Updated documentation

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2015-01-27 21:06:43 -08:00
parent 8fc9f97fd1
commit 739edb72ac

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@ -3,15 +3,19 @@
{-| Use @turtle@ if you want to write light-weight and maintainable shell
@turtle@ embeds shell scripting directly within Haskell for two main
@turtle@ embeds shell scripting directly within Haskell for three main
* Haskell code is easy to refactor and maintain because Haskell is
* Haskell code is easy to refactor and maintain because the language is
statically typed
* Haskell is syntactically lightweight, thanks to global type inference
These features make Haskell ideal for scripting.
* Haskell programs can be type-checked and interpreted very rapidly (< 1
These features make Haskell ideal for scripting, particularly for replacing
large and unwieldy Bash scripts.
This tutorial introduces how to use the @turtle@ library to write Haskell
scripts and assumes no prior knowledge of Haskell, but does assume prior
@ -105,10 +109,11 @@ import Turtle
-- interactive REPL for Haskell. You can either use @ghci@ by itself:
-- >$ ghci
-- >...
-- ><ghci links in some libraries>
-- >Prelude> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >Prelude> import Turtle
-- >Prelude Turtle> echo "Hello, world!"
-- ><ghci links in some libraries>
-- >Hello, world!
-- >Prelude Turtle> :quit
-- >$
@ -117,13 +122,17 @@ import Turtle
-- values from that program into scope:
-- >$ ghci example.hs
-- >...
-- ><ghci links in some libraries>
-- >[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( example.hs, interpreted )
-- >Ok, modules loaded: Main.
-- >*Main> main
-- ><ghci links in some libraries>
-- >Hello, world!
-- >*Main> :quit
-- >$
-- From now on I'll omit @ghci@'s linker output in tutorial examples. You can
-- also silence this linker output by passing the @-v0@ flag to @ghci@.
-- $compare
-- You'll already notice a few differences between the Haskell code and Bash
@ -305,19 +314,19 @@ import Turtle
-- > time <- datefile dir;
-- > echo time }
-- The error points to the last line of our program. If you study the error
-- message closely you'll see that the `echo` function expects a `Text` value,
-- but we passed it @\'time\'@, which was a `UTCTime` value. Although the error
-- is at the end of our script, Haskell catches this error before even running
-- the script. When we \"interpret\" a Haskell script the Haskell compiler
-- actually compiles the script without any optimizations to generate a
-- temporary executable and then runs the executable, much like Perl does for
-- Perl scripts.
-- The error points to the last line of our program: @(example.hs:8:10)@ means
-- line 8, column 10 of our program. If you study the error message closely
-- you'll see that the `echo` function expects a `Text` value, but we passed it
-- @\'time\'@, which was a `UTCTime` value. Although the error is at the end of
-- our script, Haskell catches this error before even running the script. When
-- we \"interpret\" a Haskell script the Haskell compiler actually compiles the
-- script without any optimizations to generate a temporary executable and then
-- runs the executable, much like Perl does for Perl scripts.
-- You might wonder: \"where are the types?\" None of the above programs had
-- any type signatures or type annotations, yet the compiler still detected type
-- errors correctly. This is because Haskell uses \"global type inference\" to,
-- detect errors, meaning that the compiler can infer the type of any expression
-- errors correctly. This is because Haskell uses \"global type inference\" to
-- detect errors, meaning that the compiler can infer the types of expressions
-- within the program without any assistance from the programmer.
-- You can even ask the compiler what the type of an expression is using @ghci@.
@ -325,7 +334,6 @@ import Turtle
-- and deduce why our program failed:
-- >$ ghci
-- >...
-- >Prelude> import Turtle
-- >Prelude Turtle>
@ -353,6 +361,8 @@ import Turtle
-- input argument of `datefile` (which is a `Turtle.FilePath`) is the same type
-- as the return value of `pwd` (also a `Turtle.FilePath`).
-- Now let's study type of `echo` to see why we get the type error:
-- >Prelude Turtle> :type echo
-- >echo :: Text -> IO ()
@ -393,11 +403,9 @@ import Turtle
-- @turtle@:
-- >$ ghci
-- >...
-- >Prelude> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >Prelude> import Turtle
-- >Prelude Turtle> cd "/tmp"
-- >...
-- >Prelude Turtle> pwd
-- >FilePath "/tmp"
-- >Prelude Turtle> mkdir "test"
@ -416,10 +424,10 @@ import Turtle
-- >:set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >import Turtle
-- The following @ghci@ examples will all assume that you run these commands
-- The following @ghci@ examples will all assume that you run these two commands
-- at the beginning of every session, either manually or automatically. You can
-- even enable those two commands permanently by adding the above file to your
-- home directory.
-- even enable those two commands permanently by adding the above @.ghci@ file
-- to your home directory.
-- Within @ghci@ you can run a subroutine and @ghci@ will `print` the
-- subroutine's value if it is not empty:
@ -449,7 +457,8 @@ import Turtle
-- Haskell performs global type inference, meaning that the compiler never
-- requires any type signatures. When you add type signatures, they are purely
-- for the benefit of programmers and behave like machine-checked documentation.
-- for the benefit of the programmer and behave like machine-checked
-- documentation.
-- Let's illustrate this by adding types to our original script:
@ -553,9 +562,9 @@ import Turtle
-- Notice that there is nothing wrong with the program other than the type
-- signature we added. If we were to delete the type signature the program
-- would compile and run correctly. The sole purpose of the type signature in
-- this example is for us to communicate our expectations to the compiler so
-- that the compiler can warn us if the code does not match our expectations.
-- would compile and run correctly. The sole purpose of this type signature is
-- for us to communicate our expectations to the compiler so that the compiler
-- can alert us if the code does not match our expectations.
-- Let's also try reversing the type error, providing a number where we expect
-- a string:
@ -652,8 +661,8 @@ import Turtle
-- >example.hs: user error (false failed with exit code: 1)
-- Most of the commands in this library do not actually invoke an external
-- shell. Instead, they indirectly wrap other Haskell libraries that provide
-- bindings to C code.
-- shell. Instead, they indirectly wrap other Haskell libraries that bind to C
-- code.
-- $format
@ -684,7 +693,8 @@ import Turtle
-- $streams
-- The @turtle@ library provides support for streaming computations, just like
-- Bash. The primitive @turtle@ streams are little more verbose than their
-- Bash counterparts, but the @turtle@ streams are easier to combine.
-- Bash counterparts, but @turtle@ streams can be built and combined in more
-- ways.
-- The key type for streams is the `Shell` type, which represents a stream of
-- values. For example, the `ls` function has a streaming result:
@ -729,7 +739,7 @@ import Turtle
-- You can build your own `Shell` streams using a few primitive operations,
-- The first primitive is `empty`, which is just an empty stream of values:
-- The first primitive is `empty`, which represents an empty stream of values:
-- >Prelude Turtle> view empty -- Outputs nothing
-- >Prelude Turtle>
@ -742,7 +752,7 @@ import Turtle
-- >empty :: Shell a
-- The lower-case @\'a\'@ is \"polymorphic\" meaning that it will type check as
-- The lower-case @\'a\'@ is \"polymorphic\", meaning that it will type check as
-- any type. That means that you can produce an `empty` stream of any type of
-- value.
@ -764,8 +774,7 @@ import Turtle
-- because `return` is overloaded and works with both `IO` and `Shell`.
-- You can also take any subroutine ('IO') and transform it into a singleton
-- `Shell` that runs the subroutine and emits the subroutine's return value
-- once:
-- `Shell`:
-- >Prelude Turtle> view (liftIO readLine)
-- >ABC<Enter>
@ -878,8 +887,8 @@ import Turtle
-- over its argument:
-- >view :: Show a => Shell a -> IO ()
-- >view shell = sh (do
-- > x <- shell -- `x` ranges over every output of `shell`
-- >view s = sh (do
-- > x <- s -- `x` ranges over every output of `s`
-- > liftIO (print x) )
-- You can also loop over a stream in a one-liner, still using @do@ notation.
@ -915,7 +924,7 @@ import Turtle
-- >",FilePath "/tmp/pulse-PYi1hSlWgNj2",FilePath "/tmp/orbit-gabriel",FilePath
-- >"/tmp/ssh-vREYGbWGpiCa",FilePath "/tmp/.ICE-unix"]
-- You can compute multiple things in a single pass over the stream, too:
-- You can also compute multiple things in a single pass over the stream:
-- >Prelude Turtle> fold (select [1..10]) ((,) <$> Fold.minimum <*> Fold.maximum)
-- >(Just 1,Just 10)
@ -930,9 +939,9 @@ import Turtle
-- For example, you can write to standard output using the `stdout` utility:
-- > stdout :: Shell Text -> IO ()
-- > stdout shell = sh (do
-- > txt <- shell
-- > liftIO (shell txt)
-- > stdout s = sh (do
-- > txt <- s
-- > liftIO (echo txt)
-- `stdout` outputs each `Text` value on its own line:
@ -1023,15 +1032,14 @@ import Turtle
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- grep '^[[:digit:]]\+$' file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (grep (plus digit) (input "file.txt"))
-- >42
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- grep '^[[:digit:]]\+\|Test$'
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- grep '^[[:digit:]]\+\|Test$' file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (grep (plus digit <|> "Test") (input "file.txt"))
-- >Test
-- >42
-- Note that @turtle@'s `grep` subtly differs from the traditional @grep@
-- command. The `Pattern` you provide must match the entire line. If you
-- want to match the interior of a line, you can use the `has` combinator
-- to match the interior of a string:
-- want to match the interior of a line, you can use the `has` utility:
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- grep B file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (grep (has "B") (input "file.txt"))
@ -1047,18 +1055,18 @@ import Turtle
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (grep (suffix "C") (input "file.txt"))
-- >ABC
-- `sed` also uses `Pattern`s, too, and is more powerful than Unix @sed@:
-- `sed` also uses `Pattern`s, too, and is more flexible than Unix @sed@:
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- sed 's/C/D/g' file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (sed ("C" *> return "D") (input "file.txt"))
-- >Test
-- >ABD
-- >42
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- sed 's/[[:digit:]]\+/!/g' file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (sed (plus digit *> return "!") (input "file.txt"))
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- sed 's/[[:digit:]]/!/g' file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (sed (digit *> return "!") (input "file.txt"))
-- >Test
-- >ABC
-- >!
-- >!!
-- >Prelude Turtle> import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- rev file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (sed (fmap Text.reverse (plus dot)) (input "file.txt"))
@ -1091,10 +1099,10 @@ import Turtle
-- correctly if there are any exceptions. You can use `Managed` resources to
-- acquire things safely within a `Shell`.
-- For example, suppose that you wish to create a temporary directory and
-- temporary file within that directory. You also want to ensure that the
-- temporary directory is deleted correctly, either when your program is done
-- or you receive an exception.
-- You can think of a `Managed` resource as some resource that needs to be
-- acquired and then released afterwards. Example: you want to create a
-- temporary file and then guarantee it's deleted afterwards, even if the
-- program fails with an exception.
-- "Turtle.Prelude" provides two `Managed` utilities for creating temporary
-- directories or files:
@ -1177,4 +1185,13 @@ import Turtle
-- If you have more questions or need help learning the library, ask a question
-- on Stack Overflow under the @haskell-turtle@ tag. For bugs or feature
-- requests, create an issue on Github at
-- https://github.com/Gabriel439/Haskell-Turtle-Library/issues
-- <https://github.com/Gabriel439/Haskell-Turtle-Library/issues>
-- This library provides an extended suite of Unix-like utilities, but would
-- still benefit from adding more utilities for better parity with the Unix
-- ecosystem. Pull requests to add new utilities are highly welcome!
-- The @turtle@ library does not yet provide support for command line argument
-- parsing, but I highly recommend the @optparse-applicative@ library for this
-- purpose. A future release of this library might include a simplified
-- interface to @optparse-applicative@.