Experimental state-machine support.

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Craelius 2014-11-17 23:25:39 -05:00
parent 47808a2430
commit 6ea384df70
2 changed files with 190 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -372,6 +372,135 @@
([ref korks-or-getter] (cursor* ref korks-or-getter nil true ))
([ref getter setter] (cursor* ref getter setter true)))
(defn debug-rx* [the-rx capture-callback invalidation-callback]
(add-invalidation-watch the-rx capture-callback invalidation-callback)
(add-invalidation-watch the-rx capture-callback invalidation-callback))
;(defn debug-rx* [the-rx capture-callback invalidation-callback]
; (add-invalidation-watch the-rx capture-callback invalidation-callback)
; (add-invalidation-watch the-rx capture-callback invalidation-callback))
(deftype StateMachine [state state-transtions allowed-states default-accept
(equiv [this other]
(-equiv this other))
(-raw-deref [_] state)
(-equiv [o other] (identical? o other))
(-deref [this]
(when-let [invalidate *invalidate-rx*]
(-add-watch this invalidate invalidate)
(when *trace-capture* (*trace-capture* this)))
(-meta [_] meta)
(-pr-writer [a writer opts]
(-write writer "#<StateMachine: ")
(pr-writer state writer opts)
(-write writer ">"))
(-notify-watches [this oldval newval]
(doseq [[key f] watches]
(f key this oldval newval)))
(-add-watch [this key f]
(set! (.-watches this) (assoc watches key f))
(-remove-watch [this key]
(set! (.-watches this) (dissoc watches key)))
(-hash [this] (goog/getUid this))
(-reset! [this new-state]
(let [old-state state]
(when-not (keyword-identical? new-state old-state)
(set! (.-state this) new-state)
(-notify-watches this old-state new-state)))
(defn- test-transition
(cond (identical? transition true) true
(identical? transition false) false
:default (transition)))
([transition arg]
(cond (identical? transition true) true
(identical? transition false) false
:default (transition arg))))
(defn transition-to!
"Attempts to transition the state-machine to the requested-state. Returns
the state of the machine after the request has been made."
[state-machine requested-state]
(let [cur-state (.-state state-machine)]
(if-not (keyword-identical? cur-state requested-state)
(let [transitions (.-transition-map state-machine)
allowed-states (.-allowed-states state-machine)]
(if allowed-states
(allowed-states requested-state)
(if-let [from-to-transition (get transitions
(keyword (str ":from-" cur-state
"-to-" requested-state)))]
(test-transition from-to-transition)
(if-let [from-transition (get transitions (keyword (str ":from-" cur-state)))]
(when (test-transition from-transition requested-state)
(if-let [to-transition (get transitions (keyword (str "to-" requested-state)))]
(test-transition to-transition cur-state)
(.-default-accept state-machine)))
(if-let [to-transition (get transitions (keyword (str "to-" requested-state)))]
(test-transition to-transition cur-state)
(.-default-accept state-machine)))))
(set! (.-state state-machine) requested-state)
(when-let [after (get state-machine (keyword (str "after-"
(after requested-state))
(when-let [on (get state-machine (keyword (str "on-" cur-state)))]
(on cur-state))
(defn state-machine
"Takes an initial-state and a map of state-transitions.
A state transition is named by a keyword that can be prefixed with either
:from- and to-. A convenience :from-state1-to-state2 form is
also allowed.
:from- and :to- transitions are used as tests to check if a requested
transiton is allowed and should either be a function taking a single parameter
representing the requested state (for :from- transitions) or the current state
(for :to- transitions) - or - a boolean value representing an unconditional
accept/reject for that transition. In order for a :from- or :to- transition
to succeed it must return a truthy value. If the matching transition
function is not found the :default-accept policy will be used. Convienence
:from-state1-to-state2 will take priority over :from- and :to- transitions
and take a 0-arity function or a boolean value.
For example, if the current state is :off and the state
requested is :on, The state machine will attempt to first to find a
transition named :from-off. If that succeeds it will look for a :to-on
transition. If that succeeds, the new state will be :on.
A set of allowed-states can also be defined and any other states will be
[initial-state state-transitions
& {:keys [default-accept allowed-states]
:or {default-accept true}}]
(assert (keyword? initial-state) "state must be keyword")
(when allowed-states
(assert (set? allowed-states) "allowed-states must be a set")
(assert (allowed-states initial-state) "initial-state must be in allowed states"))
(StateMachine. initial-state state-transitions allowed-states default-accept nil))

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(ns freactive.core-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [atom])
[freactive.core :refer [atom cursor]]
[freactive.core :refer [atom cursor state-machine
[cemerick.cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is run-tests]])
(:require-macros [freactive.macros :refer [rx]]))
@ -34,3 +35,59 @@
(is (= @a {:b 1}))
(reset! a {:c 2})
(is (= @l "{:c 2}"))))
;(defn sm1
; (state-machine
; :init
; {:from-init (fn [to] true)
; :to-init (fn [from] false)
; :to-running (fn [from]
; (if (or (= from :init) (= :from :stopped))
; true))
; :from-running {fn [to]
; (when (= to :)
; true)}
; :to-stopped (fn [from]
; (when (= from :running)
; true))
; :from-stopped (fn [to]
; (when (= to :running)
; true))}))
(defn sm1 []
{:from-init true
:to-init false
:from-running-to-stopped true
:from-stopped-to-running true
:to-finished true
:from-finished false}
:default-accept false
:allowed-states #{:init :running :stopped :finished}))
(defn sm2 []
{:from-init #(true)
:to-init #(false)
:from-running-to-stopped #(true)
:from-stopped-to-running #(true)
:to-finished #(true)
:from-finished #(false)}
:default-accept false
:allowed-states #{:init :running :stopped :finished}))
(defn test-sm [sm]
(is (= @sm :init))
(is (= (transition-to! sm :running)) :running)
(is (= (transition-to! sm :stopped)) :stopped)
(is (= (transition-to! sm :running)) :running)
(is (= (transition-to! sm :finished)) :finished)
(is (= (transition-to! sm :running)) :finished)
(is (= (transition-to! sm :test1)) :finished)
(deftest state-machine-test
(test-sm (sm1))
(test-sm (sm2)))