Contributing to Cabal ===================== If you want to hack on Cabal, don't be intimidated! * Read the [guide to the source code]( * Subscribe to the [mailing list]( * Browse the [list of open issues]( * There are other resources listed on the [development wiki]( * See [Cabal/tests/] for information about writing package tests. Of particular value are the open issues list and the cabal-devel mailing list, which is a good place to ask questions. [Cabal/tests/]: Cabal/tests/ Building Cabal from git cloned sources and running the tests ------------------------------------------------------------ Building Cabal from from source requires the following: * Glorious/Glasgow Haskell Compiler (ghc). * An existing (relatively recent) `cabal` binary (e.g. obtained as part of the Haskell Platform, bootstrapped from the [source tarball on Hackage]( or installed from your Linux vendor). Once you have these, the steps are: 1. Change into the directory where you want to stash the cabal sources, eg: ``` cd ~/MyHaskellCode ``` 2. Clone the repo and change into the `cabal-install` directory: ``` git clone cd cabal/cabal-install/ ``` 3. If you are hacking on Cabal you probaly don't want your development version to interfere with the `cabal` executable you actually use, so we'll set up and use a cabal sandbox: ``` cabal sandbox init ``` 4. Now add the `Cabal` library and install all the dependencies into the sandbox: ``` cabal sandbox add-source ../Cabal cabal --enable-tests install --dependencies-only ``` Since you used `add-source`, any changes to `Cabal/` will automatically be picked up when building inside `cabal-install/` from now on. 5. Build cabal-install and run the tests: ``` cabal build cabal test ``` Dependencies policy ------------------- Cabal's policy is to support being built by versions of GHC that are up to 3 years old. The Cabal library must be buildable out-of-the-box, i.e., the dependency versions required by Cabal must have shipped with GHC for at least 3 years. Cabal may use newer libraries if they are available, as long as there is a suitable fallback when only older versions exist. cabal-install must be buildable by versions of GHC that are up to 3 years old. It need not be buildable out-of-the-box, so cabal-install may depend on newer versions of libraries if they can still be compiled by 3-year-old versions of GHC.