Stuff works now (somewhat)

This commit is contained in:
Jasper Van der Jeugt 2012-11-13 19:03:58 +01:00
parent f0af2a3b79
commit 50f8f819f9
6 changed files with 71 additions and 260 deletions

View file

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Library

View file

@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-- | This is the module which binds it all together
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hakyll.Core.Run
( run
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq)
import Control.Monad (filterM, forM_)
import Control.Monad.Error (ErrorT, runErrorT, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Prelude hiding (reverse)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Hakyll.Core.CompiledItem
import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
import Hakyll.Core.Configuration
import Hakyll.Core.DependencyAnalyzer
import qualified Hakyll.Core.DirectedGraph as DG
import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
import Hakyll.Core.Logger
import Hakyll.Core.ResourceProvider
import Hakyll.Core.Routes
import Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal
import Hakyll.Core.Store (Store)
import qualified Hakyll.Core.Store as Store
import Hakyll.Core.Util.File
import Hakyll.Core.Writable
-- | Run all rules needed, return the rule set used
run :: HakyllConfiguration -> RulesM a -> IO RuleSet
run configuration rules = do
logger <- makeLogger putStrLn
section logger "Initialising"
store <- timed logger "Creating store" $ (inMemoryCache configuration) $ storeDirectory configuration
provider <- timed logger "Creating provider" $ newResourceProvider
store (ignoreFile configuration) "."
ruleSet <- timed logger "Running rules" $ runRules rules provider
let compilers = rulesCompilers ruleSet
-- Extract the reader/state
reader = unRuntime analyzeAndBuild
errorT = runReaderT reader $ RuntimeEnvironment
{ runtimeLogger = logger
, runtimeConfiguration = configuration
, runtimeRoutes = rulesRoutes ruleSet
, runtimeProvider = provider
, runtimeStore = store
, runtimeCompilers = M.fromList compilers
-- Run the program and fetch the resulting state
result <- runErrorT errorT
case result of
Left e -> thrown logger e
_ -> return ()
-- Flush and return
flushLogger logger
return ruleSet
data RuntimeEnvironment = RuntimeEnvironment
{ runtimeLogger :: Logger
, runtimeConfiguration :: HakyllConfiguration
, runtimeRoutes :: Routes
, runtimeProvider :: ResourceProvider
, runtimeStore :: Store
, runtimeCompilers :: Map (Identifier ()) (Compiler () CompiledItem)
newtype Runtime a = Runtime
{ unRuntime :: ReaderT RuntimeEnvironment (ErrorT String IO) a
} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
analyzeAndBuild :: Runtime ()
analyzeAndBuild = Runtime $ do
-- Get some stuff
logger <- runtimeLogger <$> ask
provider <- runtimeProvider <$> ask
store <- runtimeStore <$> ask
compilers <- runtimeCompilers <$> ask
-- Checking which items have been modified
let universe = M.keys compilers
modified <- timed logger "Checking for modified items" $
fmap S.fromList $ flip filterM universe $
liftIO . resourceModified provider
-- Fetch the old graph from the store. If we don't find it, we consider this
-- to be the first run
mOldGraph <- liftIO $ Store.get store graphKey
let (firstRun, oldGraph) = case mOldGraph of Store.Found g -> (False, g)
_ -> (True, mempty)
-- Create a new dependency graph
graph = DG.fromList $
flip map (M.toList compilers) $ \(id', compiler) ->
let deps = runCompilerDependencies compiler id' universe
in (id', S.toList deps)
ood | firstRun = const True
| otherwise = (`S.member` modified)
-- Check for cycles and analyze the graph
analysis = analyze oldGraph graph ood
-- Make sure this stuff is evaluated
() <- timed logger "Analyzing dependency graph" $
oldGraph `deepseq` analysis `deepseq` return ()
-- We want to save the new dependency graph for the next run
liftIO $ Store.set store graphKey graph
case analysis of
Cycle c -> unRuntime $ dumpCycle c
Order o -> mapM_ (unRuntime . build) o
graphKey = ["", "dependencies"]
-- | Dump cyclic error and quit
dumpCycle :: [Identifier ()] -> Runtime ()
dumpCycle cycle' = Runtime $ do
logger <- runtimeLogger <$> ask
section logger "Dependency cycle detected! Conflict:"
forM_ (zip cycle' $ drop 1 cycle') $ \(x, y) ->
report logger $ show x ++ " -> " ++ show y
build :: Identifier () -> Runtime ()
build id' = Runtime $ do
logger <- runtimeLogger <$> ask
routes <- runtimeRoutes <$> ask
provider <- runtimeProvider <$> ask
store <- runtimeStore <$> ask
compilers <- runtimeCompilers <$> ask
section logger $ "Compiling " ++ show id'
-- Fetch the right compiler from the map
let compiler = compilers M.! id'
-- Check if the resource was modified
isModified <- liftIO $ resourceModified provider id'
-- Run the compiler
result <- timed logger "Total compile time" $ liftIO $
runCompiler compiler id' provider (M.keys compilers) routes
store isModified logger
case result of
-- Success
Right compiled -> do
case runRoutes routes id' of
Nothing -> return ()
Just url -> timed logger ("Routing to " ++ url) $ do
destination <-
destinationDirectory . runtimeConfiguration <$> ask
let path = destination </> url
liftIO $ makeDirectories path
liftIO $ write path compiled
-- Some error happened, rethrow in Runtime monad
Left err -> throwError err

View file

@ -132,7 +132,9 @@ scheduleOutOfDate = do
-- Update facts and todo items
modify $ \s -> s
{ runtimeTodo = todo `M.union` todo'
{ runtimeDone = runtimeDone s `S.union`
(S.fromList identifiers `S.difference` ood)
, runtimeTodo = todo `M.union` todo'
, runtimeFacts = facts'
@ -143,7 +145,9 @@ pickAndChase = do
todo <- runtimeTodo <$> get
case M.minViewWithKey todo of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ((id', _), _) -> chase [] id'
Just ((id', _), _) -> do
chase [] id'

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import System.Process (system)
import Hakyll.Core.Configuration
import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
import Hakyll.Core.Run
import Hakyll.Core.Runtime
import Hakyll.Core.Rules
@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ import Hakyll.Web.Preview.Server
-- | This usualy is the function with which the user runs the hakyll compiler
hakyll :: RulesM a -> IO ()
hakyll = hakyllWith defaultHakyllConfiguration
hakyll :: Rules a -> IO ()
hakyll = hakyllWith defaultConfiguration
-- | A variant of 'hakyll' which allows the user to specify a custom
-- configuration
hakyllWith :: HakyllConfiguration -> RulesM a -> IO ()
hakyllWith :: Configuration -> Rules a -> IO ()
hakyllWith conf rules = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ hakyllWith conf rules = do
-- | Build the site
build :: HakyllConfiguration -> RulesM a -> IO ()
build :: Configuration -> Rules a -> IO ()
build conf rules = do
_ <- run conf rules
return ()
-- | Remove the output directories
clean :: HakyllConfiguration -> IO ()
clean :: Configuration -> IO ()
clean conf = do
remove $ destinationDirectory conf
remove $ storeDirectory conf
@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ help = do
-- | Preview the site
preview :: HakyllConfiguration -> RulesM a -> Int -> IO ()
preview :: Configuration -> Rules a -> Int -> IO ()
preview conf rules port = do
-- Fork a thread polling for changes
_ <- forkIO $ previewPoll conf update
-- Run the server in the main thread
server conf port
@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ preview _ _ _ = previewServerDisabled
-- | Rebuild the site
rebuild :: HakyllConfiguration -> RulesM a -> IO ()
rebuild :: Configuration -> Rules a -> IO ()
rebuild conf rules = do
clean conf
build conf rules
-- | Start a server
server :: HakyllConfiguration -> Int -> IO ()
server :: Configuration -> Int -> IO ()
server conf port = do
let destination = destinationDirectory conf
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ server _ _ = previewServerDisabled
-- | Upload the site
deploy :: HakyllConfiguration -> IO ()
deploy :: Configuration -> IO ()
deploy conf = do
_ <- system $ deployCommand conf
return ()

View file

@ -58,8 +58,6 @@
-- > <a href="/about.html"> About
-- > <a href="/code.html"> Code
-- > #{body}
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Hakyll.Web.Template
( Template
, applyTemplate
@ -70,11 +68,7 @@ module Hakyll.Web.Template
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category (id)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Control.Monad (forM, liftM)
import Prelude hiding (id)
import System.FilePath (takeExtension)
import Text.Hamlet (HamletSettings,
@ -84,7 +78,6 @@ import Text.Hamlet (HamletSettings,
import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
import Hakyll.Core.Util.Arrow
import Hakyll.Web.Page.Internal
import Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
import Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal
@ -92,53 +85,44 @@ import Hakyll.Web.Template.Read
applyTemplate :: forall a b. (ArrowChoice a, ArrowMap a)
=> a (String, b) String
-> a (Template, b) String
applyTemplate context =
arr (\(tpl, x) -> [(e, x) | e <- unTemplate tpl]) >>>
mapA applyElement >>^ concat
applyElement :: a (TemplateElement, b) String
applyElement = unElement >>> (id ||| context)
unElement :: a (TemplateElement, b) (Either String (String, b))
unElement = arr $ \(e, x) -> case e of
Chunk c -> Left c
Escaped -> Left "$"
Key k -> Right (k, x)
applyTemplate :: Monad m
=> (String -> a -> m String)
-> Template -> a -> m String
applyTemplate context tpl x = liftM concat $
forM (unTemplate tpl) $ \e -> case e of
Chunk c -> return c
Escaped -> return "$"
Key k -> context k x
-- | Read a template. If the extension of the file we're compiling is
-- @.hml@ or @.hamlet@, it will be considered as a Hamlet template, and parsed
-- as such.
templateCompiler :: Compiler () Template
templateCompiler :: Compiler Template
templateCompiler = templateCompilerWith defaultHamletSettings
-- | Version of 'templateCompiler' that enables custom settings.
templateCompilerWith :: HamletSettings -> Compiler () Template
templateCompilerWith :: HamletSettings -> Compiler Template
templateCompilerWith settings =
cached "Hakyll.Web.Template.templateCompilerWith" $
getIdentifier &&& getResourceString >>^ uncurry read'
read' identifier string =
cached "Hakyll.Web.Template.templateCompilerWith" $ do
identifier <- getIdentifier
string <- getResourceString
if takeExtension (toFilePath identifier) `elem` [".hml", ".hamlet"]
-- Hamlet template
then readHamletTemplateWith settings string
then return $ readHamletTemplateWith settings string
-- Hakyll template
else readTemplate string
else return $ readTemplate string
applyTemplateCompiler :: Identifier Template -- ^ Template
-> Context Page -- ^ Context
-> Compiler Page Page -- ^ Compiler
applyTemplateCompiler identifier context = requireA identifier $
arr swap >>> applyTemplate context'
context' = proc (k, x) -> do
id' <- getIdentifier -< ()
context -< (k, (id', x))
applyTemplateCompiler :: Template -- ^ Template
-> Context Page -- ^ Context
-> Page -- ^ Page
-> Compiler Page -- ^ Compiler
applyTemplateCompiler tpl context page = do
identifier <- getIdentifier
let context' k x = unContext context k identifier x
applyTemplate context' tpl page

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
( Context
( Context (..)
, mapContext
, field
, defaultContext
@ -13,8 +14,8 @@ module Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
import Control.Applicative (empty, (<|>))
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..), (<$>))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeDirectory)
@ -26,24 +27,35 @@ import Hakyll.Web.Urls
type Context a = String -> Identifier -> a -> Compiler String
newtype Context a = Context
{ unContext :: String -> Identifier -> a -> Compiler String
instance Monoid (Context a) where
mempty = Context $ \_ _ _ -> empty
mappend (Context f) (Context g) = Context $ \k i x -> f k i x <|> g k i x
mapContext :: (String -> String) -> Context a -> Context a
mapContext f (Context g) = Context $ \k i x -> f <$> g k i x
field :: String -> (Identifier -> a -> Compiler String) -> Context a
field key value k' id' x
| k' == key = value id' x
| otherwise = empty
field key value = Context $ \k i x -> if k == key then value i x else empty
defaultContext :: Context Page
defaultContext =
bodyField "body" <|>
urlField "url" <|>
pathField "path" <|>
categoryField "category" <|>
titleField "title" <|>
bodyField "body" `mappend`
urlField "url" `mappend`
pathField "path" `mappend`
categoryField "category" `mappend`
titleField "title" `mappend`
@ -54,24 +66,24 @@ bodyField key = field key $ \_ x -> return x
urlField :: String -> Context a
urlField key = field key $ fst ^>> getRouteFor >>^ maybe empty toUrl
urlField key = field key $ \i _ -> maybe empty toUrl <$> getRouteFor i
pathField :: String -> Context a
pathField key = field key $ arr $ toFilePath . fst
pathField key = field key $ \i _ -> return $ toFilePath i
categoryField :: String -> Context a
categoryField key = pathField key >>^ (takeBaseName . takeDirectory)
categoryField key = mapContext (takeBaseName . takeDirectory) $ pathField key
titleField :: String -> Context a
titleField key = pathField key >>^ takeBaseName
titleField key = mapContext takeBaseName $ pathField key
missingField :: Context a
missingField = arr $ \(k, _) -> "$" ++ k ++ "$"
missingField = Context $ \k _ _ -> return $ "$" ++ k ++ "$"