Have working diff algorithm in this commit - but! in my tests in Firefox and Chrome, DOM replacing outperforms diff updating - maybe the algorithm can be optimized, but probably because I am using Clojure data structure as the virtual DOM, this causes a big hit and possibly also the fact that reactive computations need to be stopped. For now, diffing will stay off.

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Craelius 2014-11-18 20:07:27 -05:00
parent 67bd19267c
commit e5f2e29076

View file

@ -230,13 +230,17 @@
;; ## Attributes, Styles & Events
(defn- set-style-prop! [elem prop-name prop-value]
(let [prop-name (name prop-name)]
(aset (.-style elem) prop-name (str prop-value))))
(defn- set-attr! [elem attr-name attr-value]
(let [attr-name (name attr-name)]
(.setAttribute elem attr-name attr-value)))
(.setAttribute elem attr-name attr-value))
(defn- remove-attr! [elem attr-name]
(.removeAttribute elem attr-name))
(defn- set-style-prop! [elem prop-name prop-value]
(aset (.-style elem) prop-name (str prop-value)))
(defn- remove-style-prop! [elem prop-name]
(js-delete (.-style elem) prop-name))
(defn- on-value-ref-invalidated* [set-fn element state-prefix attr-name ref node-state]
(when-let [[add-watch* remove-watch*] (r/get-add-remove-watch* ref)]
@ -248,36 +252,30 @@
([key ref _ _]
(on-value-ref-invalidated key ref))
([key ref]
;(set-fn element attr-name @ref)
(remove-watch* ref key)
(fn [_]
(when-not (.-disposed attr-state)
(add-watch* ref key on-value-ref-invalidated)
(set-fn element attr-name (non-reactively @ref)))
;(when (.-parentNode element)
; (add-watch* ref key on-value-ref-invalidated)
; (set-fn element attr-name @ref))
;;(set! (.-invalidate attr-state) f)
(register-with-parent-state node-state (str "-" state-prefix "."
attr-name) attr-state)
;(set! (.-child-states node-state)
; (assoc (.-child-states node-state)
; attr-state))
(add-watch* ref key f)
(set-fn element attr-name @ref))
(set-fn (non-reactively @ref)))))))]
(register-with-parent-state node-state
(str "-" state-prefix "." attr-name) attr-state)
(add-watch* ref key f)))
(defn bind-style-prop! [element attr-name attr-value node-state]
(if (satisfies? cljs.core/IDeref attr-value)
(on-value-ref-invalidated* set-style-prop! element "style" attr-name attr-value node-state)
(set-style-prop! element attr-name attr-value)))
(set-fn @ref))
(defn- bind-style-prop! [element attr-name attr-value node-state]
(let [setter (fn [v] (set-style-prop! element attr-name attr-value))]
(if (satisfies? cljs.core/IDeref attr-value)
(on-value-ref-invalidated* setter element "style" attr-name attr-value node-state)
(setter attr-value))))
(defn listen! [element evt-name handler]
(.addEventListener element evt-name handler))
(defn remove-event-listener! [element evt-name handler]
(.removeEventListener element evt-name handler))
(defn- do-set-data-state! [element state]
(set-attr! element "data-state" state))
@ -289,7 +287,6 @@
(enter-transition element old-state)))
(defn set-data-state!
([element _ state] (set-data-state! element state))
([element state]
(let [cur-state (get-data-state element)
state (name state)]
@ -304,96 +301,131 @@
(if (satisfies? cljs.core/IDeref attr-value)
(on-value-ref-invalidated* set-fn element "attr" attr-name
attr-value node-state)
(set-fn element attr-name attr-value)))
(set-fn attr-value)))
(defn get-attr-setter [element attr-name]
(defn- bind-event-listener! [element event-name handler node-state]
(let [attr-state #js {:disposed false :handler handler
:disposed-callback (fn [] (remove-event-listener!
element event-name
(register-with-parent-state node-state (str "-" "event" "." event-name) attr-state)
(listen! element event-name handler)))
(defn- bind-style! [element styles node-state]
(doseq [[p v] styles]
(bind-style-prop! element (name p) v node-state)))
(defn- get-attr-setter [element attr-name]
(identical? "data-state" attr-name)
(identical? "data-state" attr-name)
(fn [state] (set-data-state! element state))
(and (identical? (. element -type) "checkbox") (identical? attr-name "checked"))
(fn [node attr-name attr-value]
(set! (. node -checked) (true? attr-value)))
(and (identical? (. element -type) "checkbox") (identical? attr-name "checked"))
(fn [attr-value]
(set! (. element -checked) (true? attr-value)))
(identical? "id" attr-name)
(fn [id] (set! (.-id element) id))
(defn bind-attr! [element attr-name attr-value node-state]
(identical? "class" attr-name)
(fn [cls] (set! (.-className element) cls))
(fn [attr-value] (.setAttribute element attr-name attr-value))))
(defn- bind-attr! [element attr-name attr-value node-state]
(let [attr-name (name attr-name)]
(identical? "style" attr-name)
(assert (map? attr-value))
(doseq [[p v] attr-value]
(bind-style-prop! element p v node-state)))
(bind-style! element attr-value node-state)
(identical? 0 (.indexOf attr-name "on-"))
(listen! element (.substring attr-name 3) attr-value)
(bind-event-listener! element (.substring attr-name 3) attr-value node-state)
(bind-prop-attr! (get-attr-setter element attr-name)
element attr-name attr-value node-state))))
(defn- dispose-child-state [node-state child-key]
(when-let [child-states (.-child-states node-state)]
(when-let [state (aget child-states child-key)]
(set! (.-disposed state) true)
(when-let [disposed-callback (.-disposed-callback state)]
(js-delete child-states child-key))))
(defn- unbind-attr!* [node-state prefix attr-name]
(let [attr-key (str "-" prefix "." attr-name)]
(when-let [child-states (.-child-states node-state)]
(when-let [state (aget child-states attr-key)]
(set! (.-disposed state) true)
(js-delete child-states attr-key)))))
(dispose-child-state node-state attr-key)))
(defn- rebind-style! [element attr-name styles node-state]
(defn- rebind-style-prop! [element style-name style-value node-state]
(unbind-attr!* node-state "style" style-name)
(if style-value
(bind-style-prop! element style-name style-value node-state)
(remove-style-prop! element style-name)))
(defn- rebind-style! [element styles node-state]
(doseq [[p v] styles]
(unbind-attr!* node-state "style" attr-name)
(bind-style-prop! element p v node-state)))
(rebind-style-prop! element (name p) v node-state)))
(defn- rebind-event! [element event-name handler node-state]
(unbind-attr!* node-state "event" event-name)
(when handler
(listen! element event-name handler)))
(defn- rebind-prop-attr! [element attr-name attr-value node-state]
(unbind-attr!* node-state "attr" attr-name)
(if attr-value
(bind-attr! element attr-name attr-value node-state)
(remove-attr! element attr-name)))
(defn- rebind-attr! [element attr-name attr-value node-state]
(identical? "style" attr-name)
(rebind-style! element attr-value node-state)
(identical? 0 (.indexOf attr-name "on-"))
(rebind-event! element (.substring attr-name 3) attr-value node-state)
(rebind-prop-attr! element attr-name attr-value node-state)))
(defn set-attrs! [node attrs]
(let [node-state (get-element-state node)]
(doseq [[k v] attrs]
(let [k (name k)]
(if (identical? k "style")
(doseq [[p v] v]
(when node-state
(unbind-attr!* node-state "style" p))
(bind-style-prop! node p v node-state)))
(when node-state
(unbind-attr!* node-state "attr" k))
(bind-attr! node k v node-state)))))))
(rebind-attr! node k v node-state)))))
;(defn- replace-attr!* [node node-state attr-name old-val new-val prefix binder]
; (if (not (identical? old-val new-val))
; (unbind-attr!* node-state prefix attr-name)
; (binder node attr-name new-val node-state)))
;(defn- replace-attr! [node node-state attr-name old-val new-val]
; (replace-attr!* node node-state attr-name old-val new-val "attr"))
(defn- replace-attrs!* [node node-state old-attrs new-attrs rebinder binder
(defn- replace-attrs!* [node node-state old-attrs new-attrs rebinder]
(loop [[[k new-val] & new-attrs] (seq new-attrs)
old-attrs old-attrs]
(if k
(let [attr-name (name k)]
(if-let [existing (get old-attrs k)]
(rebinder node node-state attr-name existing new-val)
(when-not (identical? existing new-val)
(rebinder node attr-name new-val node-state))
(recur new-attrs (dissoc old-attrs k)))
(binder node node-state attr-name new-val)
(rebinder node attr-name new-val node-state)
(recur new-attrs old-attrs))))
(loop [[[k v] & old-attrs] old-attrs]
(loop [[[k v] & old-attrs] (seq old-attrs)]
(when k
(remover node node-state (name k))
(rebinder node (name k) nil node-state)
(recur old-attrs))))))
(defn- replace-attrs! [node old-attrs new-attrs]
(let [node-state (get-element-state node)]
;;(replace-attrs!* node node-state old-attrs new-attrs nil nil )
(let [node-state (get-element-state node)
old-style (:style old-attrs)
new-style (:style new-attrs)]
(replace-attrs!* node node-state
(dissoc old-attrs :style)
(dissoc new-attrs :style)
(replace-attrs!* node node-state
;; From hiccup.compiler:
(def ^{:doc "Regular expression that parses a CSS-style id and class from an element name."
@ -420,6 +452,17 @@
(when class (set! (.-className node) (.replace class "." " ")))
(defn- create-dom-node-simple [tag]
(let [tag-ns (namespace tag)
node (if tag-ns
(let [resolved-ns
(if (identical? tag-ns "svg")
(get-xml-namespace tag-ns))]
(.createElementNS js/document resolved-ns tag))
(.createElement js/document tag))]
;; ## Core DOM Manipulation Methods
(declare build-element)
@ -427,26 +470,98 @@
(defn- text-node? [dom-node]
(identical? (.-nodeType dom-node) 3))
(defn- replace-child [parent new-elem-spec cur-elem]
(let [cur-dom-node cur-elem ;;
;; (get-dom-node cur-elem)
new-virtual-dom (get-virtual-dom new-elem-spec)]
(if (and
(string? new-virtual-dom)
(text-node? cur-dom-node))
(def enable-diffing false)
(defn- can-diff-element [parent new-elem-spec cur-elem])
(defn- normalize-virtual-element [dom-vec]
(let [tag (first dom-vec)
tag-ns (namespace tag)
[_ tag id class] (re-matches re-tag (name tag))
class (when class (.replace class "." " "))
attrs? (second dom-vec)
attrs (when (map? attrs?) attrs?)
children (if attrs (nnext dom-vec) (next dom-vec))]
(if (or id class)
(into [(keyword tag-ns tag) (merge attrs {:id id :class class})]
(defn- replace-node-completly [parent new-elem-spec cur-dom-node]
(let [new-elem (build-element new-elem-spec)]
(.replaceChild parent new-elem cur-dom-node)
(dispose-node cur-dom-node)
(declare replace-child)
(declare replace-or-append-child)
(declare append-children!)
(defn- try-diff-subseq [parent cur-child new-children]
(loop [cur-child cur-child
new-child (first new-children)
more (rest new-children)]
(if new-child
(if cur-child
(if (and (sequential? new-child) (not (keyword? (first new-child))))
(let [cur-child (try-diff-subseq parent cur-child new-child)]
(recur cur-child (first more) (rest more)))
(replace-child parent new-child cur-child false)
(recur (.-nextSibling cur-child) (first more) (rest more))))
(append-children! parent new-children)
(defn- try-diff [parent vdom cur-dom-node top-level]
(let [cur-vdom (get-virtual-dom cur-dom-node)
vdom (normalize-virtual-element vdom)]
(if (keyword-identical? (first vdom) (first cur-vdom))
(let [old-attrs? (second cur-vdom)
new-attrs? (second vdom)
new-attrs (when (map? new-attrs?) new-attrs?)]
(replace-attrs! cur-dom-node
(when (map? old-attrs?) old-attrs?)
(when-not top-level
(dispose-child-state (get-element-state cur-dom-node) "-reactive"))
(reset-element-spec! cur-dom-node vdom)
(let [new-children (if new-attrs (nnext vdom) (next vdom))
dangling-child (try-diff-subseq cur-dom-node (.-firstChild cur-dom-node) new-children)]
(loop [cur-child dangling-child]
(when cur-child
(let [next-sib (.-nextSibling cur-child)]
(.removeChild cur-dom-node cur-child)
(recur next-sib)))))
(replace-node-completly parent vdom cur-dom-node))))
(defn- replace-child [parent new-elem-spec cur-dom-node top-level]
(let [new-virtual-dom (get-virtual-dom new-elem-spec)]
(and (string? new-virtual-dom)
(text-node? cur-dom-node))
(set! (.-textContent cur-dom-node) new-virtual-dom)
;(reset-element-spec! cur-dom-node new-elem-spec)
(let [new-elem (build-element new-elem-spec)]
;(get-dom-node parent)
;(get-dom-node new-elem)
(dispose-node cur-dom-node)
(if enable-diffing
(if top-level
(println "starting diff replace")
(try-diff parent new-virtual-dom cur-dom-node top-level)))
(try-diff parent new-virtual-dom cur-dom-node top-level))
(if top-level
(println "starting full replace")
(replace-node-completly parent new-elem-spec cur-dom-node))))
(replace-node-completly parent new-elem-spec cur-dom-node)))))
(defn- append-child [parent new-elem]
(let [new-elem (build-element new-elem)]
@ -456,10 +571,10 @@
(defn- replace-or-append-child [parent new-elem cur-elem]
(defn- replace-or-append-child [parent new-elem cur-elem top-level]
(let [new-elem
(if cur-elem
(replace-child parent new-elem cur-elem)
(replace-child parent new-elem cur-elem top-level)
(append-child parent new-elem))]
(when-not (text-node? new-elem)
(when-let [parent-state (get-element-state parent)]
@ -471,7 +586,7 @@
(defn- do-show-element [parent new-elem cur-elem]
(when new-elem
(let [show (get-transition new-elem :node-attached)
new-elem (replace-or-append-child parent new-elem cur-elem)]
new-elem (replace-or-append-child parent new-elem cur-elem true)]
(when show
(show new-elem)
@ -508,12 +623,12 @@
;; Reactive Element Handling
(def ^:private auto-reactive-id 0)
(defn- new-reactive-id []
(let [id auto-reactive-id]
(set! auto-reactive-id (inc auto-reactive-id))
(str "-r." id)))
;(def ^:private auto-reactive-id 0)
;(defn- new-reactive-id []
; (let [id auto-reactive-id]
; (set! auto-reactive-id (inc auto-reactive-id))
; (str "-r." id)))
(deftype ReactiveElement [id parent cur-element dirty updating disposed animate invalidate]
@ -526,8 +641,7 @@
(defn- append-deref-child [parent child-ref]
(if-let [[add-watch* remove-watch*] (r/get-add-remove-watch* child-ref)]
(let [reactive-id (new-reactive-id)
state (ReactiveElement. reactive-id parent nil false false false nil nil)
(let [state (ReactiveElement. nil parent nil false false false nil nil)
get-new-elem (fn []
(set! (.-dirty state) false)
@ -535,7 +649,7 @@
(or (non-reactively @child-ref) ""))
show-new-elem (fn [new-elem cur]
(let [new-node (replace-or-append-child parent new-elem cur)]
(let [new-node (replace-or-append-child parent new-elem cur true)]
(set! (.-cur-element state) new-node)
(set! (.-updating state) false)
(when (.-dirty state)
@ -585,7 +699,7 @@
;(set! (.-cur-element state)
; (transition-element parent (or (non-reactively @child-ref) [:span]) nil))
(when-let [parent-state (get-element-state parent)]
(register-with-parent-state parent-state reactive-id state))
(register-with-parent-state parent-state "-reactive" state))
(transition-element parent @child-ref nil)))
@ -611,10 +725,9 @@
(let [virtual-dom (get-virtual-dom elem-spec)
(if (string? virtual-dom)
(let [node (.createTextNode js/document virtual-dom)]
;(init-element-state! node elem-spec)
(let [node (create-dom-node (first virtual-dom))
(.createTextNode js/document virtual-dom)
(let [virtual-dom (normalize-virtual-element virtual-dom)
node (create-dom-node (first virtual-dom))
state (init-element-state! node elem-spec)
attrs? (second virtual-dom)
attrs (when (map? attrs?) attrs?)