Added prefix, suffix, and inside

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2015-01-18 20:29:24 -08:00
parent e4b42012b1
commit 7ad048aa0c
2 changed files with 177 additions and 123 deletions

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@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
Example usage:
>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> match ("dog" <|> "cat") "cat"
>>> prefix ("dog" <|> "cat") "cat"
>>> match (plus (notChar ',') <* char ',') "cat,dog"
>>> prefix (plus (notChar ',') <* char ',') "cat,dog"
>>> match (count 3 anyChar) "cat,dog"
>>> prefix (count 3 anyChar) "cat,dog"
This pattern has unlimited backtracking, and will return as many solutions
as possible:
>>> match (plus anyChar) "123"
>>> prefix (plus anyChar) "123"
>>> match (plus anyChar <* eof) "123"
>>> prefix (plus anyChar <* eof) "123"
Use @do@ notation to structure more complex patterns:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ let bit = (char '0' *> pure False) <|> (char '1' *> pure True);
; height <- spaces1 *> decimal
; count width (count height (spaces1 *> bit))
in match portableBitMap "P1\n2 2\n0 0\n1 0\n"
in prefix portableBitMap "P1\n2 2\n0 0\n1 0\n"
@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ module Turtle.Pattern (
-- * Pattern
, match
, prefix
, inside
, suffix
-- * Primitive patterns
, anyChar
@ -147,15 +150,39 @@ instance Floating a => Floating (Pattern a) where
instance (a ~ Text) => IsString (Pattern a) where
fromString str = text (Text.pack str)
-- | Supply a `Pattern` with a `Text` input, returning all possible matches
{-| Match a `Pattern` against a `Text` input, returning all possible matches
The `Pattern` must match the entire `Text`
match :: Pattern a -> Text -> [a]
match p = evalStateT (runPattern p)
match p = prefix (p <* eof)
{-| Match a `Pattern` against a `Text` input, returning all possible matches
The `Pattern` must match some prefix of the `Text`
prefix :: Pattern a -> Text -> [a]
prefix p = evalStateT (runPattern p)
{-| Match a `Pattern` against a `Text` input, returning all possible matches
The `Pattern` must match some suffix of the `Text`
suffix :: Pattern a -> Text -> [a]
suffix p = inside (p <* eof)
{-| Match a `Pattern` against a `Text` input, returning all possible matches
The `Pattern` can match any subset of the `Text`
inside :: Pattern a -> Text -> [a]
inside p = prefix (selfless (star anyChar) *> p)
{-| Match any character
>>> match anyChar "123"
>>> prefix anyChar "123"
>>> match anyChar ""
>>> prefix anyChar ""
@ -167,9 +194,9 @@ anyChar = Pattern (do
{-| Matches the end of input
>>> match eof "123"
>>> prefix eof "123"
>>> match eof ""
>>> prefix eof ""
@ -180,9 +207,9 @@ eof = Pattern (do
{-| Match any character that satisfies the given predicate
>>> match (satisfy (== '1')) "123"
>>> prefix (satisfy (== '1')) "123"
>>> match (satisfy (== '2')) "123"
>>> prefix (satisfy (== '2')) "123"
@ -194,9 +221,9 @@ satisfy predicate = do
{-| Match a specific character
>>> match (char '1') "123"
>>> prefix (char '1') "123"
>>> match (char '2') "123"
>>> prefix (char '2') "123"
@ -205,9 +232,9 @@ char c = satisfy (== c)
{-| Match any character except the given one
>>> match (notChar '2') "123"
>>> prefix (notChar '2') "123"
>>> match (notChar '1') "123"
>>> prefix (notChar '1') "123"
@ -216,29 +243,29 @@ notChar c = satisfy (/= c)
{-| Match a specific string
>>> match (text "12") "123"
>>> prefix (text "12") "123"
You can also omit the `text` function if you enable the @OverloadedStrings@
>>> match "12" "123"
>>> prefix "12" "123"
text :: Text -> Pattern Text
text prefix' = Pattern (do
text before' = Pattern (do
txt <- get
let (prefix, suffix) = Text.splitAt (Text.length prefix') txt
guard (prefix == prefix')
put suffix
return prefix )
let (before, after) = Text.splitAt (Text.length before') txt
guard (before == after)
put after
return before)
{-| Match any one of the given characters
>>> match (oneOf "1a") "123"
>>> prefix (oneOf "1a") "123"
>>> match (oneOf "2a") "123"
>>> prefix (oneOf "2a") "123"
@ -247,9 +274,9 @@ oneOf cs = satisfy (`elem` cs)
{-| Match anything other than the given characters
>>> match (noneOf "2a") "123"
>>> prefix (noneOf "2a") "123"
>>> match (noneOf "1a") "123"
>>> prefix (noneOf "1a") "123"
@ -258,9 +285,9 @@ noneOf cs = satisfy (`notElem` cs)
{-| Match a whitespace character
>>> match space " a"
>>> prefix space " a"
" "
>>> match space "a "
>>> prefix space "a "
@ -269,9 +296,9 @@ space = satisfy isSpace
{-| Match zero or more whitespace characters
>>> match spaces " "
>>> prefix spaces " "
[" "," ",""]
>>> match spaces "a "
>>> prefix spaces "a "
@ -280,9 +307,9 @@ spaces = star space
{-| Match one or more whitespace characters
>>> match spaces1 " "
>>> prefix spaces1 " "
[" "," "]
>>> match spaces1 "a "
>>> prefix spaces1 "a "
@ -291,9 +318,9 @@ spaces1 = plus space
{-| Match the tab character (@\'\t\'@)
>>> match tab "\t"
>>> prefix tab "\t"
>>> match tab " "
>>> prefix tab " "
tab :: Pattern Char
@ -301,9 +328,9 @@ tab = char '\t'
{-| Match the newline character (@\'\n\'@)
>>> match newline "\n"
>>> prefix newline "\n"
>>> match newline " "
>>> prefix newline " "
newline :: Pattern Char
@ -311,9 +338,9 @@ newline = char '\n'
{-| Matches a carriage return (@\'\r\'@) followed by a newline (@\'\n\'@)
>>> match crlf "\r\n"
>>> prefix crlf "\r\n"
>>> match crlf "\n\r"
>>> prefix crlf "\n\r"
crlf :: Pattern Text
@ -321,9 +348,9 @@ crlf = text "\r\n"
{-| Match an uppercase letter
>>> match upper "ABC"
>>> prefix upper "ABC"
>>> match upper "abc"
>>> prefix upper "abc"
upper :: Pattern Char
@ -331,9 +358,9 @@ upper = satisfy isUpper
{-| Match a lowercase letter
>>> match lower "abc"
>>> prefix lower "abc"
>>> match lower "ABC"
>>> prefix lower "ABC"
lower :: Pattern Char
@ -341,13 +368,13 @@ lower = satisfy isLower
{-| Match a letter or digit
>>> match alphaNum "123"
>>> prefix alphaNum "123"
>>> match alphaNum "abc"
>>> prefix alphaNum "abc"
>>> match alphaNum "ABC"
>>> prefix alphaNum "ABC"
>>> match alphaNum "..."
>>> prefix alphaNum "..."
alphaNum :: Pattern Char
@ -355,11 +382,11 @@ alphaNum = satisfy isAlphaNum
{-| Match a letter
>>> match letter "ABC"
>>> prefix letter "ABC"
>>> match letter "abc"
>>> prefix letter "abc"
>>> match letter "123"
>>> prefix letter "123"
letter :: Pattern Char
@ -367,9 +394,9 @@ letter = satisfy isLetter
{-| Match a digit
>>> match digit "123"
>>> prefix digit "123"
>>> match digit "abc"
>>> prefix digit "abc"
digit :: Pattern Char
@ -377,13 +404,13 @@ digit = satisfy isDigit
{-| Match a hexadecimal digit
>>> match hexDigit "123"
>>> prefix hexDigit "123"
>>> match hexDigit "ABC"
>>> prefix hexDigit "ABC"
>>> match hexDigit "abc"
>>> prefix hexDigit "abc"
>>> match hexDigit "ghi"
>>> prefix hexDigit "ghi"
hexDigit :: Pattern Char
@ -391,9 +418,9 @@ hexDigit = satisfy isHexDigit
{-| Match an octal digit
>>> match octDigit "123"
>>> prefix octDigit "123"
>>> match octDigit "9"
>>> prefix octDigit "9"
octDigit :: Pattern Char
@ -401,9 +428,9 @@ octDigit = satisfy isOctDigit
{-| Match an unsigned decimal number
>>> match (decimal <* eof) "123"
>>> prefix (decimal <* eof) "123"
>>> match (decimal <* eof) "-123"
>>> prefix (decimal <* eof) "-123"
decimal :: Num n => Pattern n
@ -415,11 +442,11 @@ decimal = do
{-| Parse a number with an optional leading @\'+\'@ or @\'-\'@ sign
>>> match (signed decimal <* eof) "+123"
>>> prefix (signed decimal <* eof) "+123"
>>> match (signed decimal <* eof) "-123"
>>> prefix (signed decimal <* eof) "-123"
>>> match (signed decimal <* eof) "123"
>>> prefix (signed decimal <* eof) "123"
signed :: Num a => Pattern a -> Pattern a
@ -429,11 +456,11 @@ signed p = do
{-| Pattern 0 or more occurrecnes of the given character
>>> match (star anyChar) "123"
>>> prefix (star anyChar) "123"
>>> match (star anyChar <* eof) "123"
>>> prefix (star anyChar <* eof) "123"
>>> match (star anyChar) ""
>>> prefix (star anyChar) ""
star :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text
@ -443,11 +470,11 @@ star p = fmap Text.pack (many p)
try to match as many times as possible. The `selfless` combinator makes a
pattern match as few times as possible
>>> match (selfless (star anyChar) *> char '1') "123"
>>> prefix (selfless (star anyChar) *> char '1') "123"
>>> match (selfless (star anyChar)) "123"
>>> prefix (selfless (star anyChar)) "123"
>>> match (selfless (star anyChar <* eof)) "123"
>>> prefix (selfless (star anyChar <* eof)) "123"
selfless :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
@ -455,11 +482,11 @@ selfless p = Pattern (StateT (\s -> reverse (runStateT (runPattern p) s)))
{-| Parse 1 or more occurrences of the given character
>>> match (plus anyChar) "123"
>>> prefix (plus anyChar) "123"
>>> match (plus anyChar <* eof) "123"
>>> prefix (plus anyChar <* eof) "123"
>>> match (plus anyChar) ""
>>> prefix (plus anyChar) ""
plus :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text
@ -467,11 +494,11 @@ plus p = fmap Text.pack (some p)
{-| Apply the patterns in the list in order, until one of them succeeds
>>> match (choice [text "cat", text "dog", text "egg"]) "egg"
>>> prefix (choice [text "cat", text "dog", text "egg"]) "egg"
>>> match (choice [text "cat", text "dog", text "egg"]) "cat"
>>> prefix (choice [text "cat", text "dog", text "egg"]) "cat"
>>> match (choice [text "cat", text "dog", text "egg"]) "fan"
>>> prefix (choice [text "cat", text "dog", text "egg"]) "fan"
choice :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern a
@ -479,9 +506,9 @@ choice = msum
{-| Apply the given pattern a fixed number of times, collecting the results
>>> match (count 2 anyChar) "123"
>>> prefix (count 2 anyChar) "123"
>>> match (count 4 anyChar) "123"
>>> prefix (count 4 anyChar) "123"
count :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a]
@ -489,11 +516,11 @@ count = replicateM
{-| @between open close p@ matches @p@ in between @open@ and @close@
>>> match (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123)"
>>> prefix (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123)"
>>> match (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123))"
>>> prefix (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123))"
>>> match (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123"
>>> prefix (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123"
between :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c -> Pattern c
@ -501,9 +528,9 @@ between open close p = open *> p <* close
{-| Discard the pattern's result
>>> match (skip anyChar) "123"
>>> prefix (skip anyChar) "123"
>>> match (skip anyChar) ""
>>> prefix (skip anyChar) ""
skip :: Pattern a -> Pattern ()
@ -511,25 +538,25 @@ skip = void
{-| Restrict the pattern to consume no more than the given number of characters
>>> match (within 2 decimal) "123"
>>> prefix (within 2 decimal) "123"
>>> match (within 2 decimal) "1a3"
>>> prefix (within 2 decimal) "1a3"
within :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
within n p = Pattern (do
txt <- get
let (prefix, suffix) = Text.splitAt n txt
put prefix
let (before, after) = Text.splitAt n txt
put before
a <- runPattern p
modify (<> suffix)
modify (<> after)
return a )
{-| Require the pattern to consume exactly the given number of characters
>>> match (fixed 2 decimal) "123"
>>> prefix (fixed 2 decimal) "123"
>>> match (fixed 2 decimal) "1a3"
>>> prefix (fixed 2 decimal) "1a3"
fixed :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
@ -537,11 +564,11 @@ fixed n p = within n (p <* eof)
{-| @p `sepBy` sep@ matches zero or more occurrences of @p@ separated by @sep@
>>> match (decimal `sepBy` char ',') "1,2,3"
>>> prefix (decimal `sepBy` char ',') "1,2,3"
>>> match (decimal `sepBy` char ',' <* eof) "1,2,3"
>>> prefix (decimal `sepBy` char ',' <* eof) "1,2,3"
>>> match (decimal `sepBy` char ',') ""
>>> prefix (decimal `sepBy` char ',') ""
sepBy :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern [a]
@ -549,11 +576,11 @@ p `sepBy` sep = (p `sepBy1` sep) <|> pure []
{-| @p `sepBy1` sep@ matches one or more occurrences of @p@ separated by @sep@
>>> match (decimal `sepBy1` char ',') "1,2,3"
>>> prefix (decimal `sepBy1` char ',') "1,2,3"
>>> match (decimal `sepBy1` char ',' <* eof) "1,2,3"
>>> prefix (decimal `sepBy1` char ',' <* eof) "1,2,3"
>>> match (decimal `sepBy1` char ',') ""
>>> prefix (decimal `sepBy1` char ',') ""
sepBy1 :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern [a]

View file

@ -1,21 +1,39 @@
{-| These are derived utilities built on the primitives exposed by other
{-| This module provides a large suite of utilities that resemble Unix
utilities. With the exception of `system` and `stream`, none of these
invoke an external shell process.
Example use of these utilities:
>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> import qualified Control.Foldl as Fold
>>> cd "/usr"
>>> pwd
FilePath "/usr"
>>> feed (ls "lib") list
[FilePath "./lib",FilePath "./src",FilePath "./sbin",FilePath "./include",
FilePath "./share",FilePath "./games",FilePath "./local",FilePath "./bin"]
>>> sh (do { path <- find "" "lib"; liftIO (print path) })
FilePath "lib/python3.2/idlelib/"
FilePath "lib/python3.2/idlelib/"
FilePath "lib/python3.2/idlelib/"
FilePath "lib/python3.2/idlelib/"
>>> feed (lsTree "lib") Fold.length
>>> cd "/tmp"
>>> mkdir "foo"
>>> cd "foo"
module Turtle.Prelude (
-- * Shell
-- * IO
, stream
-- * Filesystem
, cd
, pwd
, home
, realpath
, ls
, lsTree
, mv
, mkdir
, mktree
@ -26,16 +44,25 @@ module Turtle.Prelude (
, du
, testfile
, testdir
, mktemp
, mktempdir
, cat
, grep
, sed
, yes
, date
, dateFile
-- * Input and output
-- * Protected
, mktemp
, mktempdir
, readHandle
, writeHandle
, fork
-- * Shell
, stream
, ls
, lsTree
, cat
, grep
, sed
, find
, yes
, stdIn
, fileIn
, handleIn
@ -43,18 +70,13 @@ module Turtle.Prelude (
, fileOut
, handleOut
, fileAppend
-- * Resources
, readHandle
, writeHandle
, fork
) where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, async, cancel, wait, withAsync)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Foldl (FoldM(..))
import Control.Monad (guard, msum)
import Control.Monad (msum)
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
@ -78,7 +100,7 @@ import System.Posix (openDirStream, readDirStream, closeDirStream)
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Turtle.Pattern (Pattern, anyChar, match, selfless, plus, star)
import Turtle.Pattern (Pattern, anyChar, inside, match, selfless, plus)
import Turtle.Protected
import Turtle.Shell
@ -288,10 +310,7 @@ cat = msum
grep :: Pattern a -> Shell Text -> Shell Text
grep pattern s = do
txt <- s
let pattern' = do
_ <- star anyChar
guard (not (null (match pattern' txt)))
_:_ <- return (inside pattern txt)
return txt
-- | Replace all occurrences of a `Pattern` with its `Text` result
@ -302,6 +321,14 @@ sed pattern s = do
txt':_ <- return (match pattern' txt)
return txt'
-- | Search a directory recursively for all files matching the given `Pattern`
find :: Pattern a -> FilePath -> Shell FilePath
find pattern dir = do
path <- lsTree dir
Right txt <- return (Filesystem.toText path)
_:_ <- return (inside pattern txt)
return path
-- | A Stream of @\"y\"@s
yes :: Shell Text
yes = Shell (\(FoldM step begin _) -> do