# fuck-cors A Clojure library designed to fuck CORS and open your API completely. So all cross domain HTTP calls should works. It should works with cookies too. In which case should you use this library: 1. You don't have time to think and want something that just works. 2. You don't mind much about security. 3. You hate CORS but want to be able to make Ajax call Cross website. ## Why? [Some Men Just Want to Watch the World Burn](http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/some-men-just-want-to-watch-the-world-burn) ## Usage Add ~~~ [fuck-cors 0.1.0] ~~~ to your `project.clj`. Then ~~~ (:require [fuck-cors.core :refer [wrap-open-cors]) ~~~ And use `wrap-open-cors` as middleware. ## Limitations There is a bug with Safari. The only way to make it works is by using a _very_ dirty trick: ## License Copyright © 2014 Yann Esposito Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.