Updated documentation

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2015-01-18 09:38:13 -08:00
parent 8239e0cf67
commit b7b81f5dd7
5 changed files with 145 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -1,21 +1,59 @@
-- | This is the recommended way to import this library:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
-- > import Turtle
-- > import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
-- This module re-exports the rest of the library and also re-exports useful
-- modules from @base@:
-- "Turtle.Pattern" provides `Pattern`s, which are like more powerful regular
-- expressions
-- "Turtle.Protected" provides `Protected` resources that are exception-safe
-- "Turtle.Shell" provides a streaming `Shell` abstraction for building
-- exception-safe pipelines
-- "Turtle.Prelude" provides many useful derived utilities to get you started
-- with basic shell-like programming within Haskell
-- "Control.Applicative" provides two classes:
-- * `Applicative`, which works with `Fold`, `Pattern`, `Protected`, and
-- `Shell`
-- * `Alternative`, which works with `Pattern` and `Shell`
-- "Control.Monad" provides two classes:
-- * `Monad`, which works with `Pattern`, `Protected` and `Shell`
-- * `MonadPlus`, which works with `Pattern` and `Shell`
-- "Control.Monad.IO.Class" provides one class:
-- * `MonadIO`, which works with `Protected` and `Shell`
-- Additionally, you might also want to import "Control.Foldl" or
-- "Control.Foldl.Text" qualified.
module Turtle (
-- * Shell
, feed
, runShell
-- * Utilities
, select
, cat
, grep
-- * Classes
, Applicative(..)
, Alternative(..)
, MonadIO(..)
-- * Modules
module Turtle.Pattern
, module Turtle.Protected
, module Turtle.Shell
, module Turtle.Prelude
, module Control.Applicative
, module Control.Monad
, module Control.Monad.IO.Class
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Turtle.Shell (Shell(feedIO), feed, runShell)
import Turtle.Util (select, cat, grep)
import Turtle.Pattern
import Turtle.Protected
import Turtle.Shell
import Turtle.Prelude
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
Example usage:
>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> match (text "cat" <|> text "dog") "cat"
>>> match ("dog" <|> "cat") "cat"
>>> match (some (notChar ',') <* char ',') "cat,dog"
>>> match (plus (notChar ',') <* char ',') "cat,dog"
>>> match (count 3 anyChar) "cat,dog"
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
This pattern has unlimited backtracking, and will return as many solutions
as possible:
>>> match (some anyChar) "123"
>>> match (plus anyChar) "123"
>>> match (some anyChar <* eof) "123"
>>> match (plus anyChar <* eof) "123"
Use @do@ notation to structure more complex patterns:
@ -220,6 +220,12 @@ notChar c = satisfy (/= c)
{-| Match a specific string
>>> match (text "12") "123"
You can also omit the `text` function if you enable the @OverloadedStrings@
>>> match "12" "123"
@ -452,11 +458,11 @@ selfless p = Pattern (StateT (\s -> reverse (runStateT (runPattern p) s)))
{-| Parse 1 or more occurrences of the given character
>>> match (some anyChar) "123"
>>> match (plus anyChar) "123"
>>> match (some anyChar <* eof) "123"
>>> match (plus anyChar <* eof) "123"
>>> match (some anyChar) ""
>>> match (plus anyChar) ""
plus :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text

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@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
module Turtle.Util where
{-| These are derived utilities built on the primitives exposed by other
module Turtle.Prelude (
, cat
, grep
, sed
, form
-- * Input and output
, handleIn
, stdIn
, fileIn
, handleOut
, stdOut
, fileOut
) where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))

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@ -1,6 +1,32 @@
{-| This module handles exception-safety.
You can build `Protected` resources using `protect`:
> readHandle :: FilePath -> Protected Handle
> readHandle file = protect (do
> handle <- Filesystem.openFile file ReadMode
> return (handle, hClose handle) )
You can combine `Protected` resources using @do@ notation:
> twoFiles :: Protected (Handle, Handle)
> twoFiles = do
> handle1 <- readHandle "file1.txt"
> handle2 <- readHandle "file2.txt"
> return (handle1, handle2)
You can consume `Protected` resources within a `Shell` using `with`:
> example = do
> (handle1, handle2) <- with twoFiles
> ...
module Turtle.Protected (
-- * Protected
, protect
, with
-- * Utilities
@ -25,11 +51,12 @@ import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Turtle.Shell
-- | A `Protected` resource of type @a@
data Protected a = Protected { acquire :: IO (a, IO ()) }
{-| A `Protected` resource of type @a@
data Protected a = Protect { acquire :: IO (a, IO ()) }
instance Functor Protected where
fmap f r = Protected (do
fmap f r = Protect (do
(a, release) <- acquire r
return (f a, release) )
@ -39,15 +66,15 @@ instance Applicative Protected where
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Protected where
return a = Protected (return (a, return ()))
return a = Protect (return (a, return ()))
m >>= f = Protected (do
m >>= f = Protect (do
(a, release1) <- acquire m
(b, release2) <- acquire (f a) `onException` release1
return (b, release2 >> release1) )
instance MonadIO Protected where
liftIO io = Protected (do
liftIO io = Protect (do
a <- io
return (a, return ()) )
@ -98,7 +125,26 @@ instance Floating a => Floating (Protected a) where
instance IsString a => IsString (Protected a) where
fromString str = pure (fromString str)
-- | Acquire a `Protected` resource within a `Shell`
{-| Create `Protected` @\'a\'@
The outer `IO` action acquires the @\'a\'@ and the inner @IO@ action
releases the acquired resource:
> example :: Protected A
> example = protect (do
> a <- acquireResource
> return (a, releaseResource a)
> acquireResource :: IO A
> releaseResource :: A -> IO ()
protect :: IO (a, IO ()) -> Protected a
protect = Protect
{-| Acquire a `Protected` resource within a `Shell` in an exception-safe way
> do { x <- with m; with (f x) } = with (do { x <- m; f x })
with :: Protected a -> Shell a
with resource = Shell (\(FoldM step begin done) -> do
x <- begin
@ -107,12 +153,12 @@ with resource = Shell (\(FoldM step begin done) -> do
-- | Acquire a `Protected` read-only `Handle` from a `FilePath`
readHandle :: FilePath -> Protected Handle
readHandle file = Protected (do
readHandle file = protect (do
handle <- Filesystem.openFile file ReadMode
return (handle, hClose handle) )
-- | Acquire a `Protected` write-only `Handle` from a `FilePath`
writeHandle :: FilePath -> Protected Handle
writeHandle file = Protected (do
writeHandle file = protect (do
handle <- Filesystem.openFile file WriteMode
return (handle, hClose handle) )

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Library
GHC-Options: -O2 -Wall
Default-Language: Haskell2010