import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text, node) import Html.Attributes exposing (style) import Html.App as App import Time exposing (Time,millisecond) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) -- import List exposing (map, foldl, head, tail) import Set as Set import Dict as Dict -- import Maybe exposing (withDefault) main : Program Never main = App.program { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- MODEL type alias NeededResource = { resourceName : String , neededQuantity : Float , period : Time -- variance of resource access by in need resource unity , variance : Float -- death probability for each needed resource -- that don't reach its consumption goal , deathProbability : Float } type alias NatResource = { name : String , quantity: Float , stdGrowBySecByUnit : (Float,Float) , neededResources : Set.Set NeededResource } year : Float year = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 humanity : NatResource humanity = { name = "humanity" , quantity = 7000000000 , stdGrowBySecByUnit = (3,30 * year) , neededResources = Set.empty } type alias Model = { resources : Dict.Dict String NatResource , t : Time , timeSpeed : Int , relTime : Time } init : (Model,Cmd Msg) init = (initModel, Cmd.none) initModel : Model initModel = { resources = initResources , relTime = 0 , t = 0 , timeSpeed = 1 } initResources : Dict.Dict String NatResource initResources = Dict.fromList ( (\h -> (,h)) [humanity]) -- UPDATE type Msg = Tick Time | Reset | ChangeTimeSpeed Int update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = let newmodel = case msg of ChangeTimeSpeed i -> { model | timeSpeed = max 0 i } Tick newTime -> let elapsedTimeInMs = (if model.t > 0 then (toFloat model.timeSpeed) * (newTime - model.t) else 0) in { model | resources = (updateResource model.resources elapsedTimeInMs) model.resources , t = newTime , relTime = (if model.t > 0 then model.relTime + (toFloat model.timeSpeed) * (newTime - model.t) else 0)} Reset -> fst init in (newmodel,Cmd.none) updateResource : Dict.Dict String NatResource -> Float -> String -> NatResource -> NatResource updateResource allResources elapsedTimeInMs resourceName natResource = let growRatio = (fst natResource.stdGrowBySecByUnit) / (snd natResource.stdGrowBySecByUnit) in { natResource | quantity = natResource.quantity + natResource.quantity * growRatio } -- SUBSCRIPTION subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Time.every millisecond Tick wdgStyle : Html.Attribute msg wdgStyle = style [ ("margin","1em auto") , ("font-family","Helvetica") , ("display","block") , ("padding", "1em") , ("font-size","16px") , ("color", "#555") , ("border","solid") , ("width", "20em") , ("text-align", "center")] oneDay : Int oneDay = 24 * oneHour oneHour : Int oneHour = 60 * oneMinute oneMinute : Int oneMinute = 60 * oneSecond oneSecond : Int oneSecond = 1000 addZero : Int -> String addZero i = if i < 10 then "0" else "" displayTime : Int -> String displayTime t = let days = t // oneDay hours = (t % oneDay) // oneHour minutes = (t % oneHour) // oneMinute seconds = (t % oneMinute) // oneSecond in toString days ++ " " ++ (addZero hours) ++ toString hours ++ ":" ++ (addZero minutes) ++ toString minutes ++ ":" ++ (addZero seconds) ++ toString seconds view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ wdgStyle ] ([ div [ style [("color","#888") , ("font-size","12px")]] [text ("dbs: " ++ (toString model.resources))] , div [ style [("color","#888") , ("font-size","12px")]] [text ("time: " ++ (displayTime <| truncate <| model.relTime))] , div [ style [("color","#888") , ("font-size","12px") , ("display","inline")]] [text "time speed: "] , button [ onClick (ChangeTimeSpeed 1) ] [text "x1"] , button [ onClick (ChangeTimeSpeed 60) ] [text "1min/s"] , button [ onClick (ChangeTimeSpeed 3600) ] [text "1h/s"] , button [ onClick (ChangeTimeSpeed (24*3600)) ] [text "1d/s"] , node "hr" [] [] , button [ onClick Reset ] [text "reset"]] ++ (Dict.toList model.resources |> snd |> viewResource)) viewResource : NatResource -> Html Msg viewResource resource = div [ style [ ("font-size","21px") , ("font-family","Menlo, monaco, monospace") , ("background","#EEE") , ("padding","1em") , ("margin","1em") , ("border","solid 1px #CCC") ]] [ Html.span [style [ ("font-weight","bold") , ("font-size",".8em") , ("margin-bottom","2ex")]] [text <| ( ++ ": "] , resource.quantity |> round |> toString |> text ]