2018-08-30 18:33:02 +02:00

84 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i runghc
#! nix-shell -p "ghc.withPackages (ps: [ ps.protolude ps.turtle ])"
#! nix-shell -I nixpkgs=""
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Protolude hiding (stdout,(%),die)
import Turtle
main :: IO ()
main = do
x <- options "Git Project Manager" parser
case x of
Init -> init
NewIssue -> newIssue
StartReview br -> startReview br
EndReview br -> endReview br
data Command = Init
| NewIssue
| StartReview (Maybe Text)
| EndReview (Maybe Text)
deriving (Eq)
parser :: Parser Command
parser = subcommand "init" "Initialize gpm" (pure Init)
<|> subcommand "new-issue" "Create a new Issue" (pure NewIssue)
<|> StartReview <$> subcommand "start-review" "Start review (use current branch by default)"
(optional (argText "branch" "The git branch to review"))
<|> EndReview <$> subcommand "end-review" "End review (use current branch by default)"
(optional (argText "branch" "The git branch to end review"))
newIssue :: IO ()
newIssue = die "TODO"
startReview :: Maybe Text -> IO ()
startReview br = die "TODO"
endReview :: Maybe Text -> IO ()
endReview br = die "TODO"
init :: IO ()
init = do
echo "# <GPM> -- Git Project Manager"
mkNewEmptyBranch "gpm"
debug "git commit -m 'gpm initialized'"
debug "git checkout master"
mkNewEmptyBranch :: Text -> IO ()
mkNewEmptyBranch br = do
putText $ "create a new branch " <> br <> " (be sure the branch " <> br <> " doesn't already exists)"
debug $ "git checkout --orphan " <> br
echo "cleanup the branch"
debug "git rm --cached -r ."
debug :: Text -> IO ()
debug cmd = do
putText cmd
stdout $ inshell cmd empty
initIssues :: IO ()
initIssues = do
echo "*"
input ("templates" </> "")
& output ""
debug "git add"
initDocs :: IO ()
initDocs = do
echo "*"
input ("templates" </> "")
& output ""
debug "git add"
initReview :: IO ()
initReview = do
let fic = "reviews" </> ""
mktree "reviews"
putText $ format ("* "%fp) fic
input ("templates" </> "")
& output fic
debug "git add reviews"