Jasper Van der Jeugt d004dc1999 Test for UnixFilter
2011-05-25 11:24:33 +02:00

67 lines
2.1 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hakyll.Core.Store.Tests
( tests
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
import qualified Test.HUnit as H
import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
import Hakyll.Core.Store
import TestSuite.Util
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testProperty "simple storeGet . storeSet" simpleSetGet
, testProperty "persistent storeGet . storeSet" persistentSetGet
, testCase "WrongType storeGet . storeSet" wrongType
simpleSetGet :: Property
simpleSetGet = monadicIO $ do
identifier <- parseIdentifier . unFileName <$> pick arbitrary
FileName name <- pick arbitrary
value <- pick arbitrary
store <- run $ makeStoreTest
run $ storeSet store name identifier (value :: String)
value' <- run $ storeGet store name identifier
assert $ Found value == value'
persistentSetGet :: Property
persistentSetGet = monadicIO $ do
identifier <- parseIdentifier . unFileName <$> pick arbitrary
FileName name <- pick arbitrary
value <- pick arbitrary
store1 <- run $ makeStoreTest
run $ storeSet store1 name identifier (value :: String)
-- Now Create another store from the same dir to test persistence
store2 <- run $ makeStoreTest
value' <- run $ storeGet store2 name identifier
assert $ Found value == value'
wrongType :: H.Assertion
wrongType = do
store <- makeStoreTest
-- Store a string and try to fetch an int
storeSet store "foo" "bar" ("qux" :: String)
value <- storeGet store "foo" "bar" :: IO (StoreGet Int)
H.assert $ case value of WrongType _ _ -> True
_ -> False
newtype FileName = FileName {unFileName :: String}
deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary FileName where
arbitrary = do
length' <- choose (5, 100)
str <- replicateM length' $ elements cs
return $ FileName str
cs = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9'] ++ ".- "