module Main where import Control.Arrow ((>>>)) import Text.Hakyll (hakyll) import Text.Hakyll.Render import Text.Hakyll.Context import Text.Hakyll.File (getRecursiveContents, directory) import Text.Hakyll.CreateContext (createPage, createCustomPage, createListing) import Text.Hakyll.ContextManipulations (copyValue) import Text.Hakyll.Feed (FeedConfiguration (..), renderRss) import Data.List (sort) import Control.Monad (mapM_, liftM) import Control.Monad.Reader (liftIO) import Data.Either (Either(..)) main = hakyll "" $ do -- Static directory. directory css "css" -- Find all post paths. postPaths <- liftM (reverse . sort) $ getRecursiveContents "posts" let postPages = map createPage postPaths -- Render index, including recent posts. let index = createListing "index.html" ["templates/postitem.html"] (take 3 postPages) [("title", Left "Home")] renderChain ["index.html", "templates/default.html"] index -- Render all posts list. let posts = createListing "posts.html" ["templates/postitem.html"] postPages [("title", Left "All posts")] renderChain ["posts.html", "templates/default.html"] posts -- Render all posts. liftIO $ putStrLn "Generating posts..." mapM_ (renderChain ["templates/post.html", "templates/default.html"]) postPages -- Render RSS feed. renderRss myFeedConfiguration $ map (>>> copyValue "body" "description") (take 3 postPages) myFeedConfiguration = FeedConfiguration { feedUrl = "rss.xml" , feedTitle = "SimpleBlog RSS feed." , feedDescription = "A simple demo of an RSS feed created with Hakyll." , feedAuthorName = "Jasper Van der Jeugt" }