Reorganise template module hierarchy

This commit is contained in:
Jasper Van der Jeugt 2016-08-03 12:14:54 +02:00
parent 98e0b03fb4
commit 82ba9542e7
5 changed files with 473 additions and 452 deletions

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@ -116,9 +116,10 @@ Library

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@ -138,8 +138,6 @@
-- > 3...2...1
-- > </p>
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Hakyll.Web.Template
( Template
, templateBodyCompiler
@ -153,186 +151,4 @@ module Hakyll.Web.Template
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (..))
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Exts (IsString (..))
import Prelude hiding (id)
import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
import Hakyll.Core.Item
import Hakyll.Core.Writable
import Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
import Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal
import Hakyll.Web.Template.Trim
-- | Datatype used for template substitutions.
newtype Template = Template
{ unTemplate :: [TemplateElement]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Binary, Typeable)
instance Writable Template where
-- Writing a template is impossible
write _ _ = return ()
instance IsString Template where
fromString = readTemplate
-- | Wrap the constructor to ensure trim is called.
template :: [TemplateElement] -> Template
template = Template . trim
readTemplate :: String -> Template
readTemplate = Template . trim . readTemplateElems
-- | Read a template, without metadata header
templateBodyCompiler :: Compiler (Item Template)
templateBodyCompiler = cached "Hakyll.Web.Template.templateBodyCompiler" $ do
item <- getResourceBody
file <- getResourceFilePath
return $ fmap (template . readTemplateElemsFile file) item
-- | Read complete file contents as a template
templateCompiler :: Compiler (Item Template)
templateCompiler = cached "Hakyll.Web.Template.templateCompiler" $ do
item <- getResourceString
file <- getResourceFilePath
return $ fmap (template . readTemplateElemsFile file) item
applyTemplate :: Template -- ^ Template
-> Context a -- ^ Context
-> Item a -- ^ Page
-> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting item
applyTemplate tpl context item = do
body <- applyTemplate' (unTemplate tpl) context item
return $ itemSetBody body item
:: forall a.
[TemplateElement] -- ^ Unwrapped Template
-> Context a -- ^ Context
-> Item a -- ^ Page
-> Compiler String -- ^ Resulting item
applyTemplate' tes context x = go tes
context' :: String -> [String] -> Item a -> Compiler ContextField
context' = unContext (context `mappend` missingField)
go = fmap concat . mapM applyElem
trimError = error $ "Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplate: template not " ++
"fully trimmed."
applyElem :: TemplateElement -> Compiler String
applyElem TrimL = trimError
applyElem TrimR = trimError
applyElem (Chunk c) = return c
applyElem (Expr e) = applyExpr e >>= getString e
applyElem Escaped = return "$"
applyElem (If e t mf) = (applyExpr e >> go t) `catchError` handler
handler _ = case mf of
Nothing -> return ""
Just f -> go f
applyElem (For e b s) = applyExpr e >>= \cf -> case cf of
StringField _ -> fail $
"Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplateWith: expected ListField but " ++
"got StringField for expr " ++ show e
ListField c xs -> do
sep <- maybe (return "") go s
bs <- mapM (applyTemplate' b c) xs
return $ intercalate sep bs
applyElem (Partial e) = do
p <- applyExpr e >>= getString e
tpl' <- loadBody (fromFilePath p)
applyTemplate' tpl' context x
applyExpr :: TemplateExpr -> Compiler ContextField
applyExpr (Ident (TemplateKey k)) = context' k [] x
applyExpr (Call (TemplateKey k) args) = do
args' <- mapM (\e -> applyExpr e >>= getString e) args
context' k args' x
applyExpr (StringLiteral s) = return (StringField s)
getString _ (StringField s) = return s
getString e (ListField _ _) = fail $
"Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplateWith: expected StringField but " ++
"got ListField for expr " ++ show e
-- | The following pattern is so common:
-- > tpl <- loadBody "templates/foo.html"
-- > someCompiler
-- > >>= applyTemplate tpl context
-- That we have a single function which does this:
-- > someCompiler
-- > >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/foo.html" context
loadAndApplyTemplate :: Identifier -- ^ Template identifier
-> Context a -- ^ Context
-> Item a -- ^ Page
-> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting item
loadAndApplyTemplate identifier context item = do
tpl <- loadBody identifier
applyTemplate tpl context item
-- | It is also possible that you want to substitute @$key$@s within the body of
-- an item. This function does that by interpreting the item body as a template,
-- and then applying it to itself.
applyAsTemplate :: Context String -- ^ Context
-> Item String -- ^ Item and template
-> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting item
applyAsTemplate context item =
let tpl = template $ readTemplateElemsFile file (itemBody item)
file = toFilePath $ itemIdentifier item
in applyTemplate tpl context item
unsafeReadTemplateFile :: FilePath -> Compiler Template
unsafeReadTemplateFile file = do
tpl <- unsafeCompiler $ readFile file
pure $ template $ readTemplateElemsFile file tpl

View file

@ -1,297 +1,203 @@
-- | Module containing the template data structure
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal
( TemplateKey (..)
, TemplateExpr (..)
, TemplateElement (..)
, templateElems
, readTemplateElems
, readTemplateElemsFile
( Template (..)
, template
, templateBodyCompiler
, templateCompiler
, applyTemplate
, applyTemplate'
, loadAndApplyTemplate
, applyAsTemplate
, readTemplate
, unsafeReadTemplateFile
, module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
, module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Trim
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Binary (Binary, get, getWord8, put, putWord8)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Exts (IsString (..))
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import qualified Text.Parsec.String as P
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (..))
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Exts (IsString (..))
import Prelude hiding (id)
import Hakyll.Core.Util.Parser
import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
import Hakyll.Core.Item
import Hakyll.Core.Writable
import Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
import Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
import Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Trim
newtype TemplateKey = TemplateKey String
deriving (Binary, Show, Eq, Typeable)
-- | Datatype used for template substitutions.
newtype Template = Template
{ unTemplate :: [TemplateElement]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Binary, Typeable)
instance IsString TemplateKey where
fromString = TemplateKey
instance Writable Template where
-- Writing a template is impossible
write _ _ = return ()
-- | Elements of a template.
data TemplateElement
= Chunk String
| Expr TemplateExpr
| Escaped
-- expr, then, else
| If TemplateExpr [TemplateElement] (Maybe [TemplateElement])
-- expr, body, separator
| For TemplateExpr [TemplateElement] (Maybe [TemplateElement])
-- filename
| Partial TemplateExpr
| TrimL
| TrimR
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance IsString Template where
fromString = readTemplate
instance Binary TemplateElement where
put (Chunk string) = putWord8 0 >> put string
put (Expr e) = putWord8 1 >> put e
put Escaped = putWord8 2
put (If e t f) = putWord8 3 >> put e >> put t >> put f
put (For e b s) = putWord8 4 >> put e >> put b >> put s
put (Partial e) = putWord8 5 >> put e
put TrimL = putWord8 6
put TrimR = putWord8 7
get = getWord8 >>= \tag -> case tag of
0 -> Chunk <$> get
1 -> Expr <$> get
2 -> pure Escaped
3 -> If <$> get <*> get <*> get
4 -> For <$> get <*> get <*> get
5 -> Partial <$> get
6 -> pure TrimL
7 -> pure TrimR
_ -> error "Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal: Error reading cached template"
-- | Wrap the constructor to ensure trim is called.
template :: [TemplateElement] -> Template
template = Template . trim
-- | Expression in a template
data TemplateExpr
= Ident TemplateKey
| Call TemplateKey [TemplateExpr]
| StringLiteral String
deriving (Eq, Typeable)
readTemplate :: String -> Template
readTemplate = Template . trim . readTemplateElems
-- | Read a template, without metadata header
templateBodyCompiler :: Compiler (Item Template)
templateBodyCompiler = cached "Hakyll.Web.Template.templateBodyCompiler" $ do
item <- getResourceBody
file <- getResourceFilePath
return $ fmap (template . readTemplateElemsFile file) item
-- | Read complete file contents as a template
templateCompiler :: Compiler (Item Template)
templateCompiler = cached "Hakyll.Web.Template.templateCompiler" $ do
item <- getResourceString
file <- getResourceFilePath
return $ fmap (template . readTemplateElemsFile file) item
instance Show TemplateExpr where
show (Ident (TemplateKey k)) = k
show (Call (TemplateKey k) as) =
k ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map show as) ++ ")"
show (StringLiteral s) = show s
applyTemplate :: Template -- ^ Template
-> Context a -- ^ Context
-> Item a -- ^ Page
-> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting item
applyTemplate tpl context item = do
body <- applyTemplate' (unTemplate tpl) context item
return $ itemSetBody body item
instance Binary TemplateExpr where
put (Ident k) = putWord8 0 >> put k
put (Call k as) = putWord8 1 >> put k >> put as
put (StringLiteral s) = putWord8 2 >> put s
:: forall a.
[TemplateElement] -- ^ Unwrapped Template
-> Context a -- ^ Context
-> Item a -- ^ Page
-> Compiler String -- ^ Resulting item
applyTemplate' tes context x = go tes
context' :: String -> [String] -> Item a -> Compiler ContextField
context' = unContext (context `mappend` missingField)
get = getWord8 >>= \tag -> case tag of
0 -> Ident <$> get
1 -> Call <$> get <*> get
2 -> StringLiteral <$> get
_ -> error "Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal: Error reading cached template"
go = fmap concat . mapM applyElem
trimError = error $ "Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplate: template not " ++
"fully trimmed."
applyElem :: TemplateElement -> Compiler String
applyElem TrimL = trimError
applyElem TrimR = trimError
applyElem (Chunk c) = return c
applyElem (Expr e) = applyExpr e >>= getString e
applyElem Escaped = return "$"
applyElem (If e t mf) = (applyExpr e >> go t) `catchError` handler
handler _ = case mf of
Nothing -> return ""
Just f -> go f
applyElem (For e b s) = applyExpr e >>= \cf -> case cf of
StringField _ -> fail $
"Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplateWith: expected ListField but " ++
"got StringField for expr " ++ show e
ListField c xs -> do
sep <- maybe (return "") go s
bs <- mapM (applyTemplate' b c) xs
return $ intercalate sep bs
applyElem (Partial e) = do
p <- applyExpr e >>= getString e
tpl' <- loadBody (fromFilePath p)
applyTemplate' tpl' context x
applyExpr :: TemplateExpr -> Compiler ContextField
applyExpr (Ident (TemplateKey k)) = context' k [] x
applyExpr (Call (TemplateKey k) args) = do
args' <- mapM (\e -> applyExpr e >>= getString e) args
context' k args' x
applyExpr (StringLiteral s) = return (StringField s)
getString _ (StringField s) = return s
getString e (ListField _ _) = fail $
"Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplateWith: expected StringField but " ++
"got ListField for expr " ++ show e
readTemplateElems :: String -> [TemplateElement]
readTemplateElems = readTemplateElemsFile "{literal}"
-- | The following pattern is so common:
-- > tpl <- loadBody "templates/foo.html"
-- > someCompiler
-- > >>= applyTemplate tpl context
-- That we have a single function which does this:
-- > someCompiler
-- > >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/foo.html" context
loadAndApplyTemplate :: Identifier -- ^ Template identifier
-> Context a -- ^ Context
-> Item a -- ^ Page
-> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting item
loadAndApplyTemplate identifier context item = do
tpl <- loadBody identifier
applyTemplate tpl context item
readTemplateElemsFile :: FilePath -> String -> [TemplateElement]
readTemplateElemsFile file input = case P.parse templateElems file input of
Left err -> error $ "Cannot parse template: " ++ show err
Right t -> t
-- | It is also possible that you want to substitute @$key$@s within the body of
-- an item. This function does that by interpreting the item body as a template,
-- and then applying it to itself.
applyAsTemplate :: Context String -- ^ Context
-> Item String -- ^ Item and template
-> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting item
applyAsTemplate context item =
let tpl = template $ readTemplateElemsFile file (itemBody item)
file = toFilePath $ itemIdentifier item
in applyTemplate tpl context item
templateElems :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
templateElems = mconcat <$> P.many (P.choice [ lift chunk
, lift escaped
, conditional
, for
, partial
, expr
where lift = fmap (:[])
chunk :: P.Parser TemplateElement
chunk = Chunk <$> P.many1 (P.noneOf "$")
expr :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
expr = P.try $ do
trimLExpr <- trimOpen
e <- expr'
trimRExpr <- trimClose
return $ [TrimL | trimLExpr] ++ [Expr e] ++ [TrimR | trimRExpr]
expr' :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
expr' = stringLiteral <|> call <|> ident
escaped :: P.Parser TemplateElement
escaped = Escaped <$ P.try (P.string "$$")
trimOpen :: P.Parser Bool
trimOpen = do
void $ P.char '$'
trimLIf <- P.optionMaybe $ P.try (P.char '-')
pure $ isJust trimLIf
trimClose :: P.Parser Bool
trimClose = do
trimIfR <- P.optionMaybe $ P.try (P.char '-')
void $ P.char '$'
pure $ isJust trimIfR
conditional :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
conditional = P.try $ do
-- if
trimLIf <- trimOpen
void $ P.string "if("
e <- expr'
void $ P.char ')'
trimRIf <- trimClose
-- then
thenBranch <- templateElems
-- else
elseParse <- opt "else"
-- endif
trimLEnd <- trimOpen
void $ P.string "endif"
trimREnd <- trimClose
-- As else is optional we need to sort out where any Trim_s need to go.
let (thenBody, elseBody) = maybe (thenNoElse, Nothing) thenElse elseParse
where thenNoElse =
[TrimR | trimRIf] ++ thenBranch ++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
thenElse (trimLElse, elseBranch, trimRElse) = (thenB, elseB)
where thenB = [TrimR | trimRIf]
++ thenBranch
++ [TrimL | trimLElse]
elseB = Just $ [TrimR | trimRElse]
++ elseBranch
++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
pure $ [TrimL | trimLIf] ++ [If e thenBody elseBody] ++ [TrimR | trimREnd]
for :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
for = P.try $ do
-- for
trimLFor <- trimOpen
void $ P.string "for("
e <- expr'
void $ P.char ')'
trimRFor <- trimClose
-- body
bodyBranch <- templateElems
-- sep
sepParse <- opt "sep"
-- endfor
trimLEnd <- trimOpen
void $ P.string "endfor"
trimREnd <- trimClose
-- As sep is optional we need to sort out where any Trim_s need to go.
let (forBody, sepBody) = maybe (forNoSep, Nothing) forSep sepParse
where forNoSep =
[TrimR | trimRFor] ++ bodyBranch ++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
forSep (trimLSep, sepBranch, trimRSep) = (forB, sepB)
where forB = [TrimR | trimRFor]
++ bodyBranch
++ [TrimL | trimLSep]
sepB = Just $ [TrimR | trimRSep]
++ sepBranch
++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
pure $ [TrimL | trimLFor] ++ [For e forBody sepBody] ++ [TrimR | trimREnd]
partial :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
partial = P.try $ do
trimLPart <- trimOpen
void $ P.string "partial("
e <- expr'
void $ P.char ')'
trimRPart <- trimClose
pure $ [TrimL | trimLPart] ++ [Partial e] ++ [TrimR | trimRPart]
ident :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
ident = P.try $ Ident <$> key
call :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
call = P.try $ do
f <- key
void $ P.char '('
as <- P.sepBy expr' (P.spaces >> P.char ',' >> P.spaces)
void $ P.char ')'
return $ Call f as
stringLiteral :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
stringLiteral = do
void $ P.char '\"'
str <- P.many $ do
x <- P.noneOf "\""
if x == '\\' then P.anyChar else return x
void $ P.char '\"'
return $ StringLiteral str
key :: P.Parser TemplateKey
key = TemplateKey <$> metadataKey
opt :: String -> P.Parser (Maybe (Bool, [TemplateElement], Bool))
opt clause = P.optionMaybe $ P.try $ do
trimL <- trimOpen
void $ P.string clause
trimR <- trimClose
branch <- templateElems
pure (trimL, branch, trimR)
unsafeReadTemplateFile :: FilePath -> Compiler Template
unsafeReadTemplateFile file = do
tpl <- unsafeCompiler $ readFile file
pure $ template $ readTemplateElemsFile file tpl

View file

@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
-- | Module containing the elements used in a template. A template is generally
-- just a list of these elements.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
( TemplateKey (..)
, TemplateExpr (..)
, TemplateElement (..)
, templateElems
, readTemplateElems
, readTemplateElemsFile
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Binary (Binary, get, getWord8, put, putWord8)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Exts (IsString (..))
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import qualified Text.Parsec.String as P
import Hakyll.Core.Util.Parser
newtype TemplateKey = TemplateKey String
deriving (Binary, Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance IsString TemplateKey where
fromString = TemplateKey
-- | Elements of a template.
data TemplateElement
= Chunk String
| Expr TemplateExpr
| Escaped
-- expr, then, else
| If TemplateExpr [TemplateElement] (Maybe [TemplateElement])
-- expr, body, separator
| For TemplateExpr [TemplateElement] (Maybe [TemplateElement])
-- filename
| Partial TemplateExpr
| TrimL
| TrimR
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance Binary TemplateElement where
put (Chunk string) = putWord8 0 >> put string
put (Expr e) = putWord8 1 >> put e
put Escaped = putWord8 2
put (If e t f) = putWord8 3 >> put e >> put t >> put f
put (For e b s) = putWord8 4 >> put e >> put b >> put s
put (Partial e) = putWord8 5 >> put e
put TrimL = putWord8 6
put TrimR = putWord8 7
get = getWord8 >>= \tag -> case tag of
0 -> Chunk <$> get
1 -> Expr <$> get
2 -> pure Escaped
3 -> If <$> get <*> get <*> get
4 -> For <$> get <*> get <*> get
5 -> Partial <$> get
6 -> pure TrimL
7 -> pure TrimR
_ -> error "Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal: Error reading cached template"
-- | Expression in a template
data TemplateExpr
= Ident TemplateKey
| Call TemplateKey [TemplateExpr]
| StringLiteral String
deriving (Eq, Typeable)
instance Show TemplateExpr where
show (Ident (TemplateKey k)) = k
show (Call (TemplateKey k) as) =
k ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map show as) ++ ")"
show (StringLiteral s) = show s
instance Binary TemplateExpr where
put (Ident k) = putWord8 0 >> put k
put (Call k as) = putWord8 1 >> put k >> put as
put (StringLiteral s) = putWord8 2 >> put s
get = getWord8 >>= \tag -> case tag of
0 -> Ident <$> get
1 -> Call <$> get <*> get
2 -> StringLiteral <$> get
_ -> error "Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal: Error reading cached template"
readTemplateElems :: String -> [TemplateElement]
readTemplateElems = readTemplateElemsFile "{literal}"
readTemplateElemsFile :: FilePath -> String -> [TemplateElement]
readTemplateElemsFile file input = case P.parse templateElems file input of
Left err -> error $ "Cannot parse template: " ++ show err
Right t -> t
templateElems :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
templateElems = mconcat <$> P.many (P.choice [ lift chunk
, lift escaped
, conditional
, for
, partial
, expr
where lift = fmap (:[])
chunk :: P.Parser TemplateElement
chunk = Chunk <$> P.many1 (P.noneOf "$")
expr :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
expr = P.try $ do
trimLExpr <- trimOpen
e <- expr'
trimRExpr <- trimClose
return $ [TrimL | trimLExpr] ++ [Expr e] ++ [TrimR | trimRExpr]
expr' :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
expr' = stringLiteral <|> call <|> ident
escaped :: P.Parser TemplateElement
escaped = Escaped <$ P.try (P.string "$$")
trimOpen :: P.Parser Bool
trimOpen = do
void $ P.char '$'
trimLIf <- P.optionMaybe $ P.try (P.char '-')
pure $ isJust trimLIf
trimClose :: P.Parser Bool
trimClose = do
trimIfR <- P.optionMaybe $ P.try (P.char '-')
void $ P.char '$'
pure $ isJust trimIfR
conditional :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
conditional = P.try $ do
-- if
trimLIf <- trimOpen
void $ P.string "if("
e <- expr'
void $ P.char ')'
trimRIf <- trimClose
-- then
thenBranch <- templateElems
-- else
elseParse <- opt "else"
-- endif
trimLEnd <- trimOpen
void $ P.string "endif"
trimREnd <- trimClose
-- As else is optional we need to sort out where any Trim_s need to go.
let (thenBody, elseBody) = maybe (thenNoElse, Nothing) thenElse elseParse
where thenNoElse =
[TrimR | trimRIf] ++ thenBranch ++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
thenElse (trimLElse, elseBranch, trimRElse) = (thenB, elseB)
where thenB = [TrimR | trimRIf]
++ thenBranch
++ [TrimL | trimLElse]
elseB = Just $ [TrimR | trimRElse]
++ elseBranch
++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
pure $ [TrimL | trimLIf] ++ [If e thenBody elseBody] ++ [TrimR | trimREnd]
for :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
for = P.try $ do
-- for
trimLFor <- trimOpen
void $ P.string "for("
e <- expr'
void $ P.char ')'
trimRFor <- trimClose
-- body
bodyBranch <- templateElems
-- sep
sepParse <- opt "sep"
-- endfor
trimLEnd <- trimOpen
void $ P.string "endfor"
trimREnd <- trimClose
-- As sep is optional we need to sort out where any Trim_s need to go.
let (forBody, sepBody) = maybe (forNoSep, Nothing) forSep sepParse
where forNoSep =
[TrimR | trimRFor] ++ bodyBranch ++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
forSep (trimLSep, sepBranch, trimRSep) = (forB, sepB)
where forB = [TrimR | trimRFor]
++ bodyBranch
++ [TrimL | trimLSep]
sepB = Just $ [TrimR | trimRSep]
++ sepBranch
++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
pure $ [TrimL | trimLFor] ++ [For e forBody sepBody] ++ [TrimR | trimREnd]
partial :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
partial = P.try $ do
trimLPart <- trimOpen
void $ P.string "partial("
e <- expr'
void $ P.char ')'
trimRPart <- trimClose
pure $ [TrimL | trimLPart] ++ [Partial e] ++ [TrimR | trimRPart]
ident :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
ident = P.try $ Ident <$> key
call :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
call = P.try $ do
f <- key
void $ P.char '('
as <- P.sepBy expr' (P.spaces >> P.char ',' >> P.spaces)
void $ P.char ')'
return $ Call f as
stringLiteral :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
stringLiteral = do
void $ P.char '\"'
str <- P.many $ do
x <- P.noneOf "\""
if x == '\\' then P.anyChar else return x
void $ P.char '\"'
return $ StringLiteral str
key :: P.Parser TemplateKey
key = TemplateKey <$> metadataKey
opt :: String -> P.Parser (Maybe (Bool, [TemplateElement], Bool))
opt clause = P.optionMaybe $ P.try $ do
trimL <- trimOpen
void $ P.string clause
trimR <- trimClose
branch <- templateElems
pure (trimL, branch, trimR)

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@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-- | Module for trimming whitespace
module Hakyll.Web.Template.Trim
-- | Module for trimming whitespace from tempaltes.
module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Trim
( trim
) where
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd)
import Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal
import Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ redundant = recurse redundant . process
-- Remove trailing 'TrimR's.
process ts = foldr trailing [] ts
where trailing TrimR [] = []
trailing x xs = x:xs
trailing x xs = x:xs
@ -66,19 +66,19 @@ redundant = recurse redundant . process
-- [TrimL, TrimR]
swap :: [TemplateElement] -> [TemplateElement]
swap = recurse swap . process
where process [] = []
where process [] = []
process (TrimR:TrimL:ts) = TrimL:process (TrimR:ts)
process (t:ts) = t:process ts
process (t:ts) = t:process ts
-- | Remove 'TrimR' and 'TrimL' duplication.
dedupe :: [TemplateElement] -> [TemplateElement]
dedupe = recurse dedupe . process
where process [] = []
where process [] = []
process (TrimR:TrimR:ts) = process (TrimR:ts)
process (TrimL:TrimL:ts) = process (TrimL:ts)
process (t:ts) = t:process ts
process (t:ts) = t:process ts