Interactive new issue

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2018-09-01 23:47:42 +02:00
parent b32dff64a1
commit 699a759140
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
5 changed files with 98 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- see:
-- hash: f13ce9cfb72ed8d7e916b9e6cf99111cfd7fbe4bc5083fb018698023360414db
-- hash: ab6ea5ad975f268ebb05939f453aeb3f190183a3472aaa84b76871d4f1b09e05
name: gpm
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ library
, foldl
, mustache
, protolude
, text
, turtle
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -57,5 +58,6 @@ executable gpm
, gpm
, mustache
, protolude
, text
, turtle
default-language: Haskell2010

View file

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ dependencies:
- file-embed
- foldl
- mustache
- text
source-dirs: src

View file

@ -22,18 +22,19 @@ gpm :: IO ()
gpm = do
subcmd <- options "Git Project Manager" parser
case subcmd of
Init -> Init.init
NewIssue -> inGPM Issue.handleNewIssue
Review reviewCmd -> inGPM (Review.handleReview reviewCmd)
Init -> Init.init
NewIssue issueOpt -> inGPM (Issue.handleNewIssue issueOpt)
Review reviewCmd -> inGPM (Review.handleReview reviewCmd)
data Command = Init
| NewIssue
| NewIssue Issue.IssueOptions
| Review Review.ReviewCommand
deriving (Eq)
parser :: Parser Command
parser = subcommand "init" "Initialize gpm" (pure Init)
<|> subcommand "new-issue" "Create a new Issue" (pure NewIssue)
<|> NewIssue <$> subcommand "new-issue"
"Create a new Issue"
<|> Review <$> subcommand "review"
"Review (use current branch by default)"

View file

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import qualified GPM.Docs as Docs
import qualified GPM.Issue as Issue
import qualified GPM.Review as Review
-- | Init a repository with a new empty branch named @gpm@
init :: IO ()
init = do
echo "# <GPM> -- Git Project Manager"
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ init = do
debug_ "git commit -m 'gpm initialized'"
debug_ "git checkout master"
-- | Create a new empty branch, fail if the branch already exists
mkNewEmptyBranch :: Text -> IO ()
mkNewEmptyBranch br = do
putText $ "create a new branch " <> br <> " (be sure the branch " <> br <> " doesn't already exists)"

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
@ -12,28 +13,75 @@ Maintainer :
module GPM.Issue
( init
, handleNewIssue
, parseIssueOptions
, IssueOptions(..)
import Protolude hiding (die)
import Protolude hiding (ask,die)
import Turtle
import Data.FileEmbed (embedStringFile)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GPM.Helpers
import Text.Mustache
data IssueOptions = IssueOptions
{ interactive :: Bool
, newIssue :: NewIssue
parseIssueOptions :: Parser IssueOptions
parseIssueOptions = IssueOptions
<$> switch "interactive" 'i' "Interactive mode"
<*> parseNewIssue
parseNewIssue :: Parser NewIssue
parseNewIssue = do
isPriority <- optional $ optText "priority" 'p' "Priority A,B,C"
isStatus <- optional $ optText "status" 's' "The status of the issue (TODO, QUESTION, ...)"
isTitle <- optional $ optText "title" 't' "The status title"
isUser <- optional $ optText "creator" 'c' "The user that created the issue"
isBranch <- optional $ optText "branch" 'b' "The branch related to the issue"
isTags <- optional $ optText "tags" 'g' "comma separated tags"
isAssignee <- optional $ optText "assignee" 'a' "Assignee"
isReviewers <- optional $ optText "reviewers" 'r' "comma separated reviewers"
isDescription <- optional $ optText "descr" 'd' "Long issue description"
pure NewIssue { priority = maybe PriorityB toPriority isPriority
, status = fromMaybe "TODO" isStatus
, title = fromMaybe "Issue Title" isTitle
, user = isUser
, branch = isBranch
, tags = maybe [] (T.splitOn ",") isTags
, assignee = isAssignee
, reviewers = maybe [] (T.splitOn ",") isReviewers
, description = isDescription
toPriority :: Text -> Priority
toPriority "A" = PriorityA
toPriority "B" = PriorityB
toPriority "C" = PriorityC
toPriority _ = PriorityB
data NewIssue =
NewIssue { priority :: Priority
, status :: Text
, title :: Text
, user :: User
, user :: Maybe User
, branch :: Maybe Text
, tags :: [Text]
, assignee :: Maybe User
, reviewers :: [User]
, description :: Text
, description :: Maybe Text
data Priority = PriorityA | PriorityB | PriorityC
data Priority = PriorityA
| PriorityB
| PriorityC
deriving (Eq,Ord)
type User = Text
priorityToText :: Priority -> Text
@ -63,36 +111,47 @@ createTmpNewIssue ni = do
die "Parse ERROR, check your template ./templates/"
Right compiled -> writeFile "" (substitute compiled ni)
handleNewIssue :: IO ()
handleNewIssue = do
newIssue <- gatherNewIssueInfos
handleNewIssue :: IssueOptions -> IO ()
handleNewIssue opts = do
newIssueTmp <- gatherNewIssueInfos (newIssue opts)
newIssue <- if interactive opts
then interactiveNewIssue newIssueTmp
else return newIssueTmp
createTmpNewIssue newIssue
interactiveNewIssue :: NewIssue -> IO NewIssue
interactiveNewIssue _ =
NewIssue <$> (fromMaybe PriorityB <$> ask "priority" "ex: A,B,C" toPriority)
<*> (fromMaybe "TODO" <$> ask "status" "ex: TODO, QUESTION" identity)
<*> (fromMaybe "Issue title" <$> ask "title" "Short Description" identity)
<*> ask "user" "your nick" identity
<*> ask "branch" "related branch" identity
<*> (fromMaybe [] <$> ask "tags" "comma separated tags" (T.splitOn ","))
<*> ask "assignee" "a single nick" identity
<*> (fromMaybe [] <$> ask "reviewers" "comma separated nicks" (T.splitOn ","))
<*> ask "description" "the long description" identity
ask :: Text -> Text -> (Text -> a) -> IO (Maybe a)
ask field ex tr = do
putText $ "Please enter " <> field <> "("<> ex <>"): "
fmap (tr . lineToText) <$> readline
validTmpNewIssue :: IO ()
validTmpNewIssue = do
tmpIssue <- readFile ""
appendFile "" ("\n\n" <> tmpIssue)
defaultNewIssue :: NewIssue
defaultNewIssue = NewIssue
{ priority = PriorityB
, status = "TODO"
, title = "Issue Title"
, user = "Unknown User"
, branch = Nothing
, tags = []
, assignee = Nothing
, reviewers = []
, description = "Write a comprehensive issue description..."
gatherNewIssueInfos :: IO NewIssue
gatherNewIssueInfos = do
user <- getGitUser
branch <- getCurrentGitBranch
return $ defaultNewIssue { user = fromMaybe "Unknown User" user
, branch = branch }
gatherNewIssueInfos :: NewIssue -> IO NewIssue
gatherNewIssueInfos iss = do
user <- if isNothing (user iss)
then getGitUser
else return (user iss)
branch <- if isNothing (branch iss)
then getCurrentGitBranch
else return (branch iss)
return $ iss { user = user
, branch = branch }
init :: IO ()
init = do