Jasper Van der Jeugt c9e3458083 Added .txt support, tests update.
- Pure text files are now supported.
- We now hide the Internal modules.
- Tests should be run through ghci.
- Added testing of page reading.
2010-03-26 14:10:10 +01:00

42 lines
1.4 KiB

-- | Module testing @Text.Hakyll.Internal.CompressCss@.
module CompressCss
( compressCssGroup
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Binary
import Test.Framework (testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Hakyll.Internal.CompressCss
-- CompressCss test group.
compressCssGroup = testGroup "CompressCss"
[ testProperty "prop_compressCss_length" prop_compressCss_length
, testCase "test_compressCss_1" test_compressCss_1
, testCase "test_compressCss_2" test_compressCss_2
, testCase "test_compressCss_3" test_compressCss_3
, testCase "test_compressCss_4" test_compressCss_4
-- | Css compression should always decrease the text length.
prop_compressCss_length str = length str >= length (compressCss str)
-- | compressCss test case 1.
test_compressCss_1 = compressCss "a { \n color : red; }" @?= "a{color:red}"
-- | compressCss test case 2.
test_compressCss_2 = compressCss "img {border :none;;;; }"
@?= "img{border:none}"
-- | compressCss test case 3.
test_compressCss_3 =
compressCss "p {font-size : 90%;} h1 {color :white;;; }"
@?= "p{font-size:90%}h1{color:white}"
-- | compressCss test case 4.
test_compressCss_4 = compressCss "a { /* /* red is pretty cool */ color: red; }"
@?= "a{color:red}"