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Gabriel Gonzalez 2015-09-03 14:58:45 -07:00
commit a7e9ad8772

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@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
% Haskell for Shell Scripting
% Gabriel Gonzalez
% April 8, 2015
% September 3, 2015
# Before class
If you haven't installed `ghc`, yet:
If you haven't installed `ghc`, visit:
$ echo "/home/ggonzalez/tools/ghc-7.8.3-Darwin.x86_64" >> ~/.tools
* [](
... then open a new terminal window.
... and install a GHC distribution appropriate to your operating system.
To test your Haskell installation, run these commands:
To test your Haskell installation, run these commands from a terminal:
$ echo 'main = putStrLn "Hello, world!"' > hello.hs
@ -25,7 +22,7 @@ Install the shell scripting library using these commands:
$ cabal update
$ cabal install turtle-1.1.0
$ cabal install turtle-1.2.1
# Outline
@ -41,7 +38,7 @@ $ cabal install turtle-1.1.0
* Folds
* Patterns
I've hosted slides on go/learn so that people can follow along locally
I'm hosting slides on Github so that people can follow along locally
# Overview of Haskell
@ -58,13 +55,13 @@ Haskell can be both **interpreted** or **compiled** to a native binary
Haskell is a managed language, providing garbage collection, concurrency, and
transactional shared memory:
* **Garbage collection** is generational and efficient (measured in GB / s)
* **Concurrency** uses green-threads and is efficient (world record for SDN)
* **Transactional memory** simplifies race-free concurrent code without polling
* **Garbage collection** is efficient (throughput measured in GB / s)
* **Concurrency** uses green-threads and is efficient (can handle 1M threads)
* **Transactional memory** simplifies race-free concurrent code
# Biggest disadvantages of Haskell
# Big disadvantages of Haskell
* Not a JVM language
* No JVM backend
* Beginners can't easily reason about performance
* Built-in record syntax is clumsy
* Most language features are libraries, which hampers discoverability
@ -122,7 +119,7 @@ import Turtle --
main = echo "Hello, world!" -- echo Hello, world!
... then run the example:
... then run the example script:
$ chmod u+x example.hs
@ -133,7 +130,7 @@ Hello, world!
# Create a native binary
$ ghc -O2 -threaded example.hs
$ ghc -O2 example.hs
$ ./example
Hello, world!
@ -253,6 +250,8 @@ The top level of a Haskell program is declarative and only allows definitions
You cannot execute code at the top level
The runtime only executes `main`!
# Subroutines
Use `do` to create a subroutine that runs more than one command:
@ -312,7 +311,7 @@ main = do --
$ ./example.hs
2015-01-24 03:40:31 UTC
2015-09-01 23:56:03.245 UTC
Why not this?
@ -341,6 +340,17 @@ scala> for { x <- Seq(1, 2); y <- Seq(3, 4) } yield (x, y)
res0: Seq[(Int, Int)] = List((1,3), (1,4), (2,3), (2,4))
... or LINQ/`from`/`select` in C#:
List<int> xs = new List<int> { 1, 2 }
List<int> ys = new List<int> { 3, 4 }
var result =
from x in xs
from y in ys
select Tuple<int, int>(x, y)
# Nesting subroutines
@ -362,7 +372,7 @@ Same result:
$ ./example.hs
2015-01-24 03:40:31 UTC
2015-09-01 23:56:03.245 UTC
# Unnecessary `return`
@ -481,7 +491,6 @@ main = do
$ ghci -v0
Prelude> :set -XOverloadedStrings
Prelude> import Turtle
@ -909,16 +918,12 @@ format (s%" failed with exit code: "%d) :: Text -> Int -> Text
# Exercise
What do you think these print out?
What do you think this prints out?
Prelude Turtle> format ("A "%s%" string that takes "%d%" arguments") "format" 2
Prelude Turtle> format "I take 0 arguments"
# The `Format` type
A format string is not `Text`!
@ -932,6 +937,7 @@ So what is going on here?
Prelude Turtle> format "I take 0 arguments"
"I take 0 arguments"
# `Format` implements `IsString`
@ -939,15 +945,15 @@ Prelude Turtle> format "I take 0 arguments"
(%) :: Format b c -> Format a b -> Format a c
"A " :: Format a a
s :: Format a (String -> a)
" string that takes " :: Format a a
d :: Format a (Int -> a)
" arguments" :: Format a a
"A " :: Format a a
s :: Format a (Text -> a)
" string that takes " :: Format a a
d :: Format a (Int -> a)
" arguments" :: Format a a
"A "%s%" string that takes "%d%" arguments" :: Format a (Text -> Int -> a)
format "A "%s%" string that takes "%d%" arguments" :: Text -> Int -> Text
format ("A "%s%" string that takes "%d%" arguments") :: Text -> Int -> Text
You can build your own format specifiers!
@ -1487,7 +1493,7 @@ Fold.head :: Fold a (Maybe a)
ls :: Shell Turtle.FilePath
ls "/tmp" :: Shell Turtle.FilePath
fold :: Shell a -> Fold a b -> IO b
fold (ls "/tmp") :: Fold Turtle.FilePath b -> IO b
@ -1717,18 +1723,67 @@ tuple = do
# Questions?
# Backup utility example
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Turtle
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
parser = (,) <$> argPath "src" "Source directory"
<*> argPath "dst" "Destination directory"
backup file = do
exists <- testfile file
when exists (do
let backupFile = file <.> "bak"
backup backupFile
mv file backupFile )
main = do
(src, dest) <- options "Backup a directory" parser
sh (do
inFile <- lstree src
Just suffix <- return (stripPrefix src inFile)
let outFile = dest </> suffix
backup outFile
echo (format ("Copying "%fp%" to "%fp) inFile outFile)
cp inFile outFile )
echo "Done!"
# Command line usage
$ ./backup --help
Backup a directory
Usage: backup SRC DST
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
SRC Source directory
DST Destination directory
$ ./backup a/ b/
Copying a/1 to b/1
Copying a/2 to b/2
$ ls b/
1 2
$ ./backup a/ b/
Copying a/1 to b/1
Copying a/2 to b/2
$ ls b/
1 1.bak 2 2.bak
# Conclusions
You can use Haskell as a "better Bash", getting types for free without slow
startup times or heavyweight syntax.
If you want others to run your Haskell scripts, they can use `dottools` to install
`ghc` on their machine.
I also have a relocatable `ghc` uploaded to Packer that you can use to interpret
scripts on Mesos.
We also have an internal Hackage server at Twitter (go/hackage)
Visit for more extensive documentation
on the shell scripting library we used today