#!/bin/bash PATCHDIR=ghcjs-boot/patches # ghcjs-boot/patches boot=( base ghc-prim integer-gmp ) function patchPackage { SIMP=$PATCHDIR/$1 echo $SIMP if [ ! -f $SIMP.patch ] && [ ! -f $SIMP-$2.patch ] ; then echo NO PATCH FOUND: $1 else echo WE HAVE A PATCH FOR $1 if [ ! -f $SIMP-$2.patch ]; then echo "GENERAL ONE" PATCH=$SIMP.patch else echo "speciffic" PATCH=$SIMP-$2.patch fi if [[ " ${boot[@]} " =~ " ${1} " ]]; then # whatever you want to do when arr contains value echo "PATCHING $PATCH" cd $1 patch -p3 < ../$PATCH cd .. else # whatever you want to do when arr doesn't contain value cd $1 patch -p1 < ../$PATCH cd .. fi fi } function generatePatch { echo diff -Naur b/boot/ghc-prim- a/boot/ghc-prim > ghc-prim- } function getPackage { if [ -d special/$1 ]; then echo ============================================== echo $1 cp -r special/$1 . return fi if [ "$1" == "integer-gmp" ];then NVER="" else NVER=$2 fi VER=$1-$NVER VERZ=$VER.tar.gz if [ ! -f cache/$VERZ ]; then echo "we need to get the package" wget https://hackage.haskell.org/package/$VER/$VERZ -O cache/$VERZ else echo "wh have the package" fi tar -zxf cache/$VERZ if [ -d "$1" ]; then rm -r ./$1 fi mv ./$VER ./$1 echo Need to patch $VER patchPackage $1 $NVER } allBase=( aeson base case-insensitive deepseq filepath integer-gmp parallel random template-haskell unix array binary directory ghc-prim mtl pretty scientific text unordered-containers async bytestring dlist hashable old-locale primitive stm time vector attoparsec cabal containers extensible-exceptions old-time process syb transformers Win32 ) # getPackage base