Made site and cache directory configurable. Caching stubs.

This commit is contained in:
Jasper Van der Jeugt 2010-01-20 16:46:22 +01:00
parent d79022fb34
commit 8602f23f7b
8 changed files with 71 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -49,3 +49,4 @@ library
other-modules: Text.Hakyll.Render.Internal

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Text.Hakyll
, hakyllWithConfiguration
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT, liftIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import Text.Hakyll.Hakyll
defaultHakyllConfiguration :: HakyllConfiguration
defaultHakyllConfiguration = HakyllConfiguration
{ additionalContext = M.empty
, siteDirectory = "_site"
, cacheDirectory = "_cache"
-- | Hakyll with a default configuration.
@ -27,32 +29,27 @@ hakyll = hakyllWithConfiguration defaultHakyllConfiguration
hakyllWithConfiguration :: HakyllConfiguration -> Hakyll () -> IO ()
hakyllWithConfiguration configuration buildFunction = do
args <- getArgs
case args of ["build"] -> build'
["clean"] -> clean
["preview", p] -> build' >> server (read p)
["preview"] -> build' >> server 8000
["server", p] -> server (read p)
["server"] -> server 8000
_ -> help
build' = build configuration buildFunction
-- | Build the site.
build :: HakyllConfiguration -> Hakyll () -> IO ()
build configuration buildFunction = do putStrLn "Generating..."
runReaderT buildFunction configuration
let f = case args of ["build"] -> buildFunction
["clean"] -> clean
["preview", p] -> buildFunction >> server (read p)
["preview"] -> buildFunction >> server 8000
["server", p] -> server (read p)
["server"] -> server 8000
_ -> help
runReaderT f configuration
-- | Clean up directories.
clean :: IO ()
clean = remove' "_site"
clean :: Hakyll ()
clean = do askHakyll siteDirectory >>= remove'
askHakyll cacheDirectory >>= remove'
remove' dir = do putStrLn $ "Removing " ++ dir ++ "..."
exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir
remove' dir = liftIO $ do putStrLn $ "Removing " ++ dir ++ "..."
exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir
-- | Show usage information.
help :: IO ()
help = do
help :: Hakyll ()
help = liftIO $ do
name <- getProgName
putStrLn $ "This is a Hakyll site generator program. You should always\n"
++ "run it from the project root directory.\n"
@ -64,5 +61,5 @@ help = do
++ name ++ " preview [port] Generate site, then start a server.\n"
++ name ++ " server [port] Run a local test server.\n"
server :: Integer -> IO ()
server p = simpleServer (fromIntegral p) "_site"
server :: Integer -> Hakyll ()
server p = askHakyll siteDirectory >>= liftIO . simpleServer (fromIntegral p)

View file

@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
-- files and directories.
module Text.Hakyll.File
( toDestination
, toCache
, toURL
, toRoot
, removeSpaces
, makeDirectories
, getRecursiveContents
, havingExtension
, isCacheValid
, isMoreRecent
, directory
) where
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Control.Monad.Reader (liftIO)
import Text.Hakyll.Hakyll (Hakyll)
import Text.Hakyll.Hakyll
-- | Auxiliary function to remove pathSeparators form the start. We don't deal
-- with absolute paths here. We also remove $root from the start.
@ -31,9 +32,17 @@ removeLeadingSeparator path
path' = if "$root" `isPrefixOf` path then drop 5 path
else path
-- | Convert a relative filepath to a filepath in the destination (@_site@).
toDestination :: FilePath -> FilePath
toDestination path = "_site" </> removeLeadingSeparator path
-- | Convert a relative filepath to a filepath in the destination
-- (default: @_site@).
toDestination :: FilePath -> Hakyll FilePath
toDestination path = do dir <- askHakyll siteDirectory
return $ dir </> removeLeadingSeparator path
-- | Convert a relative filepath to a filepath in the cache
-- (default: @_cache@).
toCache :: FilePath -> Hakyll FilePath
toCache path = do dir <- askHakyll cacheDirectory
return $ dir </> removeLeadingSeparator path
-- | Get the url for a given page.
toURL :: FilePath -> FilePath
@ -103,14 +112,14 @@ havingExtension extension = filter ((==) extension . takeExtension)
directory :: (FilePath -> Hakyll ()) -> FilePath -> Hakyll ()
directory action dir = getRecursiveContents dir >>= mapM_ action
-- | Check if a cache file is still valid.
isCacheValid :: FilePath -- ^ The cached file.
-- | Check if a file is newer then a number of given files.
isMoreRecent :: FilePath -- ^ The cached file.
-> [FilePath] -- ^ Dependencies of the cached file.
-> Hakyll Bool
isCacheValid cache depends = do
exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cache
isMoreRecent file depends = do
exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist file
if not exists
then return False
else do dependsModified <- liftIO $ mapM getModificationTime depends
cacheModified <- liftIO $ getModificationTime cache
return (cacheModified >= maximum dependsModified)
fileModified <- liftIO $ getModificationTime file
return (fileModified >= maximum dependsModified)

View file

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ data HakyllConfiguration = HakyllConfiguration
{ -- | An additional context to use when rendering. This additional context
-- is used globally.
additionalContext :: Context
, -- | Directory where the site is placed.
siteDirectory :: FilePath
, -- | Directory for cache files.
cacheDirectory :: FilePath
-- | Our custom monad stack.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module Text.Hakyll.Internal.Cache
( storeInCache
, getFromCache
) where
import Text.Hakyll.Hakyll (Hakyll)
storeInCache :: (Show a) => a -> FilePath -> Hakyll ()
storeInCache = undefined
getFromCache :: (Read a) => FilePath -> Hakyll (Maybe a)
getFromCache = undefined

View file

@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ depends :: FilePath -- ^ File to be rendered or created.
-> Hakyll () -- ^ IO action to execute when the file is out of date.
-> Hakyll ()
depends file dependencies action = do
valid <- isCacheValid (toDestination file) dependencies
destination <- toDestination file
valid <- isMoreRecent destination dependencies
unless valid action
-- | Render to a Page.
@ -108,17 +109,17 @@ renderChainWith manipulation templatePaths renderable =
-- | Mark a certain file as static, so it will just be copied when the site is
-- generated.
static :: FilePath -> Hakyll ()
static source = depends destination [source] action
static source = do destination <- toDestination source
depends destination [source] (action destination)
destination = toDestination source
action = do makeDirectories destination
liftIO $ copyFile source destination
action destination = do makeDirectories destination
liftIO $ copyFile source destination
-- | Render a css file, compressing it.
css :: FilePath -> Hakyll ()
css source = depends destination [source] css'
css source = do destination <- toDestination source
depends destination [source] (css' destination)
destination = toDestination source
css' = do contents <- liftIO $ readFile source
makeDirectories destination
liftIO $ writeFile destination (compressCSS contents)
css' destination = do contents <- liftIO $ readFile source
makeDirectories destination
liftIO $ writeFile destination (compressCSS contents)

View file

@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ pureRenderChainWith manipulation templates context =
writePage :: Page -> Hakyll ()
writePage page = do
additionalContext' <- askHakyll additionalContext
let destination = toDestination url
context = additionalContext' `M.union` M.singleton "root" (toRoot url)
destination <- toDestination url
let context = additionalContext' `M.union` M.singleton "root" (toRoot url)
makeDirectories destination
    -- Substitute $root here, just before writing.
liftIO $ writeFile destination $ finalSubstitute (getBody page) context

View file

@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ tests = [ testGroup "Util group"
, testGroup "File group"
[ testCase "toDestination 1" test_to_destination1
, testCase "toDestination 2" test_to_destination2
, testCase "toDestination 3" test_to_destination3
, testCase "toRoot 1" test_to_root1
, testCase "toRoot 2" test_to_root2
, testCase "toRoot 3" test_to_root3
@ -112,15 +109,6 @@ test_render_date2 = M.lookup "date" rendered @?= Just "Unknown date"
rendered = renderDate "date" "%B %e, %Y" "Unknown date" $
M.singleton "path" "2009-badness-30-a-title.markdown"
-- toDestination test cases
test_to_destination1 = toDestination "/posts/foo.html"
@?= "_site/posts/foo.html"
test_to_destination2 = toDestination "$root/posts/foo.html"
@?= "_site/posts/foo.html"
test_to_destination3 = toDestination "foo.html" @?= "_site/foo.html"
-- toRoot test cases
test_to_root1 = toRoot "/posts/foo.html" @?= ".."
test_to_root2 = toRoot "posts/foo.html" @?= ".."