# INSTALL ~~~ cd .../projects/ git clone https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant.git ~~~ If you want to be certain to use a working version you could. ~~~ git checkout 5e215cef6834575c59354d5b1f1cce4d47f9aaa0 ~~~ Then clone this project in the same directory: ~~~ cd .../projects/ ~~~ ## Develop To launch the server: `./launch.sh`. You might need to install `live-reload` (`npm install live-reload`) for basic live recompilation and reload. If this is the first time, it might take a _long_ time. Once finished you can verify everything worked fine here: - . Organization: - `src/` contains `servant` code. - `ui/` directory contains the frontend code. - `ui/assets/` contains the HTML, CSS and JS. - `ui/app/` contains the Haskell code that will be compiled to JS via GHCJS - `ui/src/` contains the Haskell code that will be compiled to JS via GHCJS