Added hyperlinks to tutorial code as @ianoc suggested

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2015-01-28 20:46:06 -08:00
parent 7a30a36aa4
commit 5a01ed47ce

View file

@ -79,13 +79,15 @@ import Turtle
-- more complex scripts. Here is an example \"Hello, world!\" script written
-- in both languages:
-- >#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
-- > -- #!/bin/bash
-- >{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} --
-- > --
-- >import Turtle --
-- > --
-- >main = echo "Hello, world!" -- echo Hello, world!
--#!\/usr\/bin\/env runhaskell
-- -- #!\/bin\/bash
--{-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings \#-} --
-- --
--import "Turtle" --
-- --
--main = `echo` \"Hello, world!\" -- echo Hello, world!
-- In Haskell you can use @--@ to comment out the rest of a line. The above
-- example uses comments to show the equivalent Bash script side-by-side with
@ -219,14 +221,16 @@ import Turtle
-- creation time of the current working directory by storing two intermediate
-- results:
-- >#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
-- > -- #!/bin/bash
-- >import Turtle --
-- > --
-- >main = do --
-- > dir <- pwd -- DIR=$(pwd)
-- > time <- datefile dir -- TIME=$(date -r $DIR)
-- > print time -- echo $TIME
--#!\/usr\/bin\/env runhaskell
-- -- #!\/bin\/bash
--import Turtle --
-- --
--main = do --
-- dir <- `pwd` -- DIR=$(pwd)
-- time <- `datefile` dir -- TIME=$(date -r $DIR)
-- `print` time -- echo $TIME
-- >$ ./example.hs
-- >2015-01-24 03:40:31 UTC
@ -352,8 +356,10 @@ import Turtle
-- You can interrogate the REPL for an expression's type using the @:type@
-- command:
-- >Prelude Turtle> :type pwd
-- >pwd :: IO Turtle.FilePath
--Prelude Turtle> :type pwd
--pwd :: `IO` Turtle.`Turtle.FilePath`
-- Whenever you see something of the form @(x :: t)@, that means that @\'x\'@
-- is a value of type @\'t\'@. The REPL says that `pwd` is a subroutine ('IO')
@ -365,8 +371,10 @@ import Turtle
-- We can similarly ask for the type of `datefile`:
-- >Prelude Turtle> :type datefile
-- >datefile :: Turtle.FilePath -> IO UTCTime
--Prelude Turtle> :type datefile
--datefile :: Turtle.`Turtle.FilePath` -> `IO` `UTCTime`
-- `datefile` is a function whose argument must be a `Turtle.FilePath` and whose
-- result is a subroutine (`IO`) that returns a `UTCTime`. Notice how the
@ -375,8 +383,10 @@ import Turtle
-- Now let's study type of `echo` to see why we get the type error:
-- >Prelude Turtle> :type echo
-- >echo :: Text -> IO ()
--Prelude Turtle> :type echo
--echo :: `Text` -> `IO` ()
-- The above type says that `echo` is a function whose argument is a value of
-- type `Text` and whose result is a subroutine (`IO`) with an empty return
@ -390,8 +400,10 @@ import Turtle
-- The reason `print` worked is because `print` has a more general type than
-- `echo`:
-- >Prelude Turtle> :type print
-- >print :: Show a => a -> IO ()
--Prelude Turtle> :type print
--print :: `Show` a => a -> `IO` ()
-- This type signature says that `print` can display any value of type @\'a\'@
-- so long as @\'a\'@ implements the `Show` interface. In this case `UTCTime`
@ -401,8 +413,10 @@ import Turtle
-- This library provides a helper function that lets you convert any type that
-- implements `Show` into a `Text` value:
-- > -- This behaves like Python's `repr` function
-- > repr :: Show a => a -> Text
--\-\- This behaves like Python's \`repr\` function
--`repr` :: `Show` a => a -> `Text`
-- You could therefore implement `print` in terms of `echo` and `repr`:
@ -414,20 +428,22 @@ import Turtle
-- general-purpose Haskell shell for your system when you extend it with
-- @turtle@:
-- >$ ghci
-- >Prelude> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >Prelude> import Turtle
-- >Prelude Turtle> cd "/tmp"
-- >Prelude Turtle> pwd
-- >FilePath "/tmp"
-- >Prelude Turtle> mkdir "test"
-- >Prelude Turtle> cd "test"
-- >Prelude Turtle> touch "file"
-- >Prelude Turtle> testfile "file"
-- >True
-- >Prelude Turtle> rm "file"
-- >Prelude Turtle> testfile "file"
-- >False
--$ ghci
--Prelude> :set -XOverloadedStrings
--Prelude> import Turtle
--Prelude Turtle> `cd` \"/tmp\"
--Prelude Turtle> `pwd`
--FilePath \"/tmp\"
--Prelude Turtle> `mkdir` \"test\"
--Prelude Turtle> `cd` \"test\"
--Prelude Turtle> `touch` \"file\"
--Prelude Turtle> `testfile` \"file\"
--Prelude Turtle> `rm` \"file\"
--Prelude Turtle> `testfile` \"file\"
-- You can also optionally configure @ghci@ to run the first two commands every
-- time you launch @ghci@. Just create a @.ghci@ within your current directory
@ -444,18 +460,22 @@ import Turtle
-- Within @ghci@ you can run a subroutine and @ghci@ will `print` the
-- subroutine's value if it is not empty:
-- >Prelude Turtle> shell "true" empty
-- >ExitSuccess
-- >Prelude Turtle> shell "false" empty
-- >ExitFailure 1
--Prelude Turtle> `shell` \"true\" empty
--Prelude Turtle> `shell` \"false\" empty
--ExitFailure 1
-- You can also type in a pure expression and @ghci@ will evaluate that
-- expression:
-- >Prelude Turtle> 2 + 2
-- >4
-- >Prelude Turtle> "123" <> "456" -- (<>) concatenates strings
-- >"123456"
--Prelude Turtle> 2 + 2
--Prelude Turtle> \"123\" `<>` \"456\" -- (\<\>) concatenates strings
-- This works because @ghci@ automatically wraps anything that's not a
-- subroutine with `print`. It's as if we had written:
@ -615,15 +635,17 @@ import Turtle
-- example, we can write a program that creates an empty directory and then
-- uses a `shell` command to archive the directory:
-- >#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
-- > -- #!/bin/bash
-- >{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} --
-- > --
-- >import Turtle --
-- > --
-- >main = do --
-- > mkdir "test" -- mkdir test
-- > shell "tar czf test.tar.gz test" empty -- tar czf test.tar.gz test
--#!\/usr\/bin\/env runhaskell
-- -- #!\/bin\/bash
--{-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings \#-} --
-- --
--import Turtle --
-- --
--main = do --
-- mkdir \"test\" -- mkdir test
-- `shell` \"tar czf test.tar.gz test\" empty -- tar czf test.tar.gz test
-- If you run this program, it will generate the @test.tar.gz@ archive:
@ -641,10 +663,12 @@ import Turtle
-- documentation. Click on the word `shell`, which will take you to
-- documentation that looks like this:
-- >shell
-- > :: Text -- Command line
-- > -> Shell Text -- Standard input (as lines of `Text`)
-- > -> IO ExitCode -- Exit code of the shell command
-- :: Text -- Command line
-- -> Shell Text -- Standard input (as lines of \`Text\`)
-- -> IO `ExitCode` -- Exit code of the shell command
-- The first argument is a `Text` representation of the command to run. The
-- second argument lets you feed input to the command, and you can provide
@ -654,18 +678,20 @@ import Turtle
-- command completed successfully. For example, we could print a more
-- descriptive error message if an external command fails:
-- >#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
-- >
-- >{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
-- >import Turtle
-- >
-- >main = do
-- > let cmd = "false"
-- > x <- shell cmd empty
-- > case x of
-- > ExitSuccess -> return ()
-- > ExitFailure n -> die (cmd <> " failed with exit code: " <> repr n)
--#!\/usr\/bin\/env runhaskell
--{-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings \#-}
--import Turtle
--main = do
-- let cmd = \"false\"
-- x <- shell cmd empty
-- case x of
-- ExitSuccess -> return ()
-- ExitFailure n -> `die` (cmd \<\> \" failed with exit code: \" \<\> repr n)
-- This prints an error message since the @false@ command always fails:
@ -711,8 +737,10 @@ import Turtle
-- The key type for streams is the `Shell` type, which represents a stream of
-- values. For example, the `ls` function has a streaming result:
-- >Prelude Turtle> :type ls
-- >ls :: Turtle.FilePath -> Shell Turtle.FilePath
--Prelude Turtle> :type `ls`
--`ls` :: Turtle.FilePath -> `Shell` Turtle.FilePath
-- That type says that `ls` takes a single `Turtle.FilePath` as its argument
-- (the directory to list) and the result is a `Shell` stream of
@ -733,7 +761,9 @@ import Turtle
-- Instead, you must consume the stream as it is generated and the simplest way
-- to consume a `Shell` stream is `view`:
-- > view :: Show a => Shell a -> IO ()
--`view` :: Show a => Shell a -> IO ()
-- `view` takes any `Shell` stream of values and `print`s them to standard
-- output:
@ -753,16 +783,22 @@ import Turtle
-- The first primitive is `empty`, which represents an empty stream of values:
-- >Prelude Turtle> view empty -- Outputs nothing
-- >Prelude Turtle>
--Prelude Turtle> view `empty` -- Outputs nothing
--Prelude Turtle>
-- Another way to say that is:
-- >view empty = return ()
--view `empty` = return ()
-- The type of empty is:
-- >empty :: Shell a
--`empty` :: Shell a
-- The lower-case @\'a\'@ is \"polymorphic\", meaning that it will type check as
-- any type. That means that you can produce an `empty` stream of any type of
@ -771,16 +807,22 @@ import Turtle
-- The next simplest function is `return`, which lets you take any value and
-- transform it into a singleton `Shell` that emits just that one value:
-- >Prelude Turtle> view (return 1)
-- >1
--Prelude Turtle> view (`return` 1)
-- Another way to say that is:
-- >view (return x) = print x
--view (`return` x) = print x
-- The type of `return` is:
-- >return :: a -> Shell a
--`return` :: a -> Shell a
-- Notice that this is the same `return` function we saw before. This is
-- because `return` is overloaded and works with both `IO` and `Shell`.
@ -788,35 +830,47 @@ import Turtle
-- You can also take any subroutine ('IO') and transform it into a singleton
-- `Shell`:
-- >Prelude Turtle> view (liftIO readLine)
-- >ABC<Enter>
-- >Just "ABC"
--Prelude Turtle> view (`liftIO` readLine)
--Just \"ABC\"
-- Another way to say that is:
-- >view (liftIO io) = do x <- io
-- > print x
--view (`liftIO` io) = do x <- io
-- print x
-- The type of `liftIO` is:
-- >liftIO :: IO a -> Shell a
--`liftIO` :: IO a -> Shell a
-- Once you have those primitive `Shell` streams you can begin to combine them
-- into larger `Shell` streams. For example, you can concatenate two `Shell`
-- streams using (`<|>`):
-- >view (return 1 <|> return 2)
-- >1
-- >2
--view (return 1 `<|>` return 2)
-- Another way to say that is:
-- >view (xs <|> ys) = do view xs
-- > view ys
--view (xs `<|>` ys) = do view xs
-- view ys
-- The type of (`<|>`) is:
-- >(<|>) :: Shell a -> Shell a -> Shell a
--(`<|>`) :: Shell a -> Shell a -> Shell a
-- In other words, you can concatenate two `Shell` streams of the same element
-- type to get a new `Shell` stream, also of the same element type.
@ -861,10 +915,12 @@ import Turtle
-- This library also provides the `select` function for conveniently emitting a
-- list of values:
-- >Prelude Turtle> view (select [1, 2, 3])
-- >1
-- >2
-- >3
--Prelude Turtle> view (`select` [1, 2, 3])
-- We can use `select` to implement loops within a `Shell`:
@ -892,7 +948,9 @@ import Turtle
-- This uses the `sh` utility instead of `view`. The only difference is that
-- `sh` doesn't print any values (since `print` is doing that already):
-- >sh :: Shell a -> IO ()
--`sh` :: Shell a -> IO ()
-- This trick isn't limited to `select`. You can loop over the output of any
-- `Shell` by just binding its result. For example, this is how `view` loops
@ -923,18 +981,24 @@ import Turtle
-- There are other ways you can consume a `Shell` stream. For example, you can
-- `fold` the stream using predefined `Fold`s from "Control.Foldl":
-- >Prelude Turtle> import qualified Control.Foldl as Fold
-- >Prelude Turtle Fold> fold (ls "/tmp") Fold.length
-- >9
--Prelude Turtle> import qualified "Control.Foldl" as Fold
--Prelude Turtle Fold> `fold` (ls \"/tmp\") Fold.length
-- >Prelude Turtle Fold> fold (ls "/tmp") Fold.head
-- >Just (FilePath "/tmp/.X11-unix")
--Prelude Turtle Fold> `fold` (ls \"/tmp\") Fold.head
--Just (FilePath \"\/tmp\/.X11-unix\")
-- >Prelude Turtle Fold> fold (ls "/tmp") Fold.list
-- >[FilePath "/tmp/.X11-unix",FilePath "/tmp/.X0-lock",FilePath "/tmp/pulse-PKd
-- >htXMmr18n",FilePath "/tmp/pulse-xHYcZ3zmN3Fv",FilePath "/tmp/tracker-gabriel
-- >",FilePath "/tmp/pulse-PYi1hSlWgNj2",FilePath "/tmp/orbit-gabriel",FilePath
-- >"/tmp/ssh-vREYGbWGpiCa",FilePath "/tmp/.ICE-unix"]
--Prelude Turtle Fold> `fold` (ls \"\/tmp\") Fold.list
--[FilePath \"\/tmp\/.X11-unix\",FilePath \"\/tmp\/.X0-lock\",FilePath \"\/tmp\/pulse-PKd
--htXMmr18n\",FilePath \"\/tmp\/pulse-xHYcZ3zmN3Fv\",FilePath \"\/tmp\/tracker-gabriel
--\",FilePath \"\/tmp\/pulse-PYi1hSlWgNj2\",FilePath \"\/tmp\/orbit-gabriel\",FilePath
--\"\/tmp\/ssh-vREYGbWGpiCa\",FilePath \"\/tmp\/.ICE-unix\"]
-- You can also compute multiple things in a single pass over the stream:
@ -950,10 +1014,12 @@ import Turtle
-- For example, you can write to standard output using the `stdout` utility:
-- > stdout :: Shell Text -> IO ()
-- > stdout s = sh (do
-- > txt <- s
-- > liftIO (echo txt)
--`stdout` :: Shell Text -> IO ()
--`stdout` s = sh (do
-- txt <- s
-- liftIO (echo txt)
-- `stdout` outputs each `Text` value on its own line:
@ -966,7 +1032,9 @@ import Turtle
-- Another useful stream is `stdin`, which emits one line of `Text` per line of
-- standard input:
-- >stdin :: Shell Text
--`stdin` :: Shell Text
-- Let's combine `stdin` and `stdout` to forward all input from standard input
-- to standard output:
@ -995,27 +1063,33 @@ import Turtle
-- You can also read and write to files using the `input` and `output`
-- utilities:
-- >Prelude Turtle> output "file.txt" ("Test" <|> "ABC" <|> "42")
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (input "file.txt")
-- >Test
-- >ABC
-- >42
--Prelude Turtle> `output` \"file.txt\" (\"Test\" \<|\> \"ABC\" \<|\> \"42\")
--Prelude Turtle> stdout (`input` \"file.txt\")
-- $patterns
-- You can transform streams using Unix-like utilities. For example, you can
-- filter a stream using `grep`.
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (input "file.txt")
-- >Test
-- >ABC
-- >42
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (grep "ABC" (input "file.txt"))
-- >ABC
--Prelude Turtle> stdout (input \"file.txt\")
--Prelude Turtle> stdout (`grep` \"ABC\" (input \"file.txt\"))
-- Let's look at the type of `grep`:
-- > grep :: Pattern a -> Shell Text -> Shell Text
--`grep` :: Pattern a -> Shell Text -> Shell Text
-- The first argument of `grep` is actually a `Pattern`, which implements
-- `IsString`. When we pass a string literal we just create a `Pattern` that
@ -1024,20 +1098,22 @@ import Turtle
-- `Pattern`s generalize regular expressions and you can use this table to
-- roughly translate several regular expression idioms to `Pattern`s:
-- > Regex Pattern
-- > ========= =========
-- > "string" "string"
-- > . dot
-- > e1 e2 e1 <> e2
-- > e1 | e2 e1 <|> e2
-- > e* star e
-- > e+ plus e
-- > e*? selfless (star e)
-- > e+? selfless (plus e)
-- > e{n} count n e
-- > e? optional e
-- > [xyz] oneOf "xyz"
-- > [^xyz] noneOf "xyz"
-- Regex Pattern
-- ========= =========
-- \"string\" \"string\"
-- . `dot`
-- e1 e2 e1 `<>` e2
-- e1 | e2 e1 `<|>` e2
-- e* `star` e
-- e+ `plus` e
-- e*? `selfless` (`star` e)
-- e+? `selfless` (`plus` e)
-- e{n} `count` n e
-- e? `optional` e
-- [xyz] `oneOf` \"xyz\"
-- [^xyz] `noneOf` \"xyz\"
-- Here are some examples:
@ -1053,54 +1129,62 @@ import Turtle
-- command. The `Pattern` you provide must match the entire line. If you
-- want to match the interior of a line, you can use the `has` utility:
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- grep B file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (grep (has "B") (input "file.txt"))
-- >ABC
--Prelude Turtle> -- grep B file.txt
--Prelude Turtle> stdout (grep (`has` \"B\") (input \"file.txt\"))
-- You can also use `prefix` or `suffix` to match the beginning or end of a
-- string, respectively:
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- grep '^A' file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (grep (prefix "A") (input "file.txt"))
-- >ABC
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- grep 'C$' file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (grep (suffix "C") (input "file.txt"))
-- >ABC
--Prelude Turtle> -- grep '^A' file.txt
--Prelude Turtle> stdout (grep (`prefix` \"A\") (input \"file.txt\"))
--Prelude Turtle> -- grep 'C$' file.txt
--Prelude Turtle> stdout (grep (`suffix` \"C\") (input \"file.txt\"))
-- `sed` also uses `Pattern`s, too, and is more flexible than Unix @sed@:
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- sed 's/C/D/g' file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (sed ("C" *> return "D") (input "file.txt"))
-- >Test
-- >ABD
-- >42
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- sed 's/[[:digit:]]/!/g' file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (sed (digit *> return "!") (input "file.txt"))
-- >Test
-- >ABC
-- >!!
-- >Prelude Turtle> import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- >Prelude Turtle> -- rev file.txt
-- >Prelude Turtle> stdout (sed (fmap Text.reverse (plus dot)) (input "file.txt"))
-- >tseT
-- >CBA
-- >24
-- >Prelude Turtle>
--Prelude Turtle> -- sed 's/C/D/g' file.txt
--Prelude Turtle> stdout (`sed` (\"C\" `*>` return \"D\") (input \"file.txt\"))
--Prelude Turtle> -- sed 's\/[[:digit:]]\/!\/g' file.txt
--Prelude Turtle> stdout (`sed` (digit `*>` return \"!\") (input \"file.txt\"))
--Prelude Turtle> import qualified Data.Text as Text
--Prelude Turtle> -- rev file.txt
--Prelude Turtle> stdout (`sed` (`fmap` Text.reverse (plus dot)) (input \"file.txt\"))
--Prelude Turtle>
-- You can also use `Pattern`s by themselves to parse arbitrary text into more
-- structured values:
-- >Prelude Turtle> let pair = do x <- decimal; " "; y <- decimal; return (x, y)
-- >Prelude Turtle> :type pair
-- >pair :: Pattern (Integer, Integer)
-- >Prelude Turtle> match pair "123 456"
-- >[(123,456)]
-- >Prelude Turtle> data Pet = Cat | Dog deriving (Show)
-- >Prelude Turtle> let pet = ("cat" *> return Cat) <|> ("dog" *> return Dog) :: Pattern Pet
-- >Prelude Turtle> match pet "dog"
-- >[Dog]
-- >Prelude Turtle> match (pet `sepBy` ",") "cat,dog,cat"
-- >[[Cat,Dog,Cat]]
--Prelude Turtle> let pair = do x <- `decimal`; \" \"; y <- `decimal`; return (x, y)
--Prelude Turtle> :type pair
--pair :: `Pattern` (Integer, Integer)
--Prelude Turtle> `match` pair \"123 456\"
--Prelude Turtle> data Pet = Cat | Dog deriving (Show)
--Prelude Turtle> let pet = (\"cat\" *> return Cat) \<|\> (\"dog\" *> return Dog) :: `Pattern` Pet
--Prelude Turtle> `match` pet \"dog\"
--Prelude Turtle> `match` (pet \``sepBy`\` \",\") \"cat,dog,cat\"
-- See the "Turtle.Pattern" module for more details if you are interested in
-- writing more complex `Pattern`s.
@ -1119,19 +1203,25 @@ import Turtle
-- "Turtle.Prelude" provides two `Managed` utilities for creating temporary
-- directories or files:
-- >mktempdir
-- > :: FilePath -- Parent directory
-- > -> Text -- Directory name template
-- > -> Managed FilePath -- Temporary directory
-- :: FilePath -- Parent directory
-- -> Text -- Directory name template
-- -> `Managed` FilePath -- Temporary directory
-- >mktemp
-- > :: FilePath -- Parent directory
-- > -> Text -- File name template
-- > -> Managed (FilePath, Handle) -- Temporary file
-- :: FilePath -- Parent directory
-- -> Text -- File name template
-- -> `Managed` (FilePath, Handle) -- Temporary file
-- You can acquire a `Managed` resource within a `Shell` with `using`:
-- >using :: Managed a -> Shell a
--`using` :: Managed a -> Shell a
-- ... and here is an example of creating a temporary directory and file within
-- a `Shell`: