Euler's Totient function, φ(n) [sometimes called the phi function], is used to determine the number of numbers less than n which are relatively prime to n. For example, as 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8, are all less than nine and relatively prime to nine, φ(9)=6. n Relatively Prime φ(n) n/φ(n) 2 1 1 2 3 1,2 2 1.5 4 1,3 2 2 5 1,2,3,4 4 1.25 6 1,5 2 3 7 1,2,3,4,5,6 6 1.1666... 8 1,3,5,7 4 2 9 1,2,4,5,7,8 6 1.5 10 1,3,7,9 4 2.5 It can be seen that n=6 produces a maximum n/φ(n) for n ≤ 10. Find the value of n ≤ 1,000,000 for which n/φ(n) is a maximum. --- Let's begin the code. First we import the function done for other problems > import Prime (relativePrime,primeFactors) > import Data.List (foldl',elemIndex,intersect,group) > import Data.Maybe We define the function phi > pf = map primeFactors [2..] A fast intersection which takes advantage of the fact we know both lists are growing. > fastinter _ [] = False > fastinter [] _ = False > fastinter (x:xs) (y:ys) > | x == y = True > | x < y = fastinter xs (y:ys) > | x > y = fastinter (x:xs) ys A relative prime function which should take advantage of memoized prime factors. > relprime p q = x `seq` y `seq` not $ fastinter x y > where > x = pf !! (p-2) > y = pf !! (q-2) The phi function. Helped by [wikipedia]('s_totient_function#Computing_Euler.27s_function). The secret is phi si multiplicative (phi(m.n)=phi(m).phi(n) if gcd(m,n)=1). > phi :: Int -> Int > phi n = let decomp = map head $ group $ primeFactors n > in foldl' (\acc p-> (acc `div` p) * (p-1)) n decomp We also define nphi which is just n/phi(n) > nphi :: Int -> Float > nphi n = (fromIntegral n) / fromIntegral (phi n) Then let's do the program: > main = do > print m > print $ i+k > where > k = 2 > nphilist = map nphi [k..1000000] > m = maximum nphilist > i = fromJust $ elemIndex m nphilist