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2014-11-17 13:00:21 -08:00
resources/public Added touch events. 2014-11-15 19:27:54 -05:00
src Support Hiccup syntax sugar for multiple classes. Fixes #2. 2014-11-17 13:00:21 -08:00
src-clr/freactive Updated ClojureCLR dependency. 2014-08-05 13:01:01 -04:00
test/freactive Added support for data-state based state transitions with special support for show and hide states. 2014-11-17 01:59:44 -05:00
.gitignore Added touch events. 2014-11-15 19:27:54 -05:00
LICENSE First commit. 2014-07-10 15:57:02 -04:00
project.clj Added easing-chain function. 2014-11-17 00:04:50 -05:00 Update 2014-11-17 00:02:17 -05:00


pronounced "f-reactive" for functional reactive - name subject to change. This library should be considered experimental - it has not been widely tested.

freactive is a high-performance, pure Clojurescript, declarative DOM library. It uses hiccup-style syntax and Clojure's built-in deref and atom patterns. It is inspired by reagent, om and reflex (as well as my experience with desktop GUI frameworks such as QML, JavaFX and WPF). See it in action!


  • Provide a simple, intuitive API that should be almost obvious to those familiar with Clojure (inspiration from reagent)
  • Allow for high-performance rendering good enough for animated graphics based on a purely declarative syntax
  • Allow for reactive binding of any attribute, style property or child node
  • Allow for coordinated management of state via cursors (inspiration from om)
  • Provide deeply-integrated animation support
  • Allow for cursors based on paths as well as lenses
  • Provide a generic items view component for efficient viewing of large data sets
  • Minimize unnecessary triggering of update events
  • Coordinate all updates via requestAnimationFrame wherever possible
  • Be easy to debug
  • Be written in pure Clojurescript
  • Provide support for older browsers via polyfills (not yet implemented)

Two-minute tutorial

Leiningen dependency info:

Clojars Project

Hello World example:

To try this quickly, you can install the austin repl plugin, run austin-exec, open a browser with the URL provided by austin and execute the code below. This code is also compatible with lein-figwheel - this is possibly the best approach for live Clojurescript development available now.

(ns example1
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [atom])
  (:require [freactive.core :refer [atom cursor]]
            [freactive.dom :as dom])
  (:require-macros [freactive.macros :refer [rx]]))
(defonce mouse-pos (atom nil))

(defn view []
    {:width "100%" :height "100%" :style {:border "1px solid black"}
     :on-mousemove (fn [e] (reset! mouse-pos [(.-clientX e) (.-clientY e)]))}
    [:h1 "Hello World!"]
    [:p "Your mouse is at: " (rx (str @mouse-pos))]])

(defonce root (dom/append-child! (.-body js/document) [:div#root]))

(dom/mount! root (view))


If you already understand hiccup syntax and Clojure's atom, you're 90% of the way to understanding freactive. freactive's syntax is very similar to that of reagent with a few small differences.

Reactive atoms: In freactive, instead of Clojure's atom, you use freactive's reactive atom which allows deref's to be captured by an enclosing reactive expression - an rx in this case. (This is exactly the same idea as in reagent and I believe it originally came from reflex).

The rx macro: the rx macro returns an IDeref instance (can be deref'ed with @) whose value is the body of the expression. This value gets updated when (and only when) one of the dependencies captured in its body (reactive atoms, other rx's and also things like cursor's) gets "invalidated". (Pains were taken to make this invalidation process as efficient and configurable as possible.)

Binding to attributes, style properties and node positions: Passing an rx or reactive atom (or any IDeref instance) as an attribute, style property or child of a DOM element represented via a hiccup vector binds it to that site. freactive makes sure that any updates to rx's or atom's are propogated to directly to that DOM directly site only as often as necessary (coordinated with requestAnimationFrame).

Mounting components: components are mounted by passing a target node and hiccup vector to the mount! function (this will replace the last child of the target node with the mounted node!).

Events: all attributes prefixed with :on- will treated as event handlers and take a Clojurescript function as an argument.

Helper functions: a few additional helper functions such as - append-child!, remove!, and listen! - are included, but it is encouraged to use them sparingly and prefer the declarative hiccup syntax wherever possible.

Note: atom and rx are also available for Java Clojure and can be used with JavaFX via fx-clj using a similar API. Originally this library was conceived as just a clj/cljs atom and rx llibrary. After working with it in fx-clj, I wanted to do the same thing for the DOM and voila. Eventually a "core" library containing just the reactive data types will be split off. The Java version of core.clj is slightly out of sync with core.cljs.


freactive should be able to handle fairly high performance graphics.

Rather than saying how fast freactive does X compared to framework Y (which isn't always productive), I created an example that would really tax its ability to render. This is to give me (as well as potential library users) an idea of what it can and can't handle on different platforms.

This example tries to animate points on the screen (SVG circle nodes) relative to the current mouse position. It has a complexity factor, n, which can be controlled by the + and - buttons. The number of points is (2n + 1)2.

When you're observing the example, you can view the calculated FPS rate as well as the estimated number of DOM attributes updated per second. I recommend trying different values of n in different browsers (even try your phone!). Notice at which number of points the animation is and isn't smooth. Please report any issues you find here so we can make it better!:

Here is the example:

All of this is done declaratively with only the syntax described above, easers and transitions.

Here is the source for the example:

This example benchmarks performance of reactive atom, rx and easer updates, freactive's rendering loop and applying those updates to DOM attributes and style properties. It also tests freactive's ability to clean up after itself and create new DOM elements. In the pause between transitions (usually not perceptable for small n values), freactive is cleaning up old elements (with attached rx's that need to be deactivated) and creating new DOM elements. If the average frame rate for a given n doesn't drop after many transitions, it means that freactive is doing a good job of cleaning up after itself. If you notice a significant drop, please report it!

You should be able to see fairly smooth animations with thousands of points (n >= 16) on most modern computers even though the frame rate will start drop significantly. The number of attrs updated calculation is only valid when either the mouse is moving or a transition is happening.

(Okay... you may be wondering if I did a Reagent comparsion because the code is so similar. Here it is. Reagent and React are quite fast! freactive does seem to scale better for higher values of n. freactive also provides built-in animations.)


cursor's in freactive behave and look exactly like atom's. You can use Clojurescript's built-in swap! and reset! functions on them and state will be propogated back to their parents. By default, change notifications from the parent propagate to the cursor when and only when they affect the state of the cursor.

Fundamentally, cursors are based on lenses. That means that you can pass any arbitrary getter (of the form (fn [parent-state])) and setter (of the form (fn [parent-state cursor-state])) and the cursor will handle it.

(def a (atom 0))
(def a-str (cursor my-atom print-number parse-number))
;; @a-str -> "0"
(reset! ab0 "1.2")
(println @my-atom)
;; 1.2

cursors can also be created by passing in a keyword or a key sequence that would be passed to get-in or assoc-in to the cursor function:

(def my-atom (atom {:a {:b [{:x 0}]}}))
(def ab0 (cursor my-atom [:a :b 0])) ;; @ab0 -> {:x 0}
(def a (cursor my-atom :a) ;; a keyword can be used as well

This is somewhat similar (but not exactly) to cursors in om - which was the inspiration for cursors in freactive. It should be noted that in freactive, cursors were designed to work with lenses first and then with key or key sequences (korks) for convenience. A cursor doesn't know anything about the structure of data it references (i.e. the associative path from parent to child).



Transition callbacks can be added to any DOM element using the with-transitions function.

  [:h1 "Hello World!"]
  {:on-show (fn [node callback]
              ;; do something
              (when callback (callback)))})

The framework understands the :on-show and :on-hide transitions. These transitions will be applied upon changes at binding sites - i.e. at the site of an rx or an initial mount!. (A mechanism for triggering transitions based on changes to data-state is also planned.)


An API that wraps easer functionality in a convenient animate! function that takes style and attribute properties is planned.

easer's are the basis of freactive animations. An easer is a specialized type of deref value that is updated at every animation frame based on an easing function and target and duration parameters. Essentially it provides "tween" values. Easers are defined with the easer function which takes an initial value. They can be transitioned to another value using the start-easing! function which takes the following parameters: from (optional), to, duration, easing-fn and a on-complete callback.

An easer is designed to be used as a dependency in a reactive computation, like this:

(def ease-factor (animation/easer 0.0))
(defn my-view []
    [:h1 {:style
          {:font-size (rx (str (* 16 @ease-factor) "px"))}} "Hello World!"]
    {:on-show (fn [node callback]
                (animation/start-easing! ease-factor 0 1.0 1000
                                         animation/quad-in-out callback))}))

By creating an easing-chain, we can do some more complex things:

(def ease1 (animation/easer 0.0))
(def ease2 (animation/easer 1.0))
(def complex-transition
    [[ease1 0.0 1.0 1000 animation/quad-in-out]
     [ease2 1.0 0.0 500 animation/quad-out]
     [ease2 0.0 1.0 150 animation/quint-in]]))
(defn my-view []
    [:h1 {:style
          {:font-size (rx (str (* 16 @ease1) "px"))
           :opacity (rx (str @ease2))}}
     "Hello World!"]
     (fn [node callback] (complex-transition callback))}))

Easing functions: an easing function, f, is a function that is designed to take an input t parameter that ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 that has the property (= (f 0) 0) and (= (f 1) 1). Basically the easing function is supposed to smoothly transition from 0 to 1. The easer itself takes care of properly scaling the values based on duration and from and to values. A selection of easing functions from Dan Kersten's ominate (thank you!) is currently included in this library, but this is subject to change.

Optional from parameter: the optional from parameter to start-easing! has a special behavior - if the current value of the easer is different from from, the duration of easing will be adjusted (linearly for now) based on the difference bettween from and the current value. This is to keep the speed of easing somewhat consistent. If you don't want this behavior and always want the same duration regardless of the current value of the easer, don't specify a from value.

Interupting in progress easings: if start-easing! is called on an easer that is already in an easing transition that hasn't completed, it is equivalent to cancelling the current easing and sending the easer in a different direction starting from the current value. If there was on on-complete callback to the easing that was in progress it won't be called and is effectively "cancelled". (This behavior can be observed in the performance example if you click + or - while a transition is happening.)

Configuration of Reactive Change Notifications


Debugging Reactive Expressions

Reactive expressions can be hard to debug - sometimes we notice that something should be getting invalidated that isn't or it seems like something is getting updated too often.

The rx-debug macro can be placed around the initialization of any rx:

 (rx-debug (rx (str @n)))

and you should seeing verbose debug statements corresponding to:

  • start of dependency capture
  • each dependency capture
  • each invalidation event with a print out of watch keys (note: not all watches aware of this rx may be registered - part of freactive's optimizations are smart attaching and removing of watches based on dirty flags)

Items View

An experimental items-view has been created, but has not been documented yet. The API is also subject to change.

Contributions & License

Contributions (including pull requests) are welcome!

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.