Jasper Van der Jeugt 622c259708 Adapted examples to general style guide.
Because I thought the examples should follow the same style
guidelines as the Hakyll code itself, I adapted them to it.
2010-03-30 19:25:22 +02:00

71 lines
2.7 KiB

module Main where
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Text.Hakyll (hakyll)
import Text.Hakyll.Render
import Text.Hakyll.Tags (readTagMap, renderTagCloud, renderTagLinks, withTagMap)
import Text.Hakyll.Feed (FeedConfiguration (..), renderRss)
import Text.Hakyll.File (getRecursiveContents, directory, removeSpaces)
import Text.Hakyll.CreateContext (createPage, createCustomPage, createListing)
import Text.Hakyll.ContextManipulations (renderDate, copyValue)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Map (toList)
import Control.Monad (forM_, liftM)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
main = hakyll "http://example.com" $ do
-- Static directory.
directory css "css"
-- Find all post paths.
postPaths <- liftM (reverse . sort) $ getRecursiveContents "posts"
let renderablePosts = map ((>>> postManipulation) . createPage) postPaths
-- Read tag map.
let tagMap = readTagMap "postTags" postPaths
-- Render all posts list.
renderPostList "posts.html" "All posts" renderablePosts
-- Render post list per tag
let renderListForTag tag posts =
renderPostList (tagToUrl tag) ("Posts tagged " ++ tag)
(map (>>> postManipulation) posts)
withTagMap tagMap renderListForTag
-- Render index, including recent posts.
let tagCloud = tagMap >>> renderTagCloud tagToUrl 100 200
index = createListing "index.html"
(take 3 renderablePosts)
[ ("title", Left "Home")
, ("tagcloud", Right tagCloud)
renderChain ["index.html", "templates/default.html"] index
-- Render all posts.
forM_ renderablePosts $ renderChain [ "templates/post.html"
, "templates/default.html"
-- Render rss feed
renderRss myFeedConfiguration $
map (>>> copyValue "body" "description") (take 3 renderablePosts)
postManipulation = renderDate "date" "%B %e, %Y" "Date unknown"
>>> renderTagLinks tagToUrl
tagToUrl tag = "$root/tags/" ++ removeSpaces tag ++ ".html"
renderPostList url title posts = do
let list = createListing url ["templates/postitem.html"]
posts [("title", Left title)]
renderChain ["posts.html", "templates/default.html"] list
myFeedConfiguration = FeedConfiguration
{ feedUrl = "rss.xml"
, feedTitle = "SimpleBlog RSS feed."
, feedDescription = "A simple demo of an RSS feed created with Hakyll."
, feedAuthorName = "Jasper Van der Jeugt"