IO and MonadIO

This commit is contained in:
Michael Snoyman 2015-10-20 18:00:53 +00:00
parent 3a0b5e535c
commit 112ca0cec5

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@ -511,3 +511,46 @@ newtype E7 a = E7 ((() -> () -> a) -> a)
newtype E8 a = E8 ((() -> a -> ()) -> a) newtype E8 a = E8 ((() -> a -> ()) -> a)
newtype E9 a = E8 ((() -> () -> ()) -> ()) newtype E9 a = E8 ((() -> () -> ()) -> ())
``` ```
## Lifting `IO` to `MonadIO`
Let's look at something seemingly unrelated to get a feel for the power of our
new analysis tools. Consider the base function `openFile`:
openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle
We may want to use this from a monad transformer stack based on top of the `IO`
monad. The standard approach to that is to use the `MonadIO` typeclass as a
constraint, and its `liftIO` function. This is all rather straightforward:
import System.IO
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
openFileLifted :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> IOMode -> m Handle
openFileLifted fp mode = liftIO (openFile fp mode)
But of course, we all prefer using the `withFile` function instead of
`openFile` to ensure resources are cleaned up in the presence of exceptions. As
a reminder, that function has a type signature:
withFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
So can we somehow write our lifted version with type signature:
withFileLifted :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> m a) -> m a
Try as we might, this can't be done, at least not directly (if you're really
curious, see [lifted-base]( and its
implementation of `bracket`). And now, we have the vocabulary to explain this
succinctly: the `IO` type appears in both positive and negative position in
`withFile`'s type signature. By contrast, with `openFile`, `IO` appears
exclusively in positive position, meaning our transformation function
(`liftIO`) can be applied to it.