Add DirectedGraph to DOT module

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Jasper Van der Jeugt 2010-12-26 00:09:35 +01:00
parent ec85de418b
commit 5bc8028696

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
-- | Dump a directed graph in dot format. Used for debugging purposes
module Hakyll.Core.DirectedGraph.Dot
( toDot
, writeDot
) where
import Hakyll.Core.DirectedGraph
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- | Convert a directed graph into dot format for debugging purposes
toDot :: Ord a
=> (a -> String) -- ^ Convert nodes to dot names
-> DirectedGraph a -- ^ Graph to dump
-> String -- ^ Resulting string
toDot showTag graph = unlines $ concat
[ return "digraph dependencies {"
, concatMap showNode (S.toList $ nodes graph)
, return "}"
showNode node = map (showEdge node) $ S.toList $ neighbours node graph
showEdge x y = " \"" ++ showTag x ++ "\" -> \"" ++ showTag y ++ "\";"
-- | Write out the file to a given file path. See 'toDot' for more
-- information.
writeDot :: Ord a => FilePath -> (a -> String) -> DirectedGraph a -> IO ()
writeDot path showTag = writeFile path . toDot showTag