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#+TITLE: Further Blog Engine change
#+AUTHOR: Yann Esposito
#+EMAIL: yann@esposito.host
#+DATE: [2019-11-30 Sat]
#+KEYWORDS: blog
#+DESCRIPTION: Recent changes on my blog system
#+OPTIONS: auto-id:t toc:nil
When I started this new blog, I wanted to find something minimal to be able
to minimize my natural tendency to hack my blogging system.
So regarding my blog, I put a lot more time working on the system than
writting things.
Still I enjoyed some choices.
1. I changed how I reduce the size of the images.
2. I do not merge all CSS styles in the same CSS file, I splitted 4
different CSS each supporting light/dark theme.
This way the size of each page is reduced.
3. I added an HTML minimize step. I could optimize this a lot I think.
4. I added a script that show the size of each webpage (HTML + CSS +
Images). There is an example in all the footers of the pages of my website.
So to compress the images I use:
#+begin_src bash
~/.nix-profile/bin/convert src.jpg -resize 400x400\> -colorspace Gray -ordered-dither o8x8,8 dst.jpg
I have 4 themes, this is a lot too much, but, I don't know I guess I felt
I'm particularly proud of the matrix theme (sci dark, try it by selecting
sci and then choose dark theme). It takes care of making the images green.
One of the theme is a minimal one, it is used to minimize the size of the
CSS, while I'm writting those lines, the css size is 728 bytes.
I'll certainly be able to optimize a lot more the size of my HTML files too.
But I haven't invested much time in it yet.