-- | A module containing various file utility functions -- module Hakyll.Core.Util.File ( makeDirectories , getRecursiveContents , isFileInternal ) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad (forM) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist , getDirectoryContents ) import System.FilePath ( normalise, takeDirectory, splitPath , dropTrailingPathSeparator, () ) import Hakyll.Core.Configuration -- | Given a path to a file, try to make the path writable by making -- all directories on the path. -- makeDirectories :: FilePath -> IO () makeDirectories = createDirectoryIfMissing True . takeDirectory -- | Get all contents of a directory. getRecursiveContents :: Bool -- ^ Include directories? -> FilePath -- ^ Directory to search -> IO [FilePath] -- ^ List of files found getRecursiveContents includeDirs topdir = do topdirExists <- doesDirectoryExist topdir if not topdirExists then return [] else do names <- filter isProper <$> getDirectoryContents topdir paths <- forM names $ \name -> do let path = normalise $ topdir name isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist path if isDirectory then getRecursiveContents includeDirs path else return [path] return $ if includeDirs then topdir : concat paths else concat paths where isProper = (`notElem` [".", ".."]) -- | Check if a file is meant for Hakyll internal use, i.e. if it is located in -- the destination or store directory -- isFileInternal :: Configuration -- ^ Configuration -> FilePath -- ^ File to check -> Bool -- ^ If the given file is internal isFileInternal configuration file = any (`isPrefixOf` split file) dirs where split = map dropTrailingPathSeparator . splitPath dirs = map (split . ($ configuration)) [ destinationDirectory , storeDirectory ]