Added paste, cut, endless. Fixes #95

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2015-08-22 19:21:42 -07:00
parent f4bd366e29
commit 681f5d3da9
2 changed files with 90 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -173,6 +173,8 @@ module Turtle.Prelude (
, find
, yes
, nl
, paste
, endless
, limit
, limitWhile
, cache
@ -182,6 +184,9 @@ module Turtle.Prelude (
, countWords
, countLines
-- * Text
, cut
-- * Permissions
, Permissions
, chmod
@ -208,9 +213,10 @@ module Turtle.Prelude (
) where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..), (<*), (*>))
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, withAsync, wait, concurrently)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newMVar, modifyMVar_)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import Control.Exception (bracket, throwIO)
import Control.Foldl (Fold, FoldM(..), genericLength, handles, list, premap)
import qualified Control.Foldl.Text
@ -255,7 +261,7 @@ import System.Posix (openDirStream, readDirStream, closeDirStream, touchFile)
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Turtle.Pattern (Pattern, anyChar, match)
import Turtle.Pattern (Pattern, anyChar, chars, match, selfless, sepBy)
import Turtle.Shell
import Turtle.Format (format, w, (%))
@ -1004,12 +1010,7 @@ find pattern dir = do
-- | A Stream of @\"y\"@s
yes :: Shell Text
yes = Shell (\(FoldM step begin _) -> do
x0 <- begin
let loop x = do
x' <- step x "y"
loop $! x'
loop $! x0 )
yes = fmap (\_ -> "y") endless
-- | Number each element of a `Shell` (starting at 0)
nl :: Num n => Shell a -> Shell (n, a)
@ -1026,6 +1027,81 @@ nl s = Shell _foldIO'
return (x0, 0)
done' (x, _) = done x
data ZipState a b = Empty | HasA a | HasAB a b | Done
{-| Merge two `Shell`s together, element-wise
If one `Shell` is longer than the other, the excess elements are
paste :: Shell a -> Shell b -> Shell (a, b)
paste sA sB = Shell _foldIOAB
_foldIOAB (FoldM stepAB beginAB doneAB) = do
x0 <- beginAB
tvar <- STM.atomically (STM.newTVar Empty)
let begin = return ()
let stepA () a = STM.atomically (do
x <- STM.readTVar tvar
case x of
Empty -> STM.writeTVar tvar (HasA a)
Done -> return ()
_ -> STM.retry )
let doneA () = STM.atomically (do
x <- STM.readTVar tvar
case x of
Empty -> STM.writeTVar tvar Done
Done -> return ()
_ -> STM.retry )
let foldA = FoldM stepA begin doneA
let stepB () b = STM.atomically (do
x <- STM.readTVar tvar
case x of
HasA a -> STM.writeTVar tvar (HasAB a b)
Done -> return ()
_ -> STM.retry )
let doneB () = STM.atomically (do
x <- STM.readTVar tvar
case x of
HasA _ -> STM.writeTVar tvar Done
Done -> return ()
_ -> STM.retry )
let foldB = FoldM stepB begin doneB
withAsync (foldIO sA foldA) (\asyncA -> do
withAsync (foldIO sB foldB) (\asyncB -> do
let loop x = do
y <- STM.atomically (do
x <- STM.readTVar tvar
case x of
HasAB a b -> do
STM.writeTVar tvar Empty
return (Just (a, b))
Done -> return Nothing
_ -> STM.retry )
case y of
Nothing -> return x
Just ab -> do
x' <- stepAB x ab
loop $! x'
x' <- loop $! x0
wait asyncA
wait asyncB
doneAB x' ) )
-- | A `Shell` that endlessly emits @()@
endless :: Shell ()
endless = Shell (\(FoldM step begin _) -> do
x0 <- begin
let loop x = do
x' <- step x ()
loop $! x'
loop $! x0 )
-- | Limit a `Shell` to a fixed number of values
limit :: Int -> Shell a -> Shell a
limit n s = Shell (\(FoldM step begin done) -> do
@ -1084,6 +1160,11 @@ cache file s = do
justs <|> nothing
-- | Split a line into chunks delimited by the given `Pattern`
cut :: Pattern a -> Text -> [Text]
cut pattern txt = head (match (selfless chars `sepBy` pattern) txt)
-- This `head` should be safe ... in theory
-- | Get the current time
date :: MonadIO io => io UTCTime
date = liftIO getCurrentTime

View file

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ Library
process >= && < 1.3,
system-filepath >= 0.3.1 && < 0.5,
system-fileio >= 0.2.1 && < 0.4,
stm < 2.5,
temporary < 1.3,
text < 1.3,
time < 1.6,