diff --git a/DOM.md b/DOM.md index d954603..17919d1 100644 --- a/DOM.md +++ b/DOM.md @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # freactive *pronounced "F-reactive". This library should be considered experimental - it has not been widely tested.* -[![Clojars Project](http://clojars.org/freactive/latest-version.svg)](http://clojars.org/freactive) freactive is a high-performance, pure Clojurescript, declarative DOM library. It uses hiccup-style syntax and Clojure's built-in deref and atom patterns. It is inspired by work done in reagent, om and reflex (as well as desktop GUI frameworks like QML and JavaFX). [See it in action](http://aaronc.github.io/freactive/). @@ -20,6 +19,10 @@ freactive is a high-performance, pure Clojurescript, declarative DOM library. It ## Two-minute tutorial +[lein](http://leiningen.org) dependency: + +[![Clojars Project](http://clojars.org/freactive/latest-version.svg)](http://clojars.org/freactive) + **Hello World example:** ```clojure