Changed test system. Wrote some test cases.

This commit is contained in:
Jasper Van der Jeugt 2010-01-24 19:00:49 +01:00
parent 42bacee41a
commit d97a53b6b4
6 changed files with 114 additions and 147 deletions

View file

@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ library
mtl >= 1.1, mtl >= 1.1,
old-locale >= 1, old-locale >= 1,
time >= 1, time >= 1,
binary >= 0.5 binary >= 0.5,
QuickCheck >= 2
exposed-modules: Network.Hakyll.SimpleServer exposed-modules: Network.Hakyll.SimpleServer
Text.Hakyll Text.Hakyll
Text.Hakyll.Context Text.Hakyll.Context
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ library
Text.Hakyll.Page Text.Hakyll.Page
Text.Hakyll.Util Text.Hakyll.Util
Text.Hakyll.Tags Text.Hakyll.Tags
other-modules: Text.Hakyll.Internal.Cache Text.Hakyll.Internal.Cache
Text.Hakyll.Internal.CompressCSS Text.Hakyll.Internal.CompressCSS
Text.Hakyll.Internal.Render Text.Hakyll.Internal.Render
Text.Hakyll.Internal.Template Text.Hakyll.Internal.Template

View file

@ -11,21 +11,25 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum) import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Binary import Data.Binary
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2) import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, replicateM)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.FilePath ((</>)) import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Control.Monad.Reader (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Reader (liftIO)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Text.Hakyll.Hakyll (Hakyll) import Text.Hakyll.Hakyll (Hakyll)
import Text.Hakyll.Context (Context) import Text.Hakyll.Context (Context)
import Text.Hakyll.Internal.Cache import Text.Hakyll.Internal.Cache
-- | Datatype used for template substitutions.
data Template = Chunk String Template data Template = Chunk String Template
| Identifier String Template | Identifier String Template
| EscapeCharacter Template | EscapeCharacter Template
| End | End
deriving (Show, Read) deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
-- | Construct a "Template" from a string.
fromString :: String -> Template fromString :: String -> Template
fromString [] = End fromString [] = End
fromString string fromString string
@ -37,6 +41,8 @@ fromString string
where where
tail' = tail string tail' = tail string
-- | Read a "Template" from a file. This function might fetch the "Template"
-- from the cache, if available.
readTemplate :: FilePath -> Hakyll Template readTemplate :: FilePath -> Hakyll Template
readTemplate path = do readTemplate path = do
isCacheMoreRecent' <- isCacheMoreRecent fileName [path] isCacheMoreRecent' <- isCacheMoreRecent fileName [path]
@ -84,3 +90,32 @@ instance Binary Template where
2 -> liftM EscapeCharacter get 2 -> liftM EscapeCharacter get
3 -> return End 3 -> return End
_ -> error "Error reading template" _ -> error "Error reading template"
-- | Generate arbitrary templates from a given length.
arbitraryTemplate :: Int -> Gen Template
arbitraryTemplate 0 = return End
arbitraryTemplate length' = oneof [ do chunk <- chunk'
template' >>= return . Chunk chunk
, do key <- key'
template' >>= return . Identifier key
, template' >>= return . EscapeCharacter
template' = arbitraryTemplate (length' - 1)
-- Generate keys.
key' = do l <- choose (5, 10)
replicateM l $ choose ('a', 'z')
-- Generate non-empty chunks.
chunk' = do string <- arbitrary
let sanitized = filter (/= '$') string
return $ if null sanitized then "foo"
else sanitized
-- | Make "Template" testable.
instance Arbitrary Template where
arbitrary = choose (0, 20) >>= arbitraryTemplate
shrink (Chunk chunk template) = [template, Chunk chunk End]
shrink (Identifier key template) = [template, Identifier key End]
shrink (EscapeCharacter template) = [template, EscapeCharacter End]
shrink End = []

tests/Main.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module Main where
import Control.Monad (mapM_)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Template
import Util
main = do
runTests "Template" $ do
quickCheck prop_template_encode_id
quickCheck prop_substitute_id
quickCheck prop_substitute_case1
runTests "Util" $ do
quickCheck prop_trim_length
quickCheck prop_trim_id
quickCheck prop_stripHTML_length
quickCheck prop_stripHTML_id
runTests name action = do putStrLn name

tests/Template.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module Template where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Binary
import Text.Hakyll.Internal.Template
-- Test encoding/decoding of templates.
prop_template_encode_id :: Template -> Bool
prop_template_encode_id template = decode (encode template) == template
-- Check we get the same sting with empty substitutions.
prop_substitute_id string =
regularSubstitute (fromString string) M.empty == string
-- substitute test case 1.
prop_substitute_case1 string1 string2 =
finalSubstitute template context == string1 ++ " costs $" ++ string2 ++ "."
template = fromString "$product costs $$$price."
context = M.fromList [ ("product", string1)
, ("price", string2)

View file

@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Hakyll.CompressCSS
import Text.Hakyll.Util
import Text.Hakyll.Regex
import Text.Hakyll.Context
import Text.Hakyll.File
main = defaultMain tests
tests = [ testGroup "Util group"
[ testProperty "trim length" prop_trim_length
-- , testProperty "trim id" prop_trim_id
-- , testProperty "trim empty" prop_trim_empty
, testCase "stripHTML 1" test_strip_html1
, testCase "stripHTML 2" test_strip_html2
, testCase "stripHTML 3" test_strip_html3
, testCase "link 1" test_link1
, testCase "link 2" test_link2
, testGroup "Regex group"
[ testCase "splitRegex 1" test_split_regex1
, testCase "splitRegex 2" test_split_regex2
, testGroup "CompressCSS group"
[ testProperty "compressCSS length" prop_compress_css_length
, testCase "compressCSS 1" test_compress_css1
, testCase "compressCSS 2" test_compress_css2
, testCase "compressCSS 3" test_compress_css3
, testCase "compressCSS 4" test_compress_css4
, testGroup "Context group"
[ testCase "renderDate 1" test_render_date1
, testCase "renderDate 2" test_render_date1
, testCase "changeExtension 1" test_change_extension1
, testGroup "File group"
[ testCase "toRoot 1" test_to_root1
, testCase "toRoot 2" test_to_root2
, testCase "toRoot 3" test_to_root3
, testCase "removeSpaces 1" test_remove_spaces1
, testCase "removeSpaces 2" test_remove_spaces2
-- , testProperty "havingExtension count" prop_having_extension_count
, testCase "havingExtension 1" test_having_extension1
, testCase "havingExtension 2" test_having_extension2
-- Test that a string always becomes shorter when trimmed.
prop_trim_length str = length str >= length (trim str)
-- Check that a string which does not start or end with a space is not trimmed.
prop_trim_id str = isAlreadyTrimmed ==> str == (trim str)
isAlreadyTrimmed :: Bool
isAlreadyTrimmed = (not $ isSpace $ head str) && (not $ isSpace $ last str)
-- An string of only spaces should be reduced to an empty string.
prop_trim_empty str = (all isSpace str) ==> null (trim str)
-- Strip HTML test cases.
test_strip_html1 = stripHTML "<b>text</b>" @?= "text"
test_strip_html2 = stripHTML "text" @?= "text"
test_strip_html3 =
stripHTML "<b>Hakyll</b>, a <i>website</i> generator<img src=\"foo.png\" />"
@?= "Hakyll, a website generator"
-- Link test cases.
test_link1 = link "foo bar" "/foo/bar.html"
@?= "<a href=\"/foo/bar.html\">foo bar</a>"
test_link2 = link "back home" "/" @?= "<a href=\"/\">back home</a>"
-- Split Regex test cases.
test_split_regex1 = splitRegex "," "1,2,3" @?= ["1", "2", "3"]
test_split_regex2 = splitRegex "," ",1,2," @?= ["1", "2"]
-- CSS compression should always decrease the text length.
prop_compress_css_length str = length str >= length (compressCSS str)
-- Compress CSS test cases.
test_compress_css1 = compressCSS "a { \n color : red; }" @?= "a{color:red}"
test_compress_css2 = compressCSS "img {border :none;;;; }"
@?= "img{border:none}"
test_compress_css3 =
compressCSS "p {font-size : 90%;} h1 {color :white;;; }"
@?= "p{font-size:90%}h1{color:white}"
test_compress_css4 = compressCSS "a { /* /* red is pretty cool */ color: red; }"
@?= "a{color:red}"
-- Date rendering test cases.
test_render_date1 =
M.lookup "date" rendered @?= Just "December 30, 2009"
rendered = renderDate "date" "%B %e, %Y" "Unknown date"
(M.singleton "path" "2009-12-30-a-title.markdown")
test_render_date2 = M.lookup "date" rendered @?= Just "Unknown date"
rendered = renderDate "date" "%B %e, %Y" "Unknown date" $
M.singleton "path" "2009-badness-30-a-title.markdown"
-- changeExtension test cases.
test_change_extension1 = M.lookup "url" rendered @?= Just "foo.php"
rendered = changeExtension "php" (M.singleton "url" "foo.html")
-- toRoot test cases
test_to_root1 = toRoot "/posts/foo.html" @?= ".."
test_to_root2 = toRoot "posts/foo.html" @?= ".."
test_to_root3 = toRoot "foo.html" @?= "."
-- removeSpaces test cases
test_remove_spaces1 = removeSpaces "$root/tags/random crap.html"
@?= "$root/tags/random-crap.html"
test_remove_spaces2 = removeSpaces "another simple"
@?= ""
-- Add an extension, and test that they have that extension
prop_having_extension_count names extension =
not (any ('.' `elem`) names || any (`elem` extension) "./\\")
==> havingExtension fullExtension withExtensions == withExtensions
fullExtension = '.' : extension
withExtensions = map (++ fullExtension) names
-- Having extension test cases
test_having_extension1 = havingExtension ".foo" ["", "file.txt"] @?= []
test_having_extension2 = havingExtension ".foo" ["", "file.txt"]
@?= [""]

tests/Util.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module Util where
import Data.Char
import Test.QuickCheck
import Text.Hakyll.Util
-- Test that a string always becomes shorter when trimmed.
prop_trim_length str = length str >= length (trim str)
-- Check that a string which does not start or end with a space is not trimmed.
prop_trim_id str = (not $ null str) && isAlreadyTrimmed ==> str == (trim str)
isAlreadyTrimmed :: Bool
isAlreadyTrimmed = (not $ isSpace $ head str) && (not $ isSpace $ last str)
-- Check that a stripped string is shorter.
prop_stripHTML_length str = length str >= length (stripHTML str)
-- Check that strings without tags remain untouched.
prop_stripHTML_id str = (not $ any (`elem` ['>', '<']) str)
==> str == stripHTML str