# Point GH users to your new repository place **:warning: BE SURE TO HAVE A BACKUP OF ALL YOUR REPOSITORIES FIRST :warning:** You have copied all your GitHub repositories and you want to redirect your user to your new page? This is exactly what this repo is for. See an example of the result: https://github.com/yogsototh/asciimandel **:warning: These shell scripts were done in a hurry, so use them with care!** 0. Clone this repository and go into it 1. retrieve all your repositories (NB_PAGES is only mandatory if you have more than 100 repositories) So if you have 281 repositories, you'll need 3 pages to list them all. ~~~ ./get-my-repos.sh YOUR_GITHUB_USER_NAME NB_PAGES ~~~ 2. One last chance not to overwrite and destroy some repositories. Edit the file `repos-urls` and remove the lines of the repositories you wan to keep on GitHub. 3. Really start the migration ~~~ ./migrate.sh PREFIX_OF_DESTINATIONS ~~~ for example ~~~ ./migrate.sh https://gitlab.esy.fun/yogsototh ~~~ Now all thoses repositories in github have been overwritten. And there will be a simple message to tell your user where they'll be able to find it.