Marcin Tolysz bc87678a71 init
2016-01-30 23:49:30 +00:00

184 lines
7 KiB

-- |
-- Module : Distribution.Make
-- Copyright : Martin Sjögren 2004
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Portability : portable
-- This is an alternative build system that delegates everything to the @make@
-- program. All the commands just end up calling @make@ with appropriate
-- arguments. The intention was to allow preexisting packages that used
-- makefiles to be wrapped into Cabal packages. In practice essentially all
-- such packages were converted over to the \"Simple\" build system instead.
-- Consequently this module is not used much and it certainly only sees cursory
-- maintenance and no testing. Perhaps at some point we should stop pretending
-- that it works.
-- Uses the parsed command-line from "Distribution.Simple.Setup" in order to build
-- Haskell tools using a back-end build system based on make. Obviously we
-- assume that there is a configure script, and that after the ConfigCmd has
-- been run, there is a Makefile. Further assumptions:
-- [ConfigCmd] We assume the configure script accepts
-- @--with-hc@,
-- @--with-hc-pkg@,
-- @--prefix@,
-- @--bindir@,
-- @--libdir@,
-- @--libexecdir@,
-- @--datadir@.
-- [BuildCmd] We assume that the default Makefile target will build everything.
-- [InstallCmd] We assume there is an @install@ target. Note that we assume that
-- this does *not* register the package!
-- [CopyCmd] We assume there is a @copy@ target, and a variable @$(destdir)@.
-- The @copy@ target should probably just invoke @make install@
-- recursively (e.g. @$(MAKE) install prefix=$(destdir)\/$(prefix)
-- bindir=$(destdir)\/$(bindir)@. The reason we can\'t invoke @make
-- install@ directly here is that we don\'t know the value of @$(prefix)@.
-- [SDistCmd] We assume there is a @dist@ target.
-- [RegisterCmd] We assume there is a @register@ target and a variable @$(user)@.
-- [UnregisterCmd] We assume there is an @unregister@ target.
-- [HaddockCmd] We assume there is a @docs@ or @doc@ target.
-- copy :
-- $(MAKE) install prefix=$(destdir)/$(prefix) \
-- bindir=$(destdir)/$(bindir) \
module Distribution.Make (
module Distribution.Package,
License(..), Version(..),
defaultMain, defaultMainArgs, defaultMainNoRead
) where
-- local
import Distribution.Compat.Exception
import Distribution.Package --must not specify imports, since we're exporting moule.
import Distribution.Simple.Program(defaultProgramConfiguration)
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
import Distribution.Simple.Command
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (rawSystemExit, cabalVersion)
import Distribution.License (License(..))
import Distribution.Version
( Version(..) )
import Distribution.Text
( display )
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import System.Exit
defaultMain :: IO ()
defaultMain = getArgs >>= defaultMainArgs
defaultMainArgs :: [String] -> IO ()
defaultMainArgs = defaultMainHelper
{-# DEPRECATED defaultMainNoRead "it ignores its PackageDescription arg" #-}
defaultMainNoRead :: PackageDescription -> IO ()
defaultMainNoRead = const defaultMain
defaultMainHelper :: [String] -> IO ()
defaultMainHelper args =
case commandsRun (globalCommand commands) commands args of
CommandHelp help -> printHelp help
CommandList opts -> printOptionsList opts
CommandErrors errs -> printErrors errs
CommandReadyToGo (flags, commandParse) ->
case commandParse of
_ | fromFlag (globalVersion flags) -> printVersion
| fromFlag (globalNumericVersion flags) -> printNumericVersion
CommandHelp help -> printHelp help
CommandList opts -> printOptionsList opts
CommandErrors errs -> printErrors errs
CommandReadyToGo action -> action
printHelp help = getProgName >>= putStr . help
printOptionsList = putStr . unlines
printErrors errs = do
putStr (intercalate "\n" errs)
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
printNumericVersion = putStrLn $ display cabalVersion
printVersion = putStrLn $ "Cabal library version "
++ display cabalVersion
progs = defaultProgramConfiguration
commands =
[configureCommand progs `commandAddAction` configureAction
,buildCommand progs `commandAddAction` buildAction
,installCommand `commandAddAction` installAction
,copyCommand `commandAddAction` copyAction
,haddockCommand `commandAddAction` haddockAction
,cleanCommand `commandAddAction` cleanAction
,sdistCommand `commandAddAction` sdistAction
,registerCommand `commandAddAction` registerAction
,unregisterCommand `commandAddAction` unregisterAction
configureAction :: ConfigFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
configureAction flags args = do
noExtraFlags args
let verbosity = fromFlag (configVerbosity flags)
rawSystemExit verbosity "sh" $
: configureArgs backwardsCompatHack flags
where backwardsCompatHack = True
copyAction :: CopyFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
copyAction flags args = do
noExtraFlags args
let destArgs = case fromFlag $ copyDest flags of
NoCopyDest -> ["install"]
CopyTo path -> ["copy", "destdir=" ++ path]
rawSystemExit (fromFlag $ copyVerbosity flags) "make" destArgs
installAction :: InstallFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
installAction flags args = do
noExtraFlags args
rawSystemExit (fromFlag $ installVerbosity flags) "make" ["install"]
rawSystemExit (fromFlag $ installVerbosity flags) "make" ["register"]
haddockAction :: HaddockFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
haddockAction flags args = do
noExtraFlags args
rawSystemExit (fromFlag $ haddockVerbosity flags) "make" ["docs"]
`catchIO` \_ ->
rawSystemExit (fromFlag $ haddockVerbosity flags) "make" ["doc"]
buildAction :: BuildFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
buildAction flags args = do
noExtraFlags args
rawSystemExit (fromFlag $ buildVerbosity flags) "make" []
cleanAction :: CleanFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
cleanAction flags args = do
noExtraFlags args
rawSystemExit (fromFlag $ cleanVerbosity flags) "make" ["clean"]
sdistAction :: SDistFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
sdistAction flags args = do
noExtraFlags args
rawSystemExit (fromFlag $ sDistVerbosity flags) "make" ["dist"]
registerAction :: RegisterFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
registerAction flags args = do
noExtraFlags args
rawSystemExit (fromFlag $ regVerbosity flags) "make" ["register"]
unregisterAction :: RegisterFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
unregisterAction flags args = do
noExtraFlags args
rawSystemExit (fromFlag $ regVerbosity flags) "make" ["unregister"]