Marcin Tolysz bc87678a71 init
2016-01-30 23:49:30 +00:00

136 lines
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-- |
-- Module : Distribution.Simple.Test
-- Copyright : Thomas Tuegel 2010
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Portability : portable
-- This is the entry point into testing a built package. It performs the
-- \"@.\/setup test@\" action. It runs test suites designated in the package
-- description and reports on the results.
module Distribution.Simple.Test
( test
) where
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
( PackageDescription(..), BuildInfo(buildable)
, TestSuite(..)
, TestSuiteInterface(..), testType, hasTests )
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler ( compilerInfo )
import Distribution.Simple.Hpc ( markupPackage )
import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
( fromPathTemplate, initialPathTemplateEnv, substPathTemplate
, PathTemplate )
import qualified Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo as LBI
( LocalBuildInfo(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( TestFlags(..), fromFlag, configCoverage )
import Distribution.Simple.UserHooks ( Args )
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Test.ExeV10 as ExeV10
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Test.LibV09 as LibV09
import Distribution.Simple.Test.Log
import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( die, notice )
import Distribution.TestSuite ( Result(..) )
import Distribution.Text
import Control.Monad ( when, unless, filterM )
import System.Directory
( createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist, getDirectoryContents
, removeFile )
import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..), exitFailure, exitWith )
import System.FilePath ( (</>) )
-- |Perform the \"@.\/setup test@\" action.
test :: Args -- ^positional command-line arguments
-> PD.PackageDescription -- ^information from the .cabal file
-> LBI.LocalBuildInfo -- ^information from the configure step
-> TestFlags -- ^flags sent to test
-> IO ()
test args pkg_descr lbi flags = do
let verbosity = fromFlag $ testVerbosity flags
machineTemplate = fromFlag $ testMachineLog flags
distPref = fromFlag $ testDistPref flags
testLogDir = distPref </> "test"
testNames = args
pkgTests = PD.testSuites pkg_descr
enabledTests = [ t | t <- pkgTests
, PD.testEnabled t
, PD.buildable (PD.testBuildInfo t) ]
doTest :: (PD.TestSuite, Maybe TestSuiteLog) -> IO TestSuiteLog
doTest (suite, _) =
case PD.testInterface suite of
PD.TestSuiteExeV10 _ _ ->
ExeV10.runTest pkg_descr lbi flags suite
PD.TestSuiteLibV09 _ _ ->
LibV09.runTest pkg_descr lbi flags suite
_ -> return TestSuiteLog
{ testSuiteName = PD.testName suite
, testLogs = TestLog
{ testName = PD.testName suite
, testOptionsReturned = []
, testResult =
Error $ "No support for running test suite type: "
++ show (disp $ PD.testType suite)
, logFile = ""
when (not $ PD.hasTests pkg_descr) $ do
notice verbosity "Package has no test suites."
exitWith ExitSuccess
when (PD.hasTests pkg_descr && null enabledTests) $
die $ "No test suites enabled. Did you remember to configure with "
++ "\'--enable-tests\'?"
testsToRun <- case testNames of
[] -> return $ zip enabledTests $ repeat Nothing
names -> flip mapM names $ \tName ->
let testMap = zip enabledNames enabledTests
enabledNames = map PD.testName enabledTests
allNames = map PD.testName pkgTests
in case lookup tName testMap of
Just t -> return (t, Nothing)
_ | tName `elem` allNames ->
die $ "Package configured with test suite "
++ tName ++ " disabled."
| otherwise -> die $ "no such test: " ++ tName
createDirectoryIfMissing True testLogDir
-- Delete ordinary files from test log directory.
getDirectoryContents testLogDir
>>= filterM doesFileExist . map (testLogDir </>)
>>= mapM_ removeFile
let totalSuites = length testsToRun
notice verbosity $ "Running " ++ show totalSuites ++ " test suites..."
suites <- mapM doTest testsToRun
let packageLog = (localPackageLog pkg_descr lbi) { testSuites = suites }
packageLogFile = (</>) testLogDir
$ packageLogPath machineTemplate pkg_descr lbi
allOk <- summarizePackage verbosity packageLog
writeFile packageLogFile $ show packageLog
let isCoverageEnabled = fromFlag $ configCoverage $ LBI.configFlags lbi
when isCoverageEnabled $
markupPackage verbosity lbi distPref (display $ PD.package pkg_descr) $
map fst testsToRun
unless allOk exitFailure
packageLogPath :: PathTemplate
-> PD.PackageDescription
-> LBI.LocalBuildInfo
-> FilePath
packageLogPath template pkg_descr lbi =
fromPathTemplate $ substPathTemplate env template
env = initialPathTemplateEnv
(PD.package pkg_descr) (LBI.pkgKey lbi)
(compilerInfo $ LBI.compiler lbi) (LBI.hostPlatform lbi)