Refactored utilities

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2015-01-21 19:53:06 -08:00
parent 2e8f9caf3d
commit 3de3cd5d65

View file

@ -7,47 +7,58 @@
-- Example one-liners:
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> cd "/usr"
-- >>> cd "/tmp"
-- >>> pwd
-- FilePath "/usr"
-- >>> -- `list` displays all values in a `Shell` stream
-- >>> list (limit 3 (ls "lib"))
-- FilePath "lib/gnome-screensaver"
-- FilePath "lib/"
-- FilePath "lib/tracker"
-- >>> list (find "" "lib")
-- FilePath "/tmp"
-- `list` displays all values in a `Shell` stream
-- >>> list (ls "/usr")
-- FilePath "/usr/lib"
-- FilePath "/usr/src"
-- FilePath "/usr/sbin"
-- FilePath "/usr/include"
-- FilePath "/usr/share"
-- FilePath "/usr/games"
-- FilePath "/usr/local"
-- FilePath "/usr/bin"
-- >>> list (find "" "/usr/lib")
-- FilePath "lib/python3.2/idlelib/"
-- FilePath "lib/python3.2/idlelib/"
-- FilePath "lib/python3.2/idlelib/"
-- FilePath "lib/python3.2/idlelib/"
-- >>> -- Use `fold` to reduce the output of a `Shell` stream
-- Use `fold` to reduce the output of a `Shell` stream
-- >>> import qualified Control.Foldl as Fold
-- >>> fold (ls "lib") Fold.length
-- 846
-- >>> fold (ls "/usr") Fold.length
-- 8
-- >>> fold (find "" "lib") Fold.head
-- FilePath "lib/python3.2/idlelib/"
-- >>> cd "/tmp"
-- >>> fileout "foo.txt" ("123" <|> "456" <|> "ABC")
-- Create files using `output`:
-- >>> output "foo.txt" ("123" <|> "456" <|> "ABC")
-- >>> realpath "foo.txt"
-- FilePath "/tmp/foo.txt"
-- >>> stdout (filein "foo.txt")
-- Read in files using `input`:
-- >>> stdout (input "foo.txt")
-- 123
-- 456
-- ABC
-- >> -- Commands like `grep`, `sed` and `find` accept arbitrary `Pattern`s
-- >>> stdout (grep ("1" <|> "B") (filein "foo.txt"))
-- Commands like `grep`, `sed` and `find` accept arbitrary `Pattern`s
-- >>> stdout (grep ("1" <|> "B") (input "foo.txt"))
-- 123
-- ABC
-- >>> let exclaim = fmap (<> "!") (plus digit)
-- >>> stdout (sed exclaim (filein "foo.txt"))
-- >>> stdout (sed exclaim (input "foo.txt"))
-- 123!
-- 456!
-- ABC
-- >>> testfile "foo.txt"
-- True
-- >>> rm "foo.txt"
-- >>> testfile "foo.txt"
-- False
-- You can also build up more sophisticated `Shell` programs using `sh` in
-- conjunction with @do@ notation:
@ -60,12 +71,11 @@
-- >
-- > example = do
-- > -- Read in file names from "files1.txt" and "files2.txt"
-- > fileStr <- filein "files1.txt" <|> filein "files2.txt"
-- > let file = fromText fileStr
-- > file <- fmap fromText (input "files1.txt" <|> input "files2.txt")
-- >
-- > -- Stream each file to standard output only if the file exists
-- > True <- liftIO (testfile file)
-- > txt <- filein file
-- > txt <- input file
-- > liftIO (echo txt)
-- See "Turtle.Tutorial" for an extended tutorial explaining how to use this
@ -109,13 +119,17 @@ module Turtle.Prelude (
-- * Protected
, mktemp
, mktempdir
, readhandle
, writehandle
, fork
, wait
-- * Shell
, stream
, stdin
, input
, stdout
, stderr
, output
, append
, ls
, lstree
, cat
@ -125,14 +139,6 @@ module Turtle.Prelude (
, yes
, limit
, limitWhile
, stdin
, filein
, handlein
, stdout
, stderr
, fileout
, handleout
, fileappend
) where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
@ -395,7 +401,7 @@ touch file = do
then touchFile (Filesystem.encodeString file)
else sh (fileout file empty)
else output file empty
{-| Time how long a command takes in monotonic wall clock time
@ -462,6 +468,80 @@ mktemp parent prefix = Protect (do
let file = Filesystem.decodeString file'
return ((file, handle), rm file) )
-- | Fork a thread, acquiring an `Async` value
fork :: IO a -> Protected (Async a)
fork io = Protect (do
a <- async io
return (a, cancel a) )
-- | Read lines of `Text` from a `Handle`
handlein :: Handle -> Shell Text
handlein handle = Shell (\(FoldM step begin done) -> do
x0 <- begin
let loop x = do
eof <- IO.hIsEOF handle
if eof
then done x
else do
txt <- Text.hGetLine handle
x' <- step x txt
loop $! x'
loop $! x0 )
-- | Read lines of `Text` from standard input
stdin :: Shell Text
stdin = handlein IO.stdin
-- | Stream lines of `Text` to standard output
stdout :: Shell Text -> IO ()
stdout s = sh (do
txt <- s
liftIO (echo txt) )
-- | Stream lines of `Text` to standard error
stderr :: Shell Text -> IO ()
stderr s = sh (do
txt <- s
liftIO (err txt) )
-- | Read lines of `Text` from a file
input :: FilePath -> Shell Text
input file = do
handle <- with (readhandle file)
handlein handle
-- | Tee lines of `Text` to a file
output :: FilePath -> Shell Text -> IO ()
output file s = sh (do
handle <- with (writehandle file)
txt <- s
liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn handle txt) )
-- | Tee lines of `Text` to append to a file
append :: FilePath -> Shell Text -> IO ()
append file s = sh (do
handle <- with (appendhandle file)
txt <- s
liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn handle txt) )
-- | Acquire a `Protected` read-only `Handle` from a `FilePath`
readhandle :: FilePath -> Protected Handle
readhandle file = Protect (do
handle <- Filesystem.openFile file IO.ReadMode
return (handle, IO.hClose handle) )
-- | Acquire a `Protected` write-only `Handle` from a `FilePath`
writehandle :: FilePath -> Protected Handle
writehandle file = Protect (do
handle <- Filesystem.openFile file IO.WriteMode
return (handle, IO.hClose handle) )
-- | Acquire a `Protected` append-only `Handle` from a `FilePath`
appendhandle :: FilePath -> Protected Handle
appendhandle file = Protect (do
handle <- Filesystem.openFile file IO.AppendMode
return (handle, IO.hClose handle) )
-- | Combine the output of multiple `Shell`s, in order
cat :: [Shell a] -> Shell a
cat = msum
@ -534,82 +614,3 @@ date = getCurrentTime
-- | Get the time a file was last modified
datefile :: FilePath -> IO UTCTime
datefile = Filesystem.getModified
-- | Read lines of `Text` from standard input
stdin :: Shell Text
stdin = handlein IO.stdin
-- | Read lines of `Text` from a file
filein :: FilePath -> Shell Text
filein file = do
handle <- with (readhandle file)
handlein handle
-- | Read lines of `Text` from a `Handle`
handlein :: Handle -> Shell Text
handlein handle = Shell (\(FoldM step begin done) -> do
x0 <- begin
let loop x = do
eof <- IO.hIsEOF handle
if eof
then done x
else do
txt <- Text.hGetLine handle
x' <- step x txt
loop $! x'
loop $! x0 )
-- | Stream lines of `Text` to standard output
stdout :: Shell Text -> IO ()
stdout s = sh (do
txt <- s
liftIO (echo txt) )
-- | Stream lines of `Text` to standard error
stderr :: Shell Text -> IO ()
stderr s = sh (do
txt <- s
liftIO (err txt) )
-- | Tee lines of `Text` to a file
fileout :: FilePath -> Shell Text -> Shell Text
fileout file s = do
handle <- with (writehandle file)
handleout handle s
-- | Tee lines of `Text` to a `Handle`
handleout :: Handle -> Shell Text -> Shell Text
handleout handle s = do
txt <- s
liftIO (Text.hPutStrLn handle txt)
return txt
-- | Tee lines of `Text` to append to a file
fileappend :: FilePath -> Shell Text -> Shell Text
fileappend file s = do
handle <- with (appendHandle file)
handleout handle s
-- | Acquire a `Protected` read-only `Handle` from a `FilePath`
readhandle :: FilePath -> Protected Handle
readhandle file = Protect (do
handle <- Filesystem.openFile file IO.ReadMode
return (handle, IO.hClose handle) )
-- | Acquire a `Protected` write-only `Handle` from a `FilePath`
writehandle :: FilePath -> Protected Handle
writehandle file = Protect (do
handle <- Filesystem.openFile file IO.WriteMode
return (handle, IO.hClose handle) )
-- | Acquire a `Protected` append-only `Handle` from a `FilePath`
appendHandle :: FilePath -> Protected Handle
appendHandle file = Protect (do
handle <- Filesystem.openFile file IO.AppendMode
return (handle, IO.hClose handle) )
-- | Fork a thread, acquiring an `Async` value
fork :: IO a -> Protected (Async a)
fork io = Protect (do
a <- async io
return (a, cancel a) )