diff --git a/src/posts/0026-brut-a-bare-bones-css-framework/index.org b/src/posts/0026-brut-a-bare-bones-css-framework/index.org index b7936cd..4b69494 100644 --- a/src/posts/0026-brut-a-bare-bones-css-framework/index.org +++ b/src/posts/0026-brut-a-bare-bones-css-framework/index.org @@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ pretty print view of the generated HTML and put that in a ~
 For example:
-> (to-pre [:div.row [:span "hello"]]) ⇒
+#+begin_src clojure
+(to-pre [:div.row [:span "hello"]])
 will generate the following string that will print as:
@@ -166,3 +166,8 @@ Generated from this short hiccup snippet:
 Overall, I do not regret using babashka for this small project. It has been delightful.
+Last but not least, as I don't intend for my small website to be used as a CDN,
+I configured my server to add a few [[https://content-security-policy.com][CSP headers]] to prevent linking directly to the CSS and force
+people to copy it locally.
+I consider that 8kB is small enough that this should probably not be necessary.