =
BlogPost { postTitle :: T.Text
, postDate :: T.Text
, postAuthor :: T.Text
, postUrl :: FilePath
, postSrc :: FilePath
, postTags :: [T.Text]
, postDescr :: T.Text
, postToc :: Bool
, postBody :: Pandoc
inlineToText :: PandocMonad m => [Inline] -> m T.Text
inlineToText inline =
Writers.writeAsciiDoc def (Pandoc nullMeta [Plain inline])
reformatDate :: Text -> Text
reformatDate = T.takeWhile (/= ' ') . (T.dropAround dateEnvelope)
dateEnvelope ' ' = True
dateEnvelope '\n' = True
dateEnvelope '\t' = True
dateEnvelope '[' = True
dateEnvelope ']' = True
dateEnvelope _ = False
:: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => [Char] -> Bool -> Pandoc -> m BlogPost
getBlogpostFromMetas path toc pandoc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
eitherBlogpost <- liftIO $ Pandoc.runIO $ do
title <- fmap (T.dropEnd 1) $ inlineToText $ docTitle meta
date <- fmap reformatDate $ inlineToText $ docDate meta
author <- case head $ docAuthors meta of
Just m -> fmap T.strip $ inlineToText m
Nothing -> return ""
let tags = tagsToList $ lookupMeta "keywords" meta
description = descr $ lookupMeta "description" meta
url = "/" </> dropDirectory1 path -<.> "org"
return $ BlogPost title date author url path tags description toc pandoc
case eitherBlogpost of
Left _ -> fail "BAD"
Right bp -> return bp
tagsToList (Just (MetaList ms)) = map toStr ms
tagsToList _ = []
descr (Just (MetaString t)) = t
descr _ = ""
toStr (MetaString t) = t
toStr (MetaInlines inlines) = T.intercalate " " $ map inlineToTxt inlines
toStr _ = ""
inlineToTxt (Str t) = t
inlineToTxt _ = ""
sortByPostDate :: [BlogPost] -> [BlogPost]
sortByPostDate =
sortBy (\a b-> compare (postDate b) (postDate a))
build :: FilePath -> FilePath
build = (</>) siteDir
genAllDeps :: [FilePattern] -> Action [FilePath]
genAllDeps patterns = do
allMatchedFiles <- getDirectoryFiles srcDir patterns
allMatchedFiles &
filter ((/= "html") . takeExtension) &
filter (null . takeExtension) &
map (siteDir </>) &
buildRules :: Rules ()
buildRules = do
getPost <- mkGetPost
getPosts <- mkGetPosts getPost
getTemplate <- mkGetTemplate
build "**" %> \out -> do
let asset = dropDirectory1 out
case (takeExtension asset) of
".html" -> do
if out == siteDir </> "index.html"
then buildArchive getPosts getTemplate out
else do
htmlExists <- doesFileExist (srcDir </> asset)
if htmlExists
then copyFileChanged (srcDir </> asset) out
else genHtmlAction getPost getTemplate out
".pdf" -> do
txtExists <- doesFileExist (srcDir </> asset)
if txtExists
then copyFileChanged (srcDir </> asset) out
else genPdfAction getPost out
".gmi" -> do
fileExists <- doesFileExist (srcDir </> asset)
if fileExists
then copyFileChanged (srcDir </> asset) out
else if out == siteDir </> "index.gmi"
then buildGeminiArchive getPosts out
else genGeminiAction out
".jpg" -> compressImage asset
".jpeg" -> compressImage asset
".gif" -> compressImage asset
".png" -> compressImage asset
_ -> copyFileChanged (srcDir </> asset) out
optimDir </> "rss.xml" %> \_ -> do
command_[] "engine/" []
welcomeTxt :: Text
welcomeTxt = toS $ T.intercalate "\n" $
[ "Welcome to my small place on the Internet."
:: (() -> Action [BlogPost])
-> (FilePath -> Action Template) -> [Char] -> Action ()
buildArchive getPosts getTemplate out = do
css <- genAllDeps ["//*.css"]
posts <- fmap sortByPostDate $ getPosts ()
need $ css <> map postSrc posts
title :: Text
title = "#+title: Yann Esposito's blog"
menu = "@@html:<a href=\"/index.html\">Home</a> | <a href=\"/slides.html\">Slides</a> | <a href=\"/about-me.html\">About</a>@@"
articleList = toS $ T.intercalate "\n" $ map postInfo posts
olderArchives = "---\n\n@@html:<a href=\"/Scratch/en/blog/index.html\">Older Archives from my previous blog</a>@@"
fileContent = title <> "\n\n" <> menu <> "\n\n" <> welcomeTxt <> "\n\n" <> articleList <> olderArchives
eitherResult <- liftIO $ Pandoc.runIO $ Readers.readOrg (def { readerStandalone = True }) (toS fileContent)
bp <- case eitherResult of
Left _ -> fail "BAD"
Right pandoc -> getBlogpostFromMetas out False pandoc
innerHtml <- genHtml bp
template <- getTemplate ("templates" </> "main.mustache")
let htmlContent =
renderMustache template
$ object [ "title" .= postTitle bp
, "author" .= postAuthor bp
, "date" .= postDate bp
, "tags" .= postTags bp
, "description" .= postDescr bp
, "body" .= innerHtml
writeFile' out (toS htmlContent)
geminiMenu :: Text
geminiMenu = T.intercalate "\n"
[ "=> /index.gmi Home"
, "=> /gem-atom.xml Feed"
, "=> /slides.gmi Slides"
, "=> /about-me.gmi About me"
:: (() -> Action [BlogPost])
-> [Char] -> Action ()
buildGeminiArchive getPosts out = do
posts <- fmap sortByPostDate $ getPosts ()
need $ map postSrc posts
title :: Text
title = "# Yann Esposito's posts"
articleList = toS $ T.intercalate "\n" $ map postGeminiInfo posts
fileContent = title
<> "\n\n" <> welcomeTxt
<> "\n\n" <> geminiMenu
<> "\n\n" <> "## Articles"
<> "\n\n" <> articleList
writeFile' out (toS fileContent)
postGeminiInfo :: BlogPost -> Text
postGeminiInfo bp =
"=> " <> (toS (postUrl bp -<.> ".gmi")) <> " " <> date <> ": " <> (postTitle bp)
date = T.takeWhile (/= ' ') (postDate bp)
postInfo :: BlogPost -> Text
postInfo bp =
"| " <> date <> " | " <> orglink <> " |"
date = T.takeWhile (/= ' ') (postDate bp)
orglink = "[[file:" <> (toS (postUrl bp)) <> "][" <> (postTitle bp) <> "]]"
replaceLinks :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
replaceLinks = walk replaceOrgLink
replaceOrgLink :: Inline -> Inline
replaceOrgLink lnk@(Link attr inl (url,txt)) =
if takeExtension (toS url) == ".org"
then Link attr inl ((toS (toS url -<.> ".html")),txt)
else lnk
replaceOrgLink x = x
orgContentToText :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Text -> m Text
orgContentToText org = do
eitherResult <- liftIO $ Pandoc.runIO $ Readers.readOrg (def { readerStandalone = True }) org
pandoc <- case eitherResult of
Left _ -> fail "BAD"
Right p -> return p
eitherHtml <- liftIO $ Pandoc.runIO $
Writers.writeHtml5String (def {writerEmailObfuscation = ReferenceObfuscation}) pandoc
case eitherHtml of
Left _ -> fail "BAD"
Right innerHtml -> return innerHtml
postamble :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Text -> BlogPost -> m Text
postamble now bp =
orgContentToText $ unlines $
[ "@@html:<footer>@@"
, "@@html:<i>Any comment? Click on my email below and I'll add it.</i>@@"
, ""
, "| author | @@html:<span class=\"author\">@@ [[mailto:Yann Esposito <>?subject=yblog: " <> (postTitle bp) <> "][Yann Esposito <>]] @@html:</span>@@ |"
, "| gpg | [[file:files/publickey.txt][CB420F8005F1A662]] |"
, "| tags | " <> T.intercalate " " (map ("#"<>) (postTags bp)) <> " |"
, "| date | " <> postDate bp <> " |"
, "| rss | [[file:/rss.xml][RSS]] ([[][validate]]) |"
, "| size | @@html:<span class=\"web-file-size\">XXK (html XXK, css XXK, img XXK)</span>@@ |"
, "| gz | @@html:<span class=\"gzweb-file-size\">XXK (html XXK, css XXK, img XXK)</span>@@ |"
, "| generated | " <> now <> " |"
, ""
, "@@html:</footer>@@"
tpltxt :: Text
tpltxt = T.unlines [
, "<nav id=\"$idprefix$TOC\" role=\"doc-toc\">"
, "$if(toc-title)$"
, "<h2 id=\"$idprefix$toc-title\">$toc-title$</h2>"
, "$endif$"
, "$table-of-contents$"
, "</nav>"
, "$endif$"
, "$body$"
getPostTpl :: IO (Templates.Template Text)
getPostTpl = do
etpl <- Templates.compileTemplate "blog.template" tpltxt
case etpl of
Left e -> fail e
Right tpl -> return tpl
genHtml :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => BlogPost -> m Text
genHtml bp = do
let htmlBody = replaceLinks (postBody bp)
eitherHtml <- liftIO $ do
tpl <- getPostTpl
Pandoc.runIO $ do
(def { writerTableOfContents = postToc bp
, writerTemplate = Just tpl
, writerTOCDepth = 3
, writerEmailObfuscation = ReferenceObfuscation
, writerHTMLMathMethod = MathML
body <- case eitherHtml of
Left _ -> fail "BAD"
Right innerHtml -> return innerHtml
now <- liftIO Clock.getCurrentTime
footer <- postamble (toS (iso8601Show now)) bp
return (body <> footer)
origin :: Text
origin = ""
geminiOrigin :: Text
geminiOrigin = "gemini://"
:: (FilePath -> Action BlogPost)
-> (FilePath -> Action Template) -> [Char] -> Action ()
genHtmlAction getPost getTemplate out = do
let tplname = case takeDirectory1 (dropDirectory1 out) of
"posts" -> "post.mustache"
"slides" -> "slide.mustache"
"drafts" -> "post.mustache"
_ -> "main.mustache"
let templateFile = "templates" </> tplname
template <- getTemplate templateFile
let srcFile = srcDir </> (dropDirectory1 (out -<.> "org"))
liftIO $ putText $ "need: " <> (toS srcFile) <> " -> " <> (toS out)
need [srcFile,templateFile,"templates" </> "menu.mustache","Shakefile.hs"]
bp <- getPost srcFile
innerHtml <- genHtml bp
let htmlContent =
renderMustache template
$ object [ "title" .= postTitle bp
, "author" .= postAuthor bp
, "date" .= postDate bp
, "tags" .= postTags bp
, "description" .= postDescr bp
, "body" .= innerHtml
, "orgsource" .= T.pack (postUrl bp -<.> "org")
, "txtsource" .= T.pack (postUrl bp -<.> "gmi")
, "geminiurl" .= T.pack (toS geminiOrigin <> postUrl bp -<.> "gmi")
, "pdf" .= T.pack (postUrl bp -<.> "pdf")
, "permalink" .= T.pack (toS origin <> postUrl bp -<.> "html")
writeFile' out (toS htmlContent)
genPdfAction :: p -> [Char] -> Action ()
genPdfAction _getPost out = do
let srcFile = srcDir </> (dropDirectory1 (out -<.> "org"))
need [srcFile,"Shakefile.hs"]
command_ [] "pandoc"
, "--resource-path=" <> takeDirectory srcFile
, srcFile
, "--resource-path=."
, "-H", "engine" </> "deeplist.tex"
-- , "-V", "mainfont:CMU Serif"
-- , "-V", "mainfontoptions:Renderer=OpenType, Mapping=tex-text, ItalicFeatures={Alternate = 0}, Ligatures={Common,Rare,Historic,Contextual},Contextuals=Inner,Alternate=1"
-- , "-V", "monofont:Menlo"
-- , "-V", "monofontoptions:Scale=0.7"
, "-o", out ]
-- genGemini :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => BlogPost -> m Text
-- genGemini bp = do
-- eitherMd <- liftIO $ Pandoc.runIO $ Writers.writeMarkdown def (postBody bp)
-- case eitherMd of
-- Left _ -> fail "BAD"
-- Right innerMd -> return innerMd
genGeminiAction :: [Char] -> Action ()
genGeminiAction out = do
let srcFile = srcDir </> (dropDirectory1 (out -<.> "org"))
need [srcFile]
command_ [] "./engine/" [ srcFile, out ]
allHtmlAction :: Action ()
allHtmlAction = do
allOrgFiles <- getDirectoryFiles srcDir ["//*.org"]
let allHtmlFiles = map (-<.> "html") allOrgFiles
need (map build allHtmlFiles)
allPdfAction :: Action ()
allPdfAction = do
allOrgFiles <- getDirectoryFiles srcDir ["//*.org"]
let allHtmlFiles = map (-<.> "pdf") allOrgFiles
need (map build allHtmlFiles)
allGeminiAction :: Action ()
allGeminiAction = do
allOrgFiles <- getDirectoryFiles srcDir ["//*.org"]
let allGeminiFiles = map (-<.> "gmi") allOrgFiles
need (map build $ allGeminiFiles <> ["index.gmi"])
compressImage :: FilePath -> Action ()
compressImage img = do
let src = srcDir </> img
dst = siteDir </> img
need [src]
let dir = takeDirectory dst
dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
when (not dirExists) $
command [] "mkdir" ["-p", dir]
command_ [] "convert" [ src
, "-strip"
, "-resize","960x960>"
, "-interlace","Plane"
, "-quality","85"
, "-define","filter:blur=0.75"
, "-filter","Gaussian"
-- , "-ordered-dither","o4x4,4"
, dst ]
needFast :: Action ()
needFast = do
allAssets <- filter (/= ".DS_Store") <$> getDirectoryFiles srcDir ["**"]
need (map build $ allAssets <> ["index.html"])
fastRule :: Rules ()
fastRule =
withTargetDocs "generate html" $
phony "fast" $
needAll :: Action ()
needAll = do
allRule :: Rules ()
allRule =
withTargetDocs "generate all, no optim" $
phony "all" $
fullRule :: Rules ()
fullRule =
withTargetDocs "generate all and optim" $
phony "full" $
need [optimDir </> "rss.xml"]
cleanRule :: Rules ()
cleanRule =
phony "clean" $ do
putInfo "Cleaning files in _site and _optim"
forM_ [siteDir,optimDir] $ flip removeFilesAfter ["**"]
mkGetTemplate :: Rules (FilePath -> Action Template)
mkGetTemplate = newCache $ \path -> do
fileContent <- readFile' path
header <- readFile' ("templates" </> "header.mustache")
menu <- readFile' ("templates" </> "menu.mustache")
let withIncludes = fileContent & toS & T.replace "{{>header}}" (toS header) & T.replace "{{>menu}}" (toS menu)
res = compileMustacheText "page" (toS withIncludes)
case res of
Left _ -> fail "BAD"
Right template -> return template
tocRequested :: Text -> Bool
tocRequested fc =
let toc = fc & T.lines
& map T.toLower
& filter (T.isPrefixOf (T.pack "#+options: "))
& head
& fmap (filter (T.isPrefixOf (T.pack "toc:")) . T.words)
in toc == Just ["toc:t"]
mkGetPost :: Rules (FilePath -> Action BlogPost)
mkGetPost = newCache $ \path -> do
fileContent <- readFile' path
let toc = tocRequested (toS fileContent)
eitherResult <- liftIO $ Pandoc.runIO $ Readers.readOrg (def { readerStandalone = True }) (toS fileContent)
case eitherResult of
Left _ -> fail "BAD"
Right pandoc -> getBlogpostFromMetas path toc pandoc
mkGetPosts :: (FilePath -> Action b) -> Rules (() -> Action [b])
mkGetPosts getPost =
newCache $ \() -> mapM getPost =<< getDirectoryFiles "" ["src/posts//*.org"]

8 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# mkdir -p _shake
# ghc --make app/Shakefile.hs -rtsopts -threaded -with-rtsopts=-I0 -outputdir=_shake -o _shake/build && _shake/build "$@"
# cabal v2-run -- her-esy-fun "$@"
runghc app/Shakefile.hs "$@"

View file

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh #!/usr/bin/env zsh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1 cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
[[ -f ./engine/ ]] || make ./engine/
source ./engine/
direnv reload direnv reload
echo "Watching $PWD/{src,templates}" echo "Watching $PWD/{src,templates}"
# fswatch --exclude='\\.#' src | while read event; do # fswatch --exclude='\\.#' src | while read event; do
fswatch --exclude='^.*\.#.*$' src engine templates | while read event; do fswatch --exclude='^.*\.#.*$' src templates | while read event; do
echo "$event" echo "$event"
./engine/ ./engine/ fast
done done

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#!/bin/zsh #!/bin/sh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1 # mkdir -p _shake
source ./engine/ # ghc --make app/Shakefile.hs -rtsopts -threaded -with-rtsopts=-I0 -outputdir=_shake -o _shake/build && _shake/build "$@"
make -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
cabal v2-run -- her-esy-fun "$@"

engine/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
echo -n "* Clean site cache"
find _site -mindepth 1 -not -path "_site/.gitignore" -delete
find _full -mindepth 1 -not -path "_full/.gitignore" -delete
find _optim -mindepth 1 -not -path "_optim/.gitignore" -delete
rm -rf _cache
echo " [done]"

engine/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
minify "$1" > "$2"

engine/deeplist.tex Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@

engine/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
set -e # fail on first error
set -u # fail if a variable is not set
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
echo "$rootdir"
./engine/ full

View file

@ -1,26 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh #!/usr/bin/env zsh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1 cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
source ./engine/ tmux \
new-session './engine/' \; \
## colors for tput split-window './engine/' \; \
# black=0 split-window 'lorri watch' \; \
red=1 select-layout even-vertical
# magenta=5
# cyan=6
# white=7
green() { printf "$(tput setaf $green)%s$(tput sgr0)" "$*" }
yellow() { printf "$(tput setaf $yellow)%s$(tput sgr0)" "$*" }
blue() { printf "$(tput setaf $blue)%s$(tput sgr0)" "$*" }
pipegreen() {while read line; do green $line; done}
pipeyellow() {while read line; do yellow $line; done}
pipeblue() {while read line; do blue $line; done}
tee >(lorri watch | sed 's/^/[lorri] /' | pipegreen ) \
>(./engine/ | sed 's/^/[http] /' | pipeyellow) \
>(./engine/ | sed 's/^/[make] /' | pipeblue) \
>(sleep 1 && open '')

engine/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Should build the docker image
docker build -t .

engine/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
if (($#>0)); then
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/home/ -p 3000:3000 --name -it /bin/sh -c "cd /home/ && nix-shell --run '$*'"
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/home/ -p 3000:3000 --name -it

engine/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
echo "* org-publish"
emacs -nw \
--load project.el \
--eval "(progn (org-publish \"draft\") (evil-quit))"
echo "* org-publish [done]"

engine/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
debug () {
print -- "$@" >/dev/null
if (($#>0)); then
filelist=( $* )
filelist=( $webdir/**/*.html(.) )
local suff=$1;
local fic=$2;
cat $fic | perl -p -e 's#href="?/css/mk.css"?#href=/css/'$suff'.css#;s#(/?(index|archive|slides|about-me)).html#$1-'$suff'.html#g;s#(posts/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*).html#$1-'$suff'.html#g;s#-'$suff'.html>mk#.html>mk#g' > ${fic:r}-${suff}.html
print -- "Duplicate HTML by themes"
for fic in $filelist; do
if echo $fic|grep -E -- '-(mk|min|sci|modern).html$'>/dev/null; then
print -n -- "$fic "
for suff in sci min modern; do
trans $suff $fic
print "[OK]"
print "Duplicate HTML by theme [done]"

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-- img-to-webp.lua
function Image(el)
local fileext = el.src:match("%.[^%.]+$");
-- DEBUG -- print("LUA IMG: ", fileext);
if ( fileext == ".jpg" or fileext == ".png" or fileext == ".jpeg" ) then
el.src = el.src .. ".webp"
return el

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
server.bind = ""
server.port = 3077
server.document-root = var.CWD + "/_site/"
index-file.names = ( "index.html" )
mimetype.assign = (
".css" => "text/css",
".gif" => "image/gif",
".htm" => "text/html",
".html" => "text/html",
".jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
".jpg" => "image/jpeg",
".js" => "text/javascript",
".png" => "image/png",
".swf" => "application/x-shockwave-flash",
".txt" => "text/plain",
".gmi" => "text/plain",
".svg" => "image/svg+xml",
".svgz" => "image/svg+xml"
# Making sure file uploads above 64k always work when using IE or Safari
# For more information, see
$HTTP["useragent"] =~ "^(.*MSIE.*)|(.*AppleWebKit.*)$" {
server.max-keep-alive-requests = 0

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-- links-to-html.lua
function Link(el) = string.gsub(string.gsub(, "", ".html"), "%.html::", ".html#" )
return el

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-- intermediate store for variables and their values
local variables = {}
--- Function called for each raw block element.
function RawBlock (raw)
-- Don't do anything unless the block contains *org* markup.
if raw.format ~= 'org' then return nil end
-- extract variable name and value
local name, value = raw.text:match '#%+(%w+):%s*(.+)$'
if name and value then
variables[name] = value
-- Add the extracted variables to the document's metadata.
function Meta (meta)
for name, value in pairs(variables) do
meta[name] = value
return meta

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1 cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
# Directory # Directory
webdir="_site" webdir="_optim"
postsdir="$webdir/posts" postsdir="$webdir/posts"
rssfile="$webdir/gem-atom.xml" rssfile="$webdir/gem-atom.xml"
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ finddate(){ < $1 | awk '/^date: /' | head -n1 | perl -pe 's/^.*\[//;s/ .*$//;' }
findtitle(){ < $1 | head -n1 | perl -pe 's/^# //' } findtitle(){ < $1 | head -n1 | perl -pe 's/^# //' }
getcontent(){ getcontent(){
< $1 perl -pe 'use URI; $base="'$2'"; s# (href|src)="((?!https?://)[^"]*)"#" ".$1."=\"".URI->new_abs($2,$base)->as_string."\""#eig' } < $1 perl -pe 'use URI; $base="'$2'"; s# (href|src)="((?!https?://)[^"]*)"#" ".$1."=\"".URI->new_abs($2,$base)->as_string."\""#eig' }
findkeywords(){ < $1 | awk '/^keywords: /' | head -n1 | sed 's/keywords: //' } findkeywords(){ < $1 | awk '/^keywords: /' | head -n1 | perl -pe 's/^[^:]\s+//' }
mkcategories(){ mkcategories(){
for keyword in $*; do for keyword in $*; do
printf "\\n<category>%s</category>" $keyword printf "\\n<category>%s</category>" $keyword

View file

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
source ./engine/
# Directory
# maximal number of articles to put in the RSS file
# RSS Metas
rssdescription=" articles, mostly random personal thoughts"
rssauthor=" (Yann Esposito)"
# title and keyword shouldn't be changed
formatdate() {
# format the date for RSS
local d=$1
LC_TIME=en_US date --date $d +'%Y-%m-%d'
finddate(){ < $1 | awk '/^date: /' | head -n1 | perl -pe 's/^.*\[//;s/ .*$//;' }
findtitle(){ < $1 | head -n1 | perl -pe 's/^# //' }
< $1 perl -pe 'use URI; $base="'$2'"; s# (href|src)="((?!https?://)[^"]*)"#" ".$1."=\"".URI->new_abs($2,$base)->as_string."\""#eig' }
findkeywords(){ < $1 | awk '/^keywords: /' | head -n1 | sed 's/keywords: //' }
autoload -U colors && colors
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
typeset -a dates
dates=( )
for fic in $postsdir/**/*.gmi; do
postfile="$(echo "$fic"|sed 's#^'$postsdir'/##')"
blogfile="$(echo "$fic"|sed 's#^'$webdir'/##')"
printf "%-30s" $postfile
d=$(finddate $xfic)
echo -n " [$d]"
rssdate=$(formatdate $d)
title=$(findtitle $xfic)
keywords=( $(findkeywords $xfic) )
printf ": %-55s" "$title ($keywords)"
printf "=> %s %s: %s [%s]\n" "$absoluteurl" "$rssdate" "$title" "$keywords"
} >> "$tmpdir/${d}-$(basename $fic).gmi"
dates=( $d $dates )
echo " [${fg[green]}OK${reset_color}]"
echo "Publishing"
for fic in $(ls $tmpdir/*.gmi | sort -r | head -n $maxarticles ); do
echo "${fic:t}"
cat $fic >> $tmpdir/gmi
rssmaxdate=$(formatdate $(for d in $dates; do echo $d; done | sort -r | head -n 1))
rssbuilddate=$(formatdate $(date))
cat <<END
/ <=> \\
( (O) )
\\ /
The index of my articles.
I talk about programming and sometime movies.
Some articles are only intended for gemini.
cat $tmpdir/gmi
} > "$indexfile"
rm -rf $tmpdir
echo "* Gemini Index [done]"

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
if grep -ie '^#+options:' "$orgfile" | grep 'toc:t'>/dev/null; then
set -x
pandoc $tocoption \
--template="$template" \
--lua-filter="$luafilter" \
--lua-filter="$luafilterimg" \
--lua-filter="$luametas" \
--mathml \
--from org \
--to html5 \
--standalone \
$orgfile \
--output "$htmlfile"

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
source ./engine/
# Directory
# HTML Accessors (similar to CSS accessors)
# title and keyword shouldn't be changed
finddate(){ < $1 hxselect -c $dateaccessor | sed 's/\[//g;s/\]//g;s/ .*$//' }
findtitle(){ < $1 hxselect -c $titleaccessor }
findkeywords(){ < $1 hxselect -c $keywordsaccessor | sed 's/,/ /g' }
autoload -U colors && colors
blogfile="$(echo "$xfic"|sed 's#.xml$#.html#;s#^'$indexdir'/#posts/#')"
printf "%-30s" $blogfile
d=$(finddate $xfic)
echo -n " [$d]"
title=$(findtitle $xfic)
keywords=( $(findkeywords $xfic) )
printf ": %-55s" "$title ($keywords)"
{ printf "\\n<li>"
printf "\\n<span class=\"pubDate\">%s</span>" "$d"
printf "\\n<span class=\"post-title\"><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></span>" "${blogfile}" "$title"
printf "\\n</li>\\n\\n"
} > ${dst}
echo " [${fg[green]}OK${reset_color}]"

View file

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
autoload -U colors && colors
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
source ./engine/
# Directory
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
echo "Publishing"
finddate(){ < $1 hxselect -c $dateaccessor }
# generate files with <DATE>-<FILENAME>.index
for fic in $indexdir/**/*.index; do
d=$(finddate $fic)
echo "${${fic:h}:t} [$d]"
cp $fic $tmpdir/$d-${${fic:h}:t}.index
# for every post in reverse order
# generate the body (there is some logic to group by year)
for fic in $(ls $tmpdir/*.index | sort -r); do
d=$(finddate $fic)
year=$( echo "$d" | perl -pe 's#(\d{4})-.*#$1#')
if (( year != previousyear )); then
if (( previousyear > 0 )); then
echo "</ul>" >> $tmpdir/index
echo "<h3 name=\"${year}\" >${year}</h3><ul>" >> $tmpdir/index
cat $fic >> $tmpdir/index
echo "</ul>" >> $tmpdir/index
description="Most recent articles"
author="Yann Esposito"
body=$(< $tmpdir/index)
date=$(LC_TIME=en_US date +'%Y-%m-%d')
# A neat trick to use pandoc template within a shell script
# the pandoc templates use $x$ format, we replace it by just $x
# to be used with envsubst
template=$(< templates/index.html | \
sed 's/\$\(header-includes\|table-of-content\)\$//' | \
sed 's/\$if.*\$//' | \
perl -pe 's#(\$[^\$]*)\$#$1#g' )
export title
export author
export description
export date
export body
echo ${template} | envsubst
} > "$indexfile"
rm -rf $tmpdir
echo "* HTML INDEX [done]"

View file

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
source ./engine/
# Directory
# file to handle
# RSS Metas
# HTML Accessors (similar to CSS accessors)
# title and keyword shouldn't be changed
formatdate() {
# format the date for RSS
local d="$1"
# echo "DEBUG DATE: $d" >&2
LC_TIME=en_US date --date $d +'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z'
finddate(){ < $1 hxselect -c $dateaccessor | sed 's/\[//g;s/\]//g;s/ .*$//' }
findtitle(){ < $1 hxselect -c $titleaccessor }
< $1 hxselect $contentaccessor | \
perl -pe 'use URI; $base="'$2'"; s# (href|src)="((?!https?://)[^"]*)"#" ".$1."=\"".URI->new_abs($2,$base)->as_string."\""#eig' }
findkeywords(){ < $1 hxselect -c $keywordsaccessor | sed 's/,/ /g' }
for keyword in $*; do
printf "\\n<category>%s</category>" $keyword
autoload -U colors && colors
postfile="$(echo "$fic"|sed 's#^'$postsdir'/##')"
blogfile="$(echo "$fic"|sed 's#.xml$#.html#;s#^'$indexdir'/#posts/#')"
printf "%-30s" $blogfile
d=$(finddate $xfic)
echo -n " [$d]"
rssdate=$(formatdate $d)
title=$(findtitle $xfic)
keywords=( $(findkeywords $xfic) )
printf ": %-55s" "$title ($keywords)"
categories=$(mkcategories $keywords)
[[ ! -d $(dirname $dst) ]] && mkdir -p $(dirname $dst)
{ printf "\\n<item>"
printf "\\n<title>%s</title>" "$title"
printf "\\n<guid>%s</guid>" "$absoluteurl"
printf "\\n<pubDate>%s</pubDate>%s" "$rssdate"
printf "%s" "$categories"
printf "\\n<description><![CDATA[\\n%s\\n]]></description>" "$(getcontent "$xfic" "$absoluteurl")"
printf "\\n</item>\\n\\n"
} > "${dst}"
echo " [${fg[green]}OK${reset_color}]"

View file

@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
#! /usr/bin/env zsh #!/usr/bin/env zsh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1 cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
source ./engine/
# Directory # Directory
webdir="_site" webdir="_optim"
postsdir="$webdir/posts" postsdir="$webdir/posts"
rssfile="$webdir/rss.xml" rssfile="$webdir/rss.xml"
# maximal number of articles to put in the RSS file # maximal number of articles to put in the RSS file
maxarticles=10 maxarticles=10
@ -21,41 +19,67 @@ rssauthor=" (Yann Esposito)"
rssimgurl="" rssimgurl=""
# HTML Accessors (similar to CSS accessors) # HTML Accessors (similar to CSS accessors)
dateaccessor='pubDate' dateaccessor='.article-date'
# title and keyword shouldn't be changed
formatdate() { formatdate() {
# format the date for RSS # format the date for RSS
local d="$1" local d=$1
# echo "DEBUG DATE: $d" >&2
LC_TIME=en_US date --date $d +'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z' LC_TIME=en_US date --date $d +'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z'
} }
isodate() {
# format the date for sorting
local d="$1"
# echo "DEBUG DATE: $d" >&2
LC_TIME=en_US date --date "$d" +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
finddate(){ < $1 hxselect -c $dateaccessor } finddate(){ < $1 hxselect -c $dateaccessor }
findtitle(){ < $1 hxselect -c $titleaccessor }
< $1 hxselect $contentaccessor | \
perl -pe 'use URI; $base="'$2'"; s# (href|src)="((?!https?://)[^"]*)"#" ".$1."=\"".URI->new_abs($2,$base)->as_string."\""#eig' }
findkeywords(){ < $1 hxselect -c $keywordsaccessor | sed 's/,/ /g' }
for keyword in $*; do
printf "\\n<category>%s</category>" $keyword
autoload -U colors && colors autoload -U colors && colors
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
typeset -a dates typeset -a dates
dates=( ) dates=( )
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) for fic in $postsdir/**/*.html; do
for fic in $indexdir/**/*.rss; do if echo $fic|egrep -- '-(mk|min|sci|modern).html$'>/dev/null; then
rssdate=$(finddate $fic) continue
echo -n "${${fic:h}:t} [$rssdate]" fi
d=$(isodate $rssdate) postfile="$(echo "$fic"|sed 's#^'$postsdir'/##')"
blogfile="$(echo "$fic"|sed 's#^'$webdir'/##')"
printf "%-30s" $postfile
mkdir -p $(dirname $xfic)
hxclean $fic > $xfic
d=$(finddate $xfic)
echo -n " [$d]"
rssdate=$(formatdate $d)
title=$(findtitle $xfic)
keywords=( $(findkeywords $xfic) )
printf ": %-55s" "$title ($keywords)"
categories=$(mkcategories $keywords)
{ printf "\\n<item>"
printf "\\n<title>%s</title>" "$title"
printf "\\n<guid>%s</guid>" "$absoluteurl"
printf "\\n<pubDate>%s</pubDate>%s" "$rssdate"
printf "%s" "$categories"
printf "\\n<description><![CDATA[\\n%s\\n]]></description>" "$(getcontent "$xfic" "$absoluteurl")"
printf "\\n</item>\\n\\n"
} >> "$tmpdir/${d}-$(basename $fic).rss"
dates=( $d $dates ) dates=( $d $dates )
echo " [${fg[green]}OK${reset_color}]" echo " [${fg[green]}OK${reset_color}]"
cp $fic $tmpdir/$d-${${fic:h}:t}.rss
done done
echo "Publishing" echo "Publishing"
for fic in $(ls $tmpdir/*.rss | sort -r | head -n $maxarticles ); do for fic in $(ls $tmpdir/*.rss | sort -r | head -n $maxarticles ); do
echo "$((n++)) ${fic:t}" echo "${fic:t}"
cat $fic >> $tmpdir/rss cat $fic >> $tmpdir/rss
done done
@ -96,13 +120,5 @@ cat <<END
} > "$rssfile" } > "$rssfile"
mkdir -p "${legacyenrss:h}"
mkdir -p "${legacyfrrss:h}"
cp -f "$rssfile" "$legacyenrss"
cp -f "$rssfile" "$legacyfrrss"
rm -rf $tmpdir rm -rf $tmpdir
echo "\* RSS [done]" echo "* RSS [done]"

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
(( $# < 1 )) && {
print -- "usage: ${0:t} title"
exit 1
scrub=$(echo "$title" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | perl -pe 's/[^a-z0-9_]+/-/g;s/-+$//')
lastnumber () {
for d in "$postsdir"/*; do
number=$(echo "${d:t}" | sed 's/-.*$//')
echo "$number"
done | sort -n | tail -n 1
newdir=$(printf "%04d-%s" $((n+1)) "$scrub")
today=$(date +"[%Y-%m-%d %a]")
mkdir "${dst:h}"
cat > "$dst" <<EOF
#+title: $title
#+keywords: blog static
#+author: Yann Esposito
#+date: $today
#+lang: en
#+options: auto-id:t
#+startup: showeverything

engine/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
retrieve_classes_in_html () {
cat $webdir/**/*.html(N) | \
perl -pe 's/class="?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)/\nCLASS: $1\n/g'
retrieve_classes_in_css () {
cat $webdir/**/*.css(N) | \
perl -pe 's/ \.([a-zA-Z-_][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)/\nCLASS:$1\n/g'
classes=( $( {retrieve_classes_in_html; retrieve_classes_in_css}| \
egrep "^CLASS: [^ ]*$" |\
sort -u | \
awk 'length($2)>2 && $2 !~ /(web-file-size|article-date|example|src)/ {print length($2),$2}'|\
sort -rn | \
awk '{print $2}') )
chr() {
[ "$1" -lt 26 ] || return 1
printf "\\$(printf '%03o' $(( 97 + $1 )))"
shortName() {
if [ "$1" -gt 25 ]; then
print -- $(shortName $(( ( $1 / 26 ) - 1 )))$(shortName $(( $1 % 26 )))
chr $1
typeset -A assoc
for c in $classes; do
sn=$(shortName $i)
print -- "$c -> $sn"
for long in $classes; do
sizeof() {
stat --format="%s" "$*"
for fic in $webdir/**/*.{html,xml}(N); do
before=$(sizeof $fic)
print -n -- "$fic ($before"
perl -pi -e $htmlreplacer $fic
after=$(sizeof $fic)
print -- " => $after [$(( ((before - after) * 100) / before ))%])"
for fic in $webdir/**/*.css(N); do
before=$(sizeof $fic)
print -n -- "$fic ($before"
perl -pi -e $cssreplacer $fic
after=$(sizeof $fic)
print -- " => $after [$(( ((before - after) * 100) / before ))%])"

engine/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
debug () {
print -- $* >/dev/null
type -a filelist
setopt extendedglob
if (($#>0)); then
filelist=( $* )
filelist=( $webdir/**/*.html(.) )
for fic in $filelist; do
print -n -- "$fic "
cp $fic $tmp
perl -pi -e 's#<div id="outline-container-[^"]*"([^>]*)>#<div$1>#g;s# id="org[a-f0-9]{7}"##g;s# class="src src-# class="src-#g;s#<label class="org-src-name">#<label>#g;s#<div class="org-src-container">#<div>#g' $tmp
minify --mime text/html $tmp > $fic
print "[OK]"

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
sizeof() {
stat --format="%s" "$*"
convert "$src" -resize 800x800\> "$dst"
before=$(sizeof $src)
if [[ "${src:e}" == "gif" ]]; then
after=$(sizeof $dst)
cwebp "$dst" -quiet -o "$dst.webp"
after=$(sizeof $dst.webp)
if (( before <= after )); then
cp -f "$src" "$dst"
print -- "[0%] cp $before => $before"
gain=$(( ( (before - after) * 100 ) / before ))
print -- "[$gain%] convert $before => $after"

View file

@ -5,17 +5,15 @@ cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
src="$1" src="$1"
dst="$2" dst="$2"
./engine/ "$src" | \ awk -f ./engine/ "$src" | \
perl -pe 's#^email:\s+yann\\s*#$&=> /files/publickey.txt gpg\n#g;' | \ perl -pe 's#^email:\s+yann\\s*#$&=> /files/publickey.txt gpg\n#g;' | \
perl -pe 's# ?\[\[([^]]*)\]\[([^]]*)\]\]#\n\n=> $1 $2\n#g;' | \ perl -pe 's#\[\[([^]]*)\]\[([^]]*)\]\]#\n=> $1 $2#g;' | \
perl -pe 's#=> file:([^ ]*)\.org#=> $1.gmi#g;' | \ perl -pe 's#=> file:([^ ]*)\.org#=> $1.gmi#g;' | \
perl -pe 's#=> file:([^ ]*)#=> $1#g;' | \ perl -pe 's#=> file:([^ ]*)#=> $1#g;' | \
perl -pe 's#\[\[(file:)?([^]]*)\]\]#=> $2#g;' | \ perl -pe 's#\[\[(file:)?([^]]*)\]\]#=> $2#g;' | \
perl -pe 's#^\* *\n\n##' | \ perl -pe 's#^\* *\n##' | \
# remove lines with a single special char
perl -pe 's#^\s*[-\*\+\.]\s*$##' | \
perl -pe 's#^\**[ ]*:.*:$##' | \ perl -pe 's#^\**[ ]*:.*:$##' | \
perl -pe 's#^\s[- ]*$#\n#;' > "$dst" perl -pe 's#^\s[- ]*$##;' > "$dst"
{ echo "" { echo ""
echo "=> /index.gmi Home" echo "=> /index.gmi Home"
@ -23,7 +21,7 @@ dst="$2"
echo "=> /slides.gmi Slides" echo "=> /slides.gmi Slides"
echo "=> /about-me.gmi About" echo "=> /about-me.gmi About"
echo "" echo ""
echo "=> code" echo "=> code"
echo "=> bookmarks" echo "=> bookmarks"
echo "=> notes" echo "=> notes"
} >> "$dst" } >> "$dst"

View file

@ -7,14 +7,12 @@ BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1; }
/^#\+(BEGIN|END)_SRC ?/i { gsub(/#\+(BEGIN|END)_SRC ?/,"```"); } /^#\+(BEGIN|END)_SRC ?/i { gsub(/#\+(BEGIN|END)_SRC ?/,"```"); }
/^#\+(BEGIN|END)_[^ ]* ?/i { gsub(/#\+(BEGIN|END)_([^ ]*) ?/,"______"); } /^#\+(BEGIN|END)_[^ ]* ?/i { gsub(/#\+(BEGIN|END)_([^ ]*) ?/,"______"); }
/^#\+(macro|lang|language|options|startup|html_head|html_head_extra):/ { skip=1; } /^#\+(macro|lang|language|options|startup):/ { skip=1; }
/{{{br}}}/ { gsub(/{{{br}}}/,""); } /{{{br}}}/ { gsub(/{{{br}}}/,""); }
/{{{pemail}}}/ { gsub(/{{{pemail}}}/,""); } /{{{pemail}}}/ { gsub(/{{{pemail}}}/,""); }
/^#\+TITLE: / { gsub(/^#[^:]*: /,"# "); } /^#\+TITLE: / { gsub(/^#[^:]*: /,"# "); }
/^ *:[a-zA-Z_0-9]*:/ { skip=1; } /^ *:[a-zA-Z_0-9]*:/ { skip=1; }
# title
/^\* / { gsub(/^\* /,"# "); } /^\* / { gsub(/^\* /,"# "); }
/^\*\* / { gsub(/^\*\* /,"## "); } /^\*\* / { gsub(/^\*\* /,"## "); }
/^\*\*\* / { gsub(/^\*\*\* /,"### "); } /^\*\*\* / { gsub(/^\*\*\* /,"### "); }

View file

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ echo "Optim HTML size"
./engine/ ./engine/
# echo "Gen themes clones" # echo "Gen themes clones"
# ./engine/ # ./engine/
# echo "Optim Classes accross CSS/HTML" echo "Optim Classes accross CSS/HTML"
# ./engine/ ./engine/
# echo "Update file size" echo "Update file size"
# ./engine/ ./engine/
echo "Building RSS" echo "Building RSS"
./engine/ ./engine/
echo "Building Gemini Atom" echo "Building Gemini Atom"

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rg -w '#\+keywords:.*,' -t org

View file

@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1 cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
webdir="_site" if (( $# == 0 )); then
echo "Serving: $webdir on http://localhost:3077" && \ webdir="_site"
lighttpd -f ./engine/lighttpd.conf -D else
cd $webdir && \
echo "Serving: $webdir" && \
http-server -p 3000

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh #!/usr/bin/env zsh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1 cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
webdir="_site" webdir="_optim"
[[ -d $webdir ]] || { echo "no $webdir directory"; exit 1 } [[ -d $webdir ]] || { echo "no $webdir directory"; exit 1 }
@ -9,6 +9,5 @@ echo -n "Uploading website"
rsync --progress\ rsync --progress\
--partial \ --partial \
--delete \ --delete \
--exclude '.git' \
-avHe ssh ${webdir}/ -avHe ssh ${webdir}/
echo " [done]" echo " [done]"

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh #!/usr/bin/env zsh
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1 cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1
source ./engine/
webdir="_optim" webdir="_optim"
sizeof() { sizeof() {
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ type -a filelist
if (($#>0)); then if (($#>0)); then
filelist=( $* ) filelist=( $* )
else else
filelist=( $webdir/*/*.html(.) $webdir/posts/*.html ) filelist=( $webdir/**/*.html(.) )
fi fi
for fic in $filelist; do for fic in $filelist; do
@ -74,6 +73,6 @@ for fic in $filelist; do
gzsizeinfos="$gzsizeinfos)" gzsizeinfos="$gzsizeinfos)"
fi fi
print -- $sizeinfos print -- $sizeinfos
perl -pi -e 's#(<span class="?webfilesize"?>)[^<]*(</span>)#$1'"$sizeinfos"'$2#;s#(<span class="?gzwebfilesize"?>)[^<]*(</span>)#$1'"$gzsizeinfos"'$2#' $fic perl -pi -e 's#(<span class="?web-file-size"?>)[^<]*(</span>)#$1'"$sizeinfos"'$2#;s#(<span class="?gzweb-file-size"?>)[^<]*(</span>)#$1'"$gzsizeinfos"'$2#' $fic
done done
rm -rf $tmpdir rm -rf $tmpdir

View file

@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ handleShellFailed (ShellFailed cmdLine _) = do
echo $ ("[FAILED]: " <> unsafeTextToLine cmdLine) echo $ ("[FAILED]: " <> unsafeTextToLine cmdLine)
setSGR [Reset] setSGR [Reset]
handleProcFailed :: ProcFailed -> IO () handleProcFailed :: ProcFailed -> IO ()
handleProcFailed (ProcFailed procCmd procArgs _) = do handleProcFailed (ProcFailed procCommand procArgs _) = do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Red] setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Red]
echo $ unsafeTextToLine ("[FAILED]: " <> procCmd <> (mconcat procArgs)) echo $ unsafeTextToLine ("[FAILED]: " <> procCommand <> (mconcat procArgs))
setSGR [Reset] setSGR [Reset]
@ -39,10 +39,9 @@ mainProc = do
debug $ unsafeTextToLine $ "cd " <> (format fp pubdir) debug $ unsafeTextToLine $ "cd " <> (format fp pubdir)
cd pubdir cd pubdir
pwd >>= echo . unsafeTextToLine . format fp pwd >>= echo . unsafeTextToLine . format fp
dshells "rm -rf .git"
dshells "git init ." dshells "git init ."
dshell ("git remote add upstream " <> mainRepository) dshell ("git remote add upstream " <> mainRepository)
dshells "git fetch --depth 1 upstream gh-pages" dshells "git fetch upstream"
dshells "git reset upstream/gh-pages" dshells "git reset upstream/gh-pages"
dshells "git add -A ." dshells "git add -A ."
echo "Commit and publish" echo "Commit and publish"
@ -50,18 +49,15 @@ mainProc = do
echo "Don't `git push` this time" echo "Don't `git push` this time"
dshells "git push -q upstream HEAD:gh-pages" dshells "git push -q upstream HEAD:gh-pages"
debug :: Line -> IO ()
debug txt = do debug txt = do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Yellow] setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Yellow]
echo txt echo txt
setSGR [Reset] setSGR [Reset]
dshells :: Text -> IO ()
dshells x = do dshells x = do
debug $ unsafeTextToLine x debug $ unsafeTextToLine x
shells x empty shells x empty
dshell :: Text -> IO ExitCode
dshell x = do dshell x = do
debug $ unsafeTextToLine x debug $ unsafeTextToLine x
shell x empty shell x empty
@ -71,9 +67,8 @@ checkDir = do
toolsExists <- testdir "engine" toolsExists <- testdir "engine"
if (not toolsExists) if (not toolsExists)
then exit (ExitFailure 1) then exit (ExitFailure 1)
else return "_site" else return "_optim"
mainRepository :: Text
mainRepository = "" mainRepository = ""
cloneIfNeeded :: FilePath -> IO () cloneIfNeeded :: FilePath -> IO ()

her-esy-fun.cabal Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
cabal-version: 2.4
name: her-esy-fun
-- A short (one-line) description of the package.
-- synopsis:
-- A longer description of the package.
-- description:
-- A URL where users can report bugs.
-- bug-reports:
-- The license under which the package is released.
-- license:
author: Yann Esposito (Yogsototh)
-- A copyright notice.
-- copyright:
-- category:
executable her-esy-fun
main-is: Shakefile.hs
-- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
-- other-modules:
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base
, aeson
, pandoc
, pandoc-types
, shake
, data-default
, protolude
, stache
, text
, time
hs-source-dirs: app
default-language: Haskell2010

View file

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
<svg width="5em" viewBox="0 0 64 64"> @@html:
<circle cx="32" cy="32" r="30" stroke="#a3aec2" stroke-width="1" fill="#2E3440"></circle> <div style="text-align:center">
<circle cx="32" cy="32" r="12" stroke="#800" stroke-width="1" fill="#c20"></circle> <svg viewBox="0 0 64 64">
<circle cx="32" cy="32" r="5" stroke-width="1" stroke="#f60" fill="#fa0"></circle> <circle cx="32" cy="32" r="30" stroke="var(--b2)" stroke-width="2" fill="var(--b03)"/>
<ellipse cx="32" cy="14" rx="14" ry="8" stroke-width="0" fill="#FFF"></ellipse> <circle cx="32" cy="32" r="12" stroke="var(--r)" stroke-width="2" fill="var(--o)"/>
<circle cx="32" cy="32" r="6" stroke-width="0" fill="var(--y)"/>
<ellipse cx="32" cy="14" rx="14" ry="8" stroke-width="0" fill="var(--b3)"/>
</svg> </svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 390 B


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 395 B

View file

@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
{ {
"ghc.nix": {
"branch": "master",
"description": "Nix (shell) expression for working on GHC",
"homepage": "",
"owner": "alpmestan",
"repo": "ghc.nix",
"rev": "c31bcab7a74569e6bd37dbe7de94c97cad1e35e1",
"sha256": "05g4v4rgq0zh35461b3cv9p13pyg27pipfq3ia8zdmrlmwnvpxpd",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"niv": { "niv": {
"branch": "master", "branch": "master",
"description": "Easy dependency management for Nix projects", "description": "Easy dependency management for Nix projects",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"owner": "nmattia", "owner": "nmattia",
"repo": "niv", "repo": "niv",
"rev": "723f0eeb969a730db3c30f977c2b66b9dce9fe4a", "rev": "af958e8057f345ee1aca714c1247ef3ba1c15f5e",
"sha256": "0016l7230gd2kdh0g2w573r9a2krqb7x4ifcjhhsn4h1bwap7qr0", "sha256": "1qjavxabbrsh73yck5dcq8jggvh3r2jkbr6b5nlz5d9yrqm9255n",
"type": "tarball", "type": "tarball",
"url": "", "url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz" "url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
}, },
"nixpkgs": { "nixpkgs": {
"branch": "nixpkgs-23.05-darwin", "branch": "nixos-20.09",
"description": "A read-only mirror of NixOS/nixpkgs tracking the released channels. Send issues and PRs to", "description": "NixOS/nixpkgs repository instead.",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"owner": "NixOS", "owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs", "repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "2e7346c2d611c1b40e1cf74f177b2b1a329782ce", "rev": "4263ba5e133cc3fc699c1152ab5ee46ef668e675",
"sha256": "0fazcnxlc9xpcvljlj7xxc6p2450vfngpf39xvskrjs8jlzp4hr9", "sha256": "1nzqrdw0lhbldbs9r651zmgqpwhjhh9sssykhcl2155kgsfsrk7i",
"type": "tarball", "type": "tarball",
"url": "", "url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"shake": {
"branch": "master",
"description": "Shake build system",
"homepage": "",
"owner": "ndmitchell",
"repo": "shake",
"rev": "79a098c55f62de9efd851546435945b7f7f9b9df",
"sha256": "15p7szja7ngvmw1jdfik4n6yli3cwzy9irb9wqkrkkdx7cg9vvk4",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz" "url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
} }
} }

View file

@ -10,50 +10,29 @@ let
let let
name' = sanitizeName name + "-src"; name' = sanitizeName name + "-src";
in in
if spec.builtin or true then if spec.builtin or true then
builtins_fetchurl { inherit (spec) url sha256; name = name'; } builtins_fetchurl { inherit (spec) url sha256; name = name'; }
else else
pkgs.fetchurl { inherit (spec) url sha256; name = name'; }; pkgs.fetchurl { inherit (spec) url sha256; name = name'; };
fetch_tarball = pkgs: name: spec: fetch_tarball = pkgs: name: spec:
let let
name' = sanitizeName name + "-src"; name' = sanitizeName name + "-src";
in in
if spec.builtin or true then if spec.builtin or true then
builtins_fetchTarball { name = name'; inherit (spec) url sha256; } builtins_fetchTarball { name = name'; inherit (spec) url sha256; }
else else
pkgs.fetchzip { name = name'; inherit (spec) url sha256; }; pkgs.fetchzip { name = name'; inherit (spec) url sha256; };
fetch_git = name: spec: fetch_git = name: spec:
let let
ref = ref =
spec.ref or ( if spec ? ref then spec.ref else
if spec ? branch then "refs/heads/${spec.branch}" else if spec ? branch then "refs/heads/${spec.branch}" else
if spec ? tag then "refs/tags/${spec.tag}" else if spec ? tag then "refs/tags/${spec.tag}" else
abort "In git source '${name}': Please specify `ref`, `tag` or `branch`!" abort "In git source '${name}': Please specify `ref`, `tag` or `branch`!";
submodules = spec.submodules or false;
submoduleArg =
nixSupportsSubmodules = builtins.compareVersions builtins.nixVersion "2.4" >= 0;
emptyArgWithWarning =
if submodules
"The niv input \"${name}\" uses submodules "
+ "but your nix's (${builtins.nixVersion}) builtins.fetchGit "
+ "does not support them"
{ }
else { };
if nixSupportsSubmodules
then { inherit submodules; }
else emptyArgWithWarning;
in in
builtins.fetchGit builtins.fetchGit { url = spec.repo; inherit (spec) rev; inherit ref; };
({ url = spec.repo; inherit (spec) rev; inherit ref; } // submoduleArg);
fetch_local = spec: spec.path; fetch_local = spec: spec.path;
@ -87,16 +66,16 @@ let
hasNixpkgsPath = builtins.any (x: x.prefix == "nixpkgs") builtins.nixPath; hasNixpkgsPath = builtins.any (x: x.prefix == "nixpkgs") builtins.nixPath;
hasThisAsNixpkgsPath = <nixpkgs> == ./.; hasThisAsNixpkgsPath = <nixpkgs> == ./.;
in in
if builtins.hasAttr "nixpkgs" sources if builtins.hasAttr "nixpkgs" sources
then sourcesNixpkgs then sourcesNixpkgs
else if hasNixpkgsPath && ! hasThisAsNixpkgsPath then else if hasNixpkgsPath && ! hasThisAsNixpkgsPath then
import <nixpkgs> { } import <nixpkgs> {}
else else
abort abort
'' ''
Please specify either <nixpkgs> (through -I or NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=...) or Please specify either <nixpkgs> (through -I or NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=...) or
add a package called "nixpkgs" to your sources.json. add a package called "nixpkgs" to your sources.json.
''; '';
# The actual fetching function. # The actual fetching function.
fetch = pkgs: name: spec: fetch = pkgs: name: spec:
@ -116,13 +95,13 @@ let
# the path directly as opposed to the fetched source. # the path directly as opposed to the fetched source.
replace = name: drv: replace = name: drv:
let let
saneName = stringAsChars (c: if (builtins.match "[a-zA-Z0-9]" c) == null then "_" else c) name; saneName = stringAsChars (c: if isNull (builtins.match "[a-zA-Z0-9]" c) then "_" else c) name;
ersatz = builtins.getEnv "NIV_OVERRIDE_${saneName}"; ersatz = builtins.getEnv "NIV_OVERRIDE_${saneName}";
in in
if ersatz == "" then drv else if ersatz == "" then drv else
# this turns the string into an actual Nix path (for both absolute and # this turns the string into an actual Nix path (for both absolute and
# relative paths) # relative paths)
if builtins.substring 0 1 ersatz == "/" then /. + ersatz else /. + builtins.getEnv "PWD" + "/${ersatz}"; if builtins.substring 0 1 ersatz == "/" then /. + ersatz else /. + builtins.getEnv "PWD" + "/${ersatz}";
# Ports of functions for older nix versions # Ports of functions for older nix versions
@ -133,7 +112,7 @@ let
); );
# #
range = first: last: if first > last then [ ] else builtins.genList (n: first + n) (last - first + 1); range = first: last: if first > last then [] else builtins.genList (n: first + n) (last - first + 1);
# #
stringToCharacters = s: map (p: builtins.substring p 1 s) (range 0 (builtins.stringLength s - 1)); stringToCharacters = s: map (p: builtins.substring p 1 s) (range 0 (builtins.stringLength s - 1));
@ -144,46 +123,43 @@ let
concatStrings = builtins.concatStringsSep ""; concatStrings = builtins.concatStringsSep "";
# #
optionalAttrs = cond: as: if cond then as else { }; optionalAttrs = cond: as: if cond then as else {};
# fetchTarball version that is compatible between all the versions of Nix # fetchTarball version that is compatible between all the versions of Nix
builtins_fetchTarball = { url, name ? null, sha256 }@attrs: builtins_fetchTarball = { url, name ? null, sha256 }@attrs:
let let
inherit (builtins) lessThan nixVersion fetchTarball; inherit (builtins) lessThan nixVersion fetchTarball;
in in
if lessThan nixVersion "1.12" then if lessThan nixVersion "1.12" then
fetchTarball ({ inherit url; } // (optionalAttrs (name != null) { inherit name; })) fetchTarball ({ inherit url; } // (optionalAttrs (!isNull name) { inherit name; }))
else else
fetchTarball attrs; fetchTarball attrs;
# fetchurl version that is compatible between all the versions of Nix # fetchurl version that is compatible between all the versions of Nix
builtins_fetchurl = { url, name ? null, sha256 }@attrs: builtins_fetchurl = { url, name ? null, sha256 }@attrs:
let let
inherit (builtins) lessThan nixVersion fetchurl; inherit (builtins) lessThan nixVersion fetchurl;
in in
if lessThan nixVersion "1.12" then if lessThan nixVersion "1.12" then
fetchurl ({ inherit url; } // (optionalAttrs (name != null) { inherit name; })) fetchurl ({ inherit url; } // (optionalAttrs (!isNull name) { inherit name; }))
else else
fetchurl attrs; fetchurl attrs;
# Create the final "sources" from the config # Create the final "sources" from the config
mkSources = config: mkSources = config:
mapAttrs mapAttrs (
( name: spec:
name: spec: if builtins.hasAttr "outPath" spec
if builtins.hasAttr "outPath" spec then abort
then "The values in sources.json should not have an 'outPath' attribute"
abort else
"The values in sources.json should not have an 'outPath' attribute" spec // { outPath = replace name (fetch config.pkgs name spec); }
else ) config.sources;
spec // { outPath = replace name (fetch config.pkgs name spec); }
# The "config" used by the fetchers # The "config" used by the fetchers
mkConfig = mkConfig =
{ sourcesFile ? if builtins.pathExists ./sources.json then ./sources.json else null { sourcesFile ? if builtins.pathExists ./sources.json then ./sources.json else null
, sources ? if sourcesFile == null then { } else builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile sourcesFile) , sources ? if isNull sourcesFile then {} else builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile sourcesFile)
, system ? builtins.currentSystem , system ? builtins.currentSystem
, pkgs ? mkPkgs sources system , pkgs ? mkPkgs sources system
}: rec { }: rec {
@ -195,4 +171,4 @@ let
}; };
in in
mkSources (mkConfig { }) // { __functor = _: settings: mkSources (mkConfig settings); } mkSources (mkConfig {}) // { __functor = _: settings: mkSources (mkConfig settings); }

View file

@ -2,9 +2,14 @@ let
sources = import ./nix/sources.nix; sources = import ./nix/sources.nix;
pkgs = import sources.nixpkgs {}; pkgs = import sources.nixpkgs {};
haskellDeps = ps : with ps; [ haskellDeps = ps : with ps; [
protolude protolude
turtle turtle
ansi-terminal ansi-terminal
]; ];
ghc = pkgs.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages haskellDeps; ghc = pkgs.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages haskellDeps;
in in
@ -12,22 +17,30 @@ pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = with pkgs; buildInputs = with pkgs;
[ cacert [ cacert
coreutils coreutils
# build
wget # for cabal-install
entr entr
pandoc html-xml-utils
html-xml-utils # hxselect
zsh zsh
perl perl
perlPackages.URI perlPackages.URI
minify minify
niv imagemagick
texlive.combined.scheme-full #
# dev env
# niv
git git
direnv direnv
tmux tmux
# for emacs dev # for emacs dev
ripgrep ripgrep
nodePackages.http-server nodePackages.http-server
]; ];
shellHook = ''
export FONTCONFIG_FILE=${pkgs.fontconfig.out}/etc/fonts/fonts.conf
} }

View file

@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
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@ -52,6 +52,12 @@
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<p>I am a Senior Software Engineer (Clojurist) for <a href="">Cisco</a>, Threatgrid team.</p> <p>I am a Senior Software Engineer (Clojurist) for <a href="">Cisco</a>, Threatgrid team.</p>
<p>I was a Machine Learning expert and Software Engineer for Vigiglobe.</p> <p>I was a Machine Learning expert and Software Engineer for Vigiglobe.</p>
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@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ Lets begin to write code</p>
<h2 id="think">Think</h2> <h2 id="think">Think</h2>
<p>After some times, I just stopped to work. Tell myself <em>“it is enough, now, I must finish it!”</em>. I took a sheet of paper, a pen and began to draw some trees.</p> <p>After some times, I just stopped to work. Tell myself <em>“it is enough, now, I must finish it!”</em>. I took a sheet of paper, a pen and began to draw some trees.</p>
<p>I began by make by removing most of the verbosity. I first renamed <code>&lt;item name="Menu"&gt;</code> by simpler name <code>M</code> for example. I obtained something like:</p> <p>I began by make by removing most of the verbosity. I first renamed <code>&lt;item name="Menu"&gt;</code> by simpler name <code>M</code> for example. I obtained something like:</p>
<img src="code/The_source_tree.png" alt="The source tree" /> <p><img src="code/The_source_tree.png" alt="The source tree" /></p>
<p>and</p> <p>and</p>
<img src="code/The_destination_tree.png" alt="The destination tree" /> <p><img src="code/The_destination_tree.png" alt="The destination tree" /></p>
<p>Then I made myself the following reflexion:</p> <p>Then I made myself the following reflexion:</p>
<p>Considering Tree Edit Distance, each unitary transformation of tree correspond to a simple search and replace on my <sc>xml</sc> source<a href="#fn2" class="footnote-ref" id="fnref2"><sup>2</sup></a>. We consider three atomic transformations on trees:</p> <p>Considering Tree Edit Distance, each unitary transformation of tree correspond to a simple search and replace on my <sc>xml</sc> source<a href="#fn2" class="footnote-ref" id="fnref2"><sup>2</sup></a>. We consider three atomic transformations on trees:</p>
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