Eric Stolten f01b641649 1. Added the WATCH_SERVER flag that is enabled by default
1. Added an argument to watch, --no-server which will disable the embedded server.
1. Added a deprecation message to the preview mode
2013-08-25 22:49:50 -04:00

151 lines
4.7 KiB

-- | Implementation of Hakyll commands: build, preview...
module Hakyll.Commands
( build
, check
, clean
, preview
, rebuild
, server
, deploy
, watch
) where
import System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Hakyll.Check as Check
import Hakyll.Core.Configuration
import Hakyll.Core.Logger (Verbosity)
import Hakyll.Core.Rules
import Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal
import Hakyll.Core.Runtime
import Hakyll.Core.Util.File
import Hakyll.Preview.Poll (watchUpdates)
import Hakyll.Preview.Server
-- | Build the site
build :: Configuration -> Verbosity -> Rules a -> IO ExitCode
build conf verbosity rules = fst <$> run conf verbosity rules
-- | Run the checker and exit
check :: Configuration -> Verbosity -> Check.Check -> IO ()
check config verbosity check' = Check.check config verbosity check' >>= exitWith
-- | Remove the output directories
clean :: Configuration -> IO ()
clean conf = do
remove $ destinationDirectory conf
remove $ storeDirectory conf
remove $ tmpDirectory conf
remove dir = do
putStrLn $ "Removing " ++ dir ++ "..."
removeDirectory dir
-- | Preview the site
preview :: Configuration -> Verbosity -> Rules a -> Int -> IO ()
preview _ _ _ _ = mapM_ putStrLn [ "The preview command has been deprecated."
, "Use the watch command for recompilation and serving."
, "You can disable the server with watch --no-server"]
preview _ _ _ _ = previewServerDisabled
-- | Watch and recompile for changes
watch :: Configuration -> Verbosity -> Int -> Bool -> Rules a -> IO ()
watch conf verbosity port runServer rules = do
watchUpdates conf update
_ <- forkIO (server')
update = do
(_, ruleSet) <- run conf verbosity rules
return $ rulesPattern ruleSet
server' :: IO ()
server' = if runServer
then (server conf port)
else (return ())
loop = threadDelay 100000 >> loop
watch _ _ _ _ _ = watchServerDisabled
-- | Rebuild the site
rebuild :: Configuration -> Verbosity -> Rules a -> IO ExitCode
rebuild conf verbosity rules =
clean conf >> build conf verbosity rules
-- | Start a server
server :: Configuration -> Int -> IO ()
server conf port = do
let destination = destinationDirectory conf
staticServer destination preServeHook port
preServeHook _ = return ()
server _ _ = previewServerDisabled
-- | Upload the site
deploy :: Configuration -> IO ExitCode
deploy conf = deploySite conf conf
-- | Print a warning message about the preview serving not being enabled
previewServerDisabled :: IO ()
previewServerDisabled =
mapM_ putStrLn
, ""
, "The preview server is not enabled in the version of Hakyll. To"
, "enable it, set the flag to True and recompile Hakyll."
, "Alternatively, use an external tool to serve your site directory."
watchServerDisabled :: IO ()
watchServerDisabled =
mapM_ putStrLn
, ""
, "The watch server is not enabled in the version of Hakyll. To"
, "enable it, set the flag to True and recompile Hakyll."
, "Alternatively, use an external tool to serve your site directory."